  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Getting Started
  3. Importing Product Data

Importing Product Data


By the end of this tutorial, you will have successfully set up a fully functional fashion store, equipped with its own product catalog. We'll begin by establishing the foundational data needed for our store. To launch our fashion shop, we will create the following entities:

  1. Shop Entity: This is the core structure of your shop, representing your target market.
  2. Shop Country: This identifies the specific country you aim to serve with your shop's products.
  3. Product Attributes: These are characteristics like color and size, used for sorting and filtering.
  4. Master Categories: A hierarchical classification for organizing products within your shop, such as Male -> Clothing -> Shirts.
  5. Warehouse Details: This includes information such as product origin and stock levels.
  6. Product Essentials: Each product comes with:
    • A name
    • A state (draft or live)
    • Product-specific Attribute Groups, e.g., color for shirts, termed as the differentiating attribute values
  7. Product Variants: Distinct versions of a product, defined by:
    • Size, as the variant's differentiating attribute value.
    • Pricing.
    • Stock availability.
  8. Shop Categories: The framework for how products are presented in the shop, enabling users to find items by categories, based on Attribute Group like color. For example, Male -> Clothing -> Red Shirts, where we will group all products with our previous master category that have the color attribute value red.

You have a choice between importing some demo data using the SCAYLE Panel, or manually creating your own data using the Admin API.

Using demo data (Option 1) allows you to quickly test the setup by using the SCAYLE Panel.
To get a better understanding of how different SCAYLE entities relate to each other, use Admin API (Option 2).

Both approaches allow you to learn how to work with SCAYLE, the choice is simply a matter of preference.

Further education - SCAYLE Academy

Option 1: Use Demo Data

To use demo data, you'll need to import it via the SCAYLE Panel. You can find it by going to Settings > General > Configuration > Import Demo Data. You can import demo data for products, customers, and orders. To import orders, note that you must first import product and customer demo data.

To import demo data:

  1. Select a data type from Products, Orders, or Customers. Orders can only be selected if product and customer demo data has already been imported.
  2. From the drop-down list, choose a product type (such as Fashion, Home & Living, Food, Electronics, or Books).
  3. The orders section will be enabled. Select Orders.
  4. Click Import.

The Demo Data will create all entities needed for the complete shop setup. \

Once all Demo Data is imported in the SCAYLE Panel, a CSV file is generated. You'll need this later to add attribute values to your products.

Demo Data

Option 2: Use the Admin API

The Admin API is a REST API used to interact with customer and transaction data, as well as import products and stock. You'll use this API to set up and manage all of your shop data. In the following sections, we'll walk you through the basics of working with the Admin API.

For a more in-depth explanation of the Admin API and all its features, see our Developer Guide.

Test Connection

SCAYLE provides an SDK for testing your connection to the Admin API by using the SwaggerClient.

Install the client

Start by creating a file named src/001_validateConnection.js Then, install the client:

npm install swagger-client
const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function validateConnection() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: ADMIN_API_TOKEN,


As you see, we need a TENANT_SPACE and a ADMIN_API_TOKEN before we can proceed.

Let's create a small file .env to hold these credentials. If you prefer, you can also just copy and paste them every time you initialize the SwaggerClient.

Create a file .env


Get your tenant space

You can find your tenant space in the SCAYLE Panel.

For example, if your SCAYLE Panel URL is , then
acme-live is your tenant space.

To check if the Admin API is properly set up, visit https://${TENANT_SPACE}

You should see a OpenAPI configuration JSON.

To receive your ADMIN_API_TOKEN, log into the SCAYLE Panel and navigate to
Settings > General > API Keys.

Create a token and copy it to your .env file. It should look something like this:


Let's add dotenv to read our .env file and exchange TENANT_SPACE and ADMIN_API_TOKEN:

npm install dotenv
const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

// Making sure that you can connect to the Admin API
// Hint: It might be, that this call returns an empty list, as we didn't create any shops yet.
// We just care about the response code.
async function validateConnection() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,


It can take a while before you receive a response. Wait at least 10 minutes until proceeding with the rest of this tutorial.

With authentication complete, we can finally test our connection. We'll do this by calling the getShops endpoint.

The response might be an empty list. This is expected, as right now we only care about ensuring the connection works.

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

// Making sure that you can connect to the Admin API
// Hint: It might be, that this call returns an empty list, as we didn't create any shops yet.
// We just care about the response code.
async function validateConnection() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,

  try {
    const response = await client.apis.Shops.getShops();
    if (response.ok) {"Successfully connected to the Admin API.");
  } catch (e) {


Use breakpoints in line 20 and 23 to quickly check if the call was successful.

Errors / Troubleshooting

You will find the reason for any potential error responses in error.response.body.errors.

Every error will have an errorKey and a message that explains what happened.

For example, if you didn't wait long enough to receive the access key, you might receive the following error response:

{errorKey: 'INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN', message: 'Invalid or unknown access token is provided via the X-Access-Token header.', context: {}}

If this doesn't resolve after a maximum of 20 minutes, contact your SCAYLE Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Now that we've confirmed our connection to the Admin API, we can start working with our data. In the next section, we'll create a shop.

Add a Shop


Now the fun part starts. We want to add real data our project. First, we need to create a shop.

The shop structure consists of two levels:

  • Shop: These are differentiated by their purpose. For example, you might want to have a main e-commerce shop, and an outlet.
  • Shop Country: All shops are differentiated by their targeted country (not language). Amongst other things, they share a category tree that is defined on the Shop level.

Example shop setup

Let's start by setting up the addShopfunction and our SwaggerClient.

Create file src/002_addShop.js:

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function addShop() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,


Creating a shop

Your shop needs a name and a key that is unique across all shops that you create in your environment. This key must be two characters long.

We can add one or multiple countries, depending on how many markets you want to serve with this shop.

The countryCode should be one of these codes.

For possible defaultLanguageCode, refer to this list.

For possible currencyCode refer to this list.

const shop = {
  name: "My Shop",
  key: "ms", // 2 characters (!)
  countries: [
      countryCode: "de",
      defaultLanguageCode: "en_GB", // ch_CH,ch_FR
      currencyCode: "EUR", // USD,CAD
      url: "", 

Once created, shops can't be deleted.

For this tutorial, we'll create a shop for the German market. However, we'll set the default language for this shop to English.

With our data in place, we can call the Admin API to create the shop:

try {
    let response = await client.apis.Shops.createShop(
      { requestBody: shop }
    let createdShop = response.body;
    console.log("Created Shop", createdShop);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Returned errors", error.response.body.errors);

If the call is successful, you will receive the ShopID:

  id: 10002,
  key: "ms",
  name: "My Shop",
  logoUrl: null,
  active: true,
  deleted: false,
  priceGroupKey: null,
  shopCategoryTreeId: 1,
  companyId: 1000,


As with other calls, check error.response.body.errors to see the reason for any possible error responses.

For example, if the key you want to use already exists, you'll see the following:

    context: {key: 'ms'},
    errorKey: 'SHOP_KEY_ALREADY_USED',
    message: 'The provided shop key is already in use'

See the Admin API reference documentation for the full list of possible errors.

In the SCAYLE Panel

Navigate to Shops. You should now be able to see your newly created shop.

Full Code

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function addShop() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,
  const shop = {
    name: "The Kernel Kiosk 2",
    key: "k2", // Must be 2 chars long
    countries: [
        countryCode: "de", // en, gb, de, fr, es
        defaultLanguageCode: "en_GB", // en_GB, en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, es_ES
        currencyCode: "EUR", // USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF
        url: "",
  try {
    let response = await client.apis.Shops.createShop(
      { requestBody: shop }
    let createdShop = response.body;
    console.log("Created Shop", createdShop);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Errors", error.response.body.errors);


Create Attribute Groups

With our shop created, we now need to add Attribute Groups to categorize our products. An Attribute Group is a collection of different attribute values. This information is used to define a product and its characteristics. All the information a customer may need to know about a product should be stored in an Attribute Group. For example, for a product with the attribute values of red and green, you would want to collect them in an Attribute Group called color.

Before we can proceed, we need to take a look how products are structured in SCAYLE.

A product can have 3 different layers:

Product hierarchy

The first layer is the master layer, which contains generic information about a particular product, such as name and brand.

The second layer holds a differentiating Attribute Group about the product, such as color.

In the last layer, we store information about our product's size, price and stock. In SCAYLE, we refer to these as variants.

For example, if we want to sell shirts in our shop, we can categorize these shirts by brand, model, and color. These shirts can also have different sizes, with each size available in different quantities in a warehouse, and offered at different prices.

In our shop's product model, the master layer would be our shirts' brand and model. The product layer would be our shirts' color, and the variant layer would be our shirts' sizes and prices. If we want to stock red and green men's shirts in sizes S, M and L, we would then want to create Attribute Groups for color and size.

Confused? Our Onboarding guide offers a more in-depth explanation of these topics.

Now that we've decided on a set of Attribute Groups that we need in our shop (color and size), we need to create them with the Admin API. We will add the corresponding attribute values (red, green, S, M, and L) later on, when we create our products. (We'll skip adding the brand and model attribute groups, to avoid overwhelming you with information. You can add these on your own later, following the same process as outlined in this tutorial.)

As before, let's quickly setup our base setup at src/003_createAttributeGroups.js:

Base Setup

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function createAttributeGroups() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,
  // Implement

Define Attribute Groups

Let's first define the Attribute Groups we want to add to our system.

nameName used internally. This won't be displayed to the customer.
frontendNameName that will displayed to the customer. You will need to provide translations.

Single select attribute. A product can only have one value for this attribute at a time.
You can also have multi-select and non-translated attributes.

isSharedWill this attribute be used by other shops in your instance? Set to true or false.
levelCan either be on the master, product or variant level.
isDifferentiatingThis attribute differentiates between different variants. No two variants can have the same value for this attribute. Set to true or false.
const attributes = [
    name: "color",
    frontendName: {
      de_DE: "Farbe",
      en_GB: "Color",
    type: "localizedString",
    isShared: true,
    level: "product", // every product below the master has a unique color
    isDifferentiating: true,
    name: "size",
    frontendName: {
      de_DE: "Groesse",
      en_GB: "Size",
    type: "localizedString",
    isShared: true,
    level: "variant", // Every variant below the product has a unique size
    isDifferentiating: true, 

With our two Attribute Groups defined, let's call the Admin API to add them to our system.

Calling the API

for (const attribute of attributes) {
  try {
    const response = await client.apis.AttributeGroups.createAttributeGroup(
      { requestBody: attribute }
    const createdAttributeGroup = response.body;
  } catch (error) {
      "Unable to create attribute group",

Common Errors

NAME_IS_NOT_UNIQUEAttribute Group with name already exists
NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_LEVELOnly shared Attribute Group are supported for the given level
MISSING_BASE_LOCALEThe base locale must be provided
ONLY_SUPPORTED_FOR_ADVANCED_TYPESStructure is only supported for advanced types

Deleting Attribute Groups

You can always delete Attribute Groups, as long as you haven't added them to any products:

for (const attribute of attributes) {
    await client.apis.AttributeGroups.deleteAttributeGroup({

Full Code

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function createAttributeGroups() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,

  const attributes = [
      name: "size",
      frontendName: {
        de_DE: "Groesse",
        en_GB: "Size",
      type: "localizedString", // single select attribute. A product can only have one value for this attribute at a time.
      isShared: true, // This attribute is shared between all Shops in your instance
      level: "variant", // Where this attribute is used. Can be master, product or variant
      isDifferentiating: true, // This attribute is used to differentiate between different variants. No two variants can have the same value for this attribute.
      name: "color",
      frontendName: {
        de_DE: "Farbe",
        en_GB: "Color",
      type: "localizedString",
      isShared: true,
      level: "product",
      isDifferentiating: true,

  for (const attribute of attributes) {
    try {
      const response = await client.apis.AttributeGroups.createAttributeGroup(
        { requestBody: attribute }
      const createdAttributeGroup = response.body;
    } catch (error) {
        "Unable to create attribute group",

In the SCAYLE Panel

Navigate to Settings > Attributes. You should now see the Attribute Groups you've created in your shop:

Add Master Categories

Master categories are used to categorize different product types (such as "Men's shirts" or "Cotton shirts").

Master categories are different from shop categories, which are used to group products for customers of your shop. For example, you might have a "New" category, which groups a lot of different product types (shirts, trousers, hats) into one category.

As we want to import men's shirts first, let's create the master categories we need:

Base Setup

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function createMasterCategories() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,


Define the categories

To create a master category, only a path is required. Master categories need to be created one by one, and the parent category must already exist.

Notice that you can define Attribute Groups that are mandatory for a category. Non-parent master categories will then inherit this configuration, and won't require defining.

We need to ensure that all products of the type clothing have a color. Otherwise, you won't be able to add this master category to a product.

pathAn array of identifiers that are used for internal identification. This will never be exposed to customers.
attributesAttribute Groups that are attached to this master category.
const masterCategories = [
    path: ["Men"],
    path: ["Men", "Clothing"],
    attributes: [
        name: "color",
        type: "simple",
        isMandatory: true,
    path: ["Men", "Clothing", "Shirts"], 

Call Admin API

for (const masterCategory of masterCategories) {
  try {
    const response = await client.apis.MasterCategories.createMasterCategory(
      { requestBody: masterCategory }
    const createdMasterCategory = response.body;
  } catch (error) {
      "Unable to create master category",

Common Errors

MASTER_CATEGORY_DUPLICATE_DETECTEDA master category with the same path already exists
MASTER_CATEGORY_PARENT_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe parent master category does not exist for provided path
ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_NOT_EXISTINGAttribute Group does not exist

In the SCAYLE Panel

Navigate to Settings > Categories. You should see your master category tree in your shop:

Full Code

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function createMasterCategories() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,

  const masterCategories = [
      path: ["Men"],
      path: ["Men", "Clothing"],
      attributes: [
          name: "color",
          type: "simple",
          isMandatory: true,
      path: ["Men", "Clothing", "Shirts"], // We don't need to define mandatory attributes here, as this has been covered by the Clothing Category

  for (const masterCategory of masterCategories) {
    try {
      const response = await client.apis.MasterCategories.createMasterCategory(
        { requestBody: masterCategory }
      const createdMasterCategory = response.body;
    } catch (error) {
        "Unable to create master category",


Add a warehouse

We've created our shop, and we've defined our products. There's just one step left before we can finally import our products into the shop.

When you sell physical products, these products need to be stored somewhere. In SCAYLE, we define these locations as warehouses (you might also have virtual warehouses that present stock from your stores, but that's a use case that is outside the scope of this tutorial).

For example, our shop might store our red men's shirt in size M in multiple warehouses. We can define which warehouse should have priority on the country level.


Here's a scenario for our shop. We have two warehouses for our DE shop, one in DE and one in NL. We'll set a higher priority for the DE warehouse, because shipping from this location for DE customers should result in a quicker delivery time for the customer.

Both warehouses have the red men's shirt in stock.

WarehouseLocationShirt StockPriority

Now when a customer orders the shirt in our online shop, we will ship it from Warehouse A, the one located in DE. The customer will also see an accurate delivery estimation based on a config we set for that warehouse.

But what if the scenario is slightly different? What if there's no stock in Warehouse A?

WarehouseLocationShirt StockPriority

In this case, we will ship from the NL warehouse, because there is no stock in the warehouse with the highest priority. The customer will also see a different delivery estimate.

In the code, you will see a merchant attached to a warehouse. This is important for marketplace shops, which might have stock from different merchants in their warehouse. Similar to the warehouse priority, we can also set a priority for different merchants, as it might make sense to sell stock from particular merchants first.

Basic Setup

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function createAndAttachWarehouse() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,

createAndAttachWarehouse();// Some code

Create the Warehouse

Let's first take steps to create the warehouse. It only takes a referenceKey for internal identification:

  const newWarehouse = {
    referenceKey: "WarehouseDE",

  let createdWarehouse = null; // we need to store the created warehouse to attach the merchant to it
  try {
    const response = await client.apis.Warehouses.createWarehouse(
      { requestBody: newWarehouse }
    createdWarehouse = response.body;
  } catch (error) {
      "Unable to create shop country warehouse",
    process.exit(1); // Make sure to stop the script

Common Errors

WAREHOUSE_ALREADY_EXISTWarehouse with given referenceKey already exists

Attach the Warehouse to a Merchant

Now we need to attach the newly created warehouse to the default merchant. (You don't need to care about the behavior of merchants right now.)

Let's assume for now that our company procures all products from one merchant.

try {
  const response = await client.apis.Warehouses.attachMerchantWarehouse({
    merchantIdentifier: 1, // default warehouse that is created with the instance
  console.log("Attached Merchant to Warehouse", response.body);
} catch (error) {
    "Unable to attach merchant to warehouse",
  process.exit(1); // Make sure to stop the script

Common Errors

WAREHOUSE_NOT_FOUNDMake sure the Warehouse was successfully created in the step before
MERCHANT_NOT_FOUNDMerchant not found

Attach our Warehouse to the Shop Country

We need to attach the Warehouse to a ShopCountry, and set the priority that we mentioned at the start of this chapter.

try {
  const newShopCountryWarehouse = {
    referenceKey: "WarehouseDE",
    priority: 100,

  const response = await client.apis.Warehouses.createShopCountryWarehouse(
      shopKey: "ms",
      countryCode: "de",
      requestBody: newShopCountryWarehouse,

  const createdShopCountryWarehouse = response.body;
  console.log("Created Shop Country Warehouse", createdShopCountryWarehouse);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Unable to create warehouse", error.response.body.errors);

Common Errors

WAREHOUSE_NOT_FOUNDMake sure the Warehouse was successfully created in the step before
SHOP_COUNTRY_NOT_FOUNDShop country not found
SHOP_WAREHOUSE_ALREADY_EXISTSThe provided warehouseReferenceKey already exists for given shop

Full Code

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function createAndAttachWarehouse() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,

  const newWarehouse = {
    referenceKey: "Warehouse11",

  let createdWarehouse = null;
  try {
    const response = await client.apis.Warehouses.createWarehouse(
      { requestBody: newWarehouse }
    createdWarehouse = response.body;
  } catch (error) {
      "Unable to create shop country warehouse",

  try {
    const response = await client.apis.Warehouses.attachMerchantWarehouse({
      merchantIdentifier: 1, // default warehouse that is created with the instance
    console.log("Attached Merchant to Warehouse", response.body);
  } catch (error) {
      "Unable to attach merchant to warehouse",

  try {
    const newShopCountryWarehouse = {
      referenceKey: "Warehouse11",
      priority: 100,

    const response = await client.apis.Warehouses.createShopCountryWarehouse(
        shopKey: "k2",
        countryCode: "de",
        requestBody: newShopCountryWarehouse,

    const createdShopCountryWarehouse = response.body;
    console.log("Created Shop Country Warehouse", createdShopCountryWarehouse);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Unable to create warehouse", error.response.body.errors);


In the SCAYLE Panel

Navigate to Settings > Merchant Management > Default > Warehouses. You should see the warehouse you just created:

Import Products

With all the groundwork complete, we're ready to import our products into our shop.

To make this easier, this tutorial provides demo data and simplifies the import process for the sake of brevity.

We recommend that you do a deep dive into product data management later in our Onboarding guide.

We will use this CSV as a starting point. The CSV contains the following fields. Note that you would normally have different data sources, or would first create a basic product, and then add stock and price information later.

We'll skip these steps to get you up to speed as fast as possible.

Get the CSV


THS1234,Tom Tailor Shirt,live,"Men,Clothing,Shirts",blue,"S,M,L","",3990,19.0,EUR,de,10,WarehouseDE,true
THS1235,Levis T-Shirt,live,"Men,Clothing,Shirts",gray,"M,XL","",3990,19.0,EUR,de,100,WarehouseDE,false
THS1236,Tom Tailor Shirt,live,"Men,Clothing,Shirts",blue,"S,M,XL","",3990,19.0,EUR,de,20,WarehouseDE,false
THS1237,Tom Tailor Shirt,live,"Men,Clothing,Shirts",gray,S,"",3990,19.0,EUR,de,5,WarehouseDE,true

and save it in your project under ./data/products.csv.


The CSV contains basic data to create a product.

Product Information
referenceKeyA unique key that we will use to identify the product. Usually this is set by your PIM
namewell... e.g. Tommy Hilfiger Shirt
stateIn our case, all products are live. You can also define a product to be a "draft" so it doesn't go live straight away
categoriesA list of master categories. In our case all belong to the Male -> Clothing -> Shirts category we defined earlier
colorThe value of the color attribute for this product
sizeA list of sizes for this product.
imageSourceAn image of the product. Notice the file endings (".png"), these are used by the Admin API to determine the file type
sustainableIs this product sustainable? We will need this information later
Price & Size & Stock information⚠️ Ordinarily you wouldn't define these once per product. You would define them per Variant. The Price, Quantity and Warehouse can of course differ by size (a.k.a variant)
sizeList of sizes for this product.
pricePrice in decimals
quantityQuantity of your stock
warehouseThe warehouse where the stock lies

Base Setup

We start with the same base setup as before. Initialize the SDK Client:

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function importProducts() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,


Adding dependencies

As we want to read a CSV file, let's install a package to help us do that.

We'll use papaparse, because it translates every line of the CSV into an easy to access object.

In the project directory execute:

pnpm install papaparse

and add:

const Papa = require("papaparse");
const fs = require("fs");

Reading the CSV

Next we will adjust our importProducts function to read our products.csv.

We first read the file and pass it to papaparse to receive a list of objects. These objects will have the header of our CSV as fields, for example:

{referenceKey: "THS1234", name: "Hilfiger Shirt", ...}

Notice that we call a function with the result, and pass our adminAPI client as well. We'll implement this function next.

fs.readFile("./data/products.csv", "utf8", function (err, data) {
  if (err) {
    console.error("Error reading the CSV file:", err);

  Papa.parse(data, {
    // Makes sure that we get the data as an array of objects
    // in the format {referenceKey: "THS1234", name: "Hilfiger Shirt", ...}
    header: true,
    complete: function (results) {
      for (const product of {
        createProduct(client, product);
    error: function (error) {
      console.log("Unable to parse products.csv", error);

Create the Product

Let's implement the createProduct function:

async function createProduct(client, data) {
    /// Implement...

This function converts the CSV data structure into the AdminAPI data structure.

const newProduct = {
  referenceKey: data.referenceKey,
  name: {
    en_GB:, // We assume here that the name will work for all languages
  state: data.state, // live or draft
  master: {
    referenceKey: `${data.referenceKey}-master`, // Usually we would receive a master key and not set it like this
    categories: {
      paths: [data.categories.split(",")], // These categories need to be defined beforehand
  attributes: [
      name: "color", // This attribute group needs to be present
      type: "localizedString",
      value: {
        de_DE: data.color, // these attribute values will automatically be created
        en_GB: data.color,
  images: data.imageSource.split(",").map((imageSource) => {
    return {
      source: {
        url: imageSource.trim(), // Make sure that the URL contains the filetype ({filename}.png/jpg)
  // Usually you would set prices and stock at a later point. They also might differ between 
  // variants and not on product level like in the CSV.
  variants: data.size.split(",").map((size) => {
    return {
      referenceKey: `${data.referenceKey}-${size}`,
      attributes: [
          name: "size",
          type: "localizedString",
          value: {
            de_DE: size,
            en_GB: size,
      prices: [
          price: parseInt(data.price), // Make sure to pass decimals like 3900 (39.00 EUR)
          tax: parseInt(,
          currencyCode: data.currencyCode,
          countryCode: data.countryCode,
      stocks: [
          quantity: parseInt(data.quantity),
          warehouseReferenceKey: data.warehouse,
          changedAt: "2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00",
          merchantReferenceKey: "default",

Use the Admin SDK to create the product

Finally, we pass our converted product to the Admin SDK:

try {
  let response = await client.apis.Products.createProduct(
    { requestBody: newProduct }
  let createdProduct = response.body;
  console.log("Created Product:", createdProduct);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Unable to create product", error.response.body.errors);

Common Errors

PRODUCT_ALREADY_EXISTSProduct already exists
REQUEST_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILEDThe request does not match the necessary schema
INVALID_LOCALEThe provided locale does not exist

Delete products

If you want to delete products, you can do that by creating a function similar to createProduct, like so:

async function deleteProduct(client, data) {
  try {
    let response = await client.apis.Products.deleteProduct({ 
      productIdentifier: `key=${data.referenceKey}`, // notice the key={}, alternatively you can use the productIds
    });`Deleted product with reference key ${referenceKey}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Unable to delete product", error.response.body.errors);

In the SCAYLE Panel

Navigate to Shops > My Shop > Products and select Germany (en_GB)

Selecting a product opens the product detail view:

Full Code

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

const Papa = require("papaparse");
const fs = require("fs");

// Create a product according to the documentation found here:
// Learn more about the product structure here:
async function createProduct(client, data) {
  const newProduct = {
    referenceKey: data.referenceKey,
    name: {
      de_DE:, // We assume here that the name will work for all languages
    state: data.state, // live or draft
    master: {
      referenceKey: `${data.referenceKey}-master`, // Usually we would receive a master key and not set it like this
      categories: {
        paths: [data.categories.split(",")], // These categories need to be defined beforehand
    attributes: [
        name: "color", // This attribute group needs to be present
        type: "localizedString",
        value: {
          de_DE: data.color, // these attribute values will automatically be created if they don't exist
          en_GB: data.color,
    images: data.imageSource.split(",").map((imageSource) => {
      return {
        source: {
          url: imageSource.trim(), // Make sure that the URL contains the filetype ({filename}.png/jpg)
    // Usually you would set prices and stock at a later point. They also might differ between
    // variants and not on product level like in the CSV.
    variants: data.size.split(",").map((size) => {
      return {
        referenceKey: `${data.referenceKey}-${size}`,
        attributes: [
            name: "size",
            type: "localizedString",
            value: {
              de_DE: size,
              en_GB: size,
        prices: [
            price: parseInt(data.price), // Make sure to pass decimals like 3900 (39,00 EUR)
            tax: parseInt(,
            currencyCode: data.currencyCode,
            countryCode: data.countryCode,
        stocks: [
            quantity: parseInt(data.quantity),
            warehouseReferenceKey: data.warehouse,
            changedAt: "2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00",
            merchantReferenceKey: "default",

  try {
    let response = await client.apis.Products.createProduct(
      { requestBody: newProduct }
    let createdProduct = response.body;
    console.log("Created Product:", createdProduct);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Unable to create product", error.response.body.errors);

// Import products from our products.csv file
// The CSV is simplified. In a production import you would probably have a different way of importing the data from your system.
// This is a general demonstration on how to use the Admin API to create products in SCAYLE.
async function importProducts() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,
  fs.readFile("./data/products.csv", "utf8", function (err, data) {
    if (err) {
      console.error("Error reading the CSV file:", err);

    Papa.parse(data, {
      // Makes sure that we get the data as an array of objects
      // in the format {referenceKey: "THS1234", name: "Hilfiger Shirt", ...}
      header: true,
      complete: function (results) {
        for (const product of {
          createProduct(client, product);
      error: function (error) {
        console.log("Unable to parse products.csv", error);


Create Shop Categories

In order for us to see the products in our shop, we need to complete one last step, and that is creating shop categories.

For now, we will map these one-to-one to our master categories, as we also want to have a shirts category. So our master category (Men -> Clothing -> Shirts) will map to the same shop categories.

It's easy to imagine that we'd want different combinations though. So, we'll create a New category that will contain all products in our shop, regardless of type. We'll also create a Cotton Shirt category that will contain all shirts that also have the Material -> Cotton attribute.

Base Setup

Initialize the client:

const SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client");

async function createShopCategories() {
  const client = await new SwaggerClient({
    url: `https://${process.env.TENANT_SPACE}`,
    authorizations: {
      accessToken: {
        value: process.env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN,

Category Configuration

parentIdID of the parent category. In our example, the clothing category will have the parentID of the Male category
nameTranslated name of the category. You can define as many languageKeys as you've defined Shop Languages

This is used to sort categories in the category tree. If we would like to create a Men->Clothing->Trousers category, we would set the leftSiblingId to the id of the Shirts category so that the Trousers category appears AFTER the SHirts category.

You can also do this more conveniently in the SCAYLE Panel.

isActiveIf a category is active, you can pass this category id to the storefrontAPI to filter products. This will be explored later in the guide
isVisibleShould this category be visible to the user? This is helpful, if you have a special newsletter or campaign where you can only access a category by a direct link

Here you can define which products should be part of the category.
You can define any combination of attributeGroups and attributes.

In our example, we use the master category. You could also use the color or even brands.
You can find more information HERE

const categories = [
    parentId: null,
    name: {
      de_DE: "Male",
      en_GB: "Male",
    isActive: true,
    isVisible: true,
    productSets: [
        attributes: [
            name: "category",
            include: ["Men"], // Should contain all products that have the master category "Men"
    parentId: null, // Will be set later to the id of the "Male" category
    name: {
      de_DE: "Clothing",
      en_GB: "Clothing",
    productSets: [
        attributes: [
            name: "category",
            include: ["Men|Clothing"], // Should contain all products that have the master category "Clothing"
    isActive: true,
    isVisible: true,
    parentId: null,  // Will be set later to the id of the "Clothing" category
    name: {
      de_DE: "Shirts",
      en_GB: "Shirts",
    productSets: [
        attributes: [
            name: "category",
            include: ["Men|Clothing|Shirts"], // Should contain all products that have the master category "Shirts"
    isActive: true,
    isVisible: true,

Call the Admin API

let parentID = null;
for (let category of categories) {
  category.parentId = parentID;

  try {
    const response = await client.apis.ShopCategories.createShopCategory(
      { shopKey: "ms" },
      { requestBody: category }
    const createdShopCategory = response.body;
    parentID =; // We get the parentId from the last created category"Created Category", createdShopCategory);
  } catch (error) {
      "Unable to create shop category",

In the SCAYLE Panel

Navigate to Shops > My Shop > Products > Categories.

Next Steps

With data added to your shop, it's time to learn how to set up our Storefront.