

Keep up with SCAYLE’s latest product news and releases.

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Version 2.1.44


Released on: Oct 24, 2024



  • We implemented the option to subscribe to our General’s Dashboard. The user can choose to get a daily, weekly and/ or monthly report of the Revenue, the Orders, the new Customers, the average Order Value, the sales Deduction, the Payment Methods and the Revenue by Country for a chosen shop or shop country.
  • A new statistic feature on the Promotion Detail Page will be available, designed to provide key insights and metrics about each promotion.

Admin API

  • We added new properties to the merchants’ endpoints so that you can view and configure URIs for order delegation (orderDelegationUrl) and cancellation requests (cancellationUrl) via Admin API.
    The affected endpoints are:
    • GET /merchants
    • POST /merchants
    • PUT /merchants/{merchantIdentifier}
    • GET /merchants/{merchantIdentifier}
  • We also added a new Webhook event to the Admin API: order-corrective-invoiced.
    This event allows you to get notified when a corrective invoice is generated after an order or part of it has been returned.

Storefront Core

  • Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront API

  • Minor performance enhancements.


  • Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.43

Released on: Oct 10, 2024



  • The latest update introduces the ability to apply Attribute Group Sorting within the Settings > Product Structure > Entity Overview section. This feature allows users to control the position of Attribute Groups on the Product Detail Page (PDP) by assigning sorting numbers, with lower values (starting from 0) representing higher priority. Sorting numbers are not required to be unique. To make use of the sorting feature, users must have the new permission attribute_group__entity_overview__edit. This permission allows them to modify the sorting of Attribute Groups on the PDP.
  • We have reworked the Reports section under Shops > Reports > Custom Reports, introducing several new features and improvements:
    • Reports are now categorized using tags, which can be assigned to each report. The default tags available include System Reports, Products, Brands, Shops, Orders, Promotions, Users, Storefront, Users, and Configuration.
    • On the Report Edit Page, users can assign reports to these tags or create new tags as needed. Users with permission to edit reports can assign them to tags and create new tags as needed.
    • On the Report Detail Page, we've added an assistance feature that allows users to easily utilize autocomplete functions, dates, and text within queries. By using buttons above the query field, users can quickly select autocomplete functions or insert text and dates into their queries.
    • We've also automated the detection of customizable reports so users no longer need to configure these settings manually.
  • We also reworked our importer to create navigations. It now also supports creating identical navigation items under different trees. The user is asked to specify the entire path at the end of which a new navigation item should be created.
  • Additionally to indicating the up- or downtime of a shop in a Live environment we are now also providing information about the root cause for the downtime when hovering over the storefront uptime status “down” on shop country-level or on the shop country health analytics page if shop was down in the past

Admin API

  • Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront Core

New Product Detail Page

In this release, we’ve simplified the code and introduced several key improvements to the Product Detail Page to enhance the overall user experience:

  • Updated Image Grid: The revamped image grid provides a quick and comprehensive view of all product images, making it easier to browse and engage with the product visually.
  • Cleaner Promotion Logic: We’ve streamlined the promotion logic, ensuring that discounted prices and promotions are displayed clearly and consistently, while making it easier for developers to customize and manage promotions.
  • Improved Product Information Section: The product information layout has been optimized, making important details easier to find and customize according to specific requirements.
  • Streamlined Add-to-Basket Flow: To reduce friction, the size selector now automatically opens if no size is selected, simplifying the path to checkout.

These updates are designed to deliver a smoother user experience while maintaining a clean and flexible codebase that can easily be tailored to your specific needs. For further details, including the main components and customization opportunities, please refer to our Storefront Guide.

Storefront API

Smart Sorting Keys now Take Campaign Prices into Account

  • Smart Sorting now supports providing both, a custom sortingKey and a campaignKey in your request.
  • Smart Sorting Keys that are influenced by prices will then take the corresponding campaign prices as a base for the sorting


  • Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.42

Released on: Sep 26, 2024



  • You can now configure when products automatically should be visualized as on sale using Sale Calculations. You find these configuration options under Settings > General > Configuration > Sale Calculations.
  • We implemented the option to remove products from a mission. It does not require a permission to remove a product from a mission. When a product is removed, nothing is adjusted on the product itself. In the user actions report a removed product is listed with the action checked.

Admin API

  • We implemented a new endpoint to allow the creation of subscription orders. The endpoint is:
    POST /shops/{shopKey}/countries/{countryCode}/orders/subscription-orders

Storefront Core

  • Introducing Country Detection: The Storefront now includes basic functionality to detect a user's country without relying on 3rd-party services. If a user visits a shop from a different country than the one detected, a shop/country switcher modal will appear, offering the option to switch to the appropriate local or global shop or stay on the current one. You can find more information about this feature and its customization options in our Storefront Developer Guide.
  • Playwright as new End-to-End testing solution: We have fully transitioned from Cypress to Playwright as our End-to-End testing solution, enhancing overall test coverage in the process. Additionally, we’ve integrated Lighthouse performance testing to further improve application quality.
  • PLP Performance Improvements: We’ve started further refining the performance of the new Storefront PLP. This includes resolving existing hydration issues, resulting in unnecessary partial re-rendering, optimizing the wishlist icon toggling for a more responsive user experience, as well as improving the responsiveness when switching between categories.
  • CMS Integration Stability Improvements: We’ve updated the CMS integration of Storefront, enhancing both Storyblok and Contentful to improve overall reliability and stability. These updates include removing unsupported legacy CMS components, optimizing content fetching behavior for certain page types, fixing multiple type-related issues, and consolidating CMS credential handling along with redundant plugin initialization.
  • Improved Data Handling in RPC Composables: We've enhanced the way data types are processed within certain system components, particularly in RPC composables using transform, default, or pick functions. This results in improved code reliability and clarity. However, these changes may require manual updates in your code to align with the new changes.

See @scayle/storefront-nuxt Changelogs.

Storefront API

/v1/baskets now supports Promotion Codes

  • The new field promotionCode can be included on the item level to apply or remove promotion codes when adding, updating, or removing items from a basket through v1/baskets endpoint.
  • Find more information on how the feature works in our Developer Guide and API Specifications.



Carrier Selection Flow Enhancements

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Google Address Autofill: Autofill for Google addresses no longer triggers when entering a house number, as it should only trigger for street addresses.

Version 2.1.41

Released on: Sep 12, 2024



  • Introducing the Webhook Dashboard for managing, monitoring, and analyzing webhooks. The dashboard is designed to provide you the possibility to track webhook performance, troubleshoot issues, and ensure seamless integration with various services.
  • We’ve added another advanced analytics feature: The new Search Dashboard. It provide users with deeper insights and support streamlining the management and analysis of search data to get more control over search operations, and a more intuitive interface.
  • We implemented a new System Report and an export functionality on the User list to export User Data like assigned roles, companies, allowed shops, merchants and the user status. The functionality is tied to a new permission user__export.
  • A new System Report and an export functionality to export data related to pages is now accessible in the SCAYLE Panel. Every user with the permissions shop_pages_show AND shop_pages_list can use this functionality.

Admin API

  • We added two new webhook events to the Admin API that will help you track the status of orders in progress: payment-capture and payment-refund

Storefront Core

  • Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront API

  • Minor performance enhancements.


  • Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.40

Released on: Aug 29, 2024



Minor performance enhancements.

Admin API

Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront Core

Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront API

Introduction of Smart Sorting Keys

  • We introduced a new set of predefined Sorting Keys called the 'Smart Sorting Keys'
  • Smart Sorting Keys allow you to sort the products returned by the /v1/products endpoint according to your priorities with sorting keys tailored to specific goals.
  • On top of the Standard Sorting options provided by SCAYLE, the Smart Sorting Keys offer a more advanced, purpose-driven sorting that combines and prioritizes multiple attributes, helping you tailor the product order to specific goals like optimizing clearance or stock turnover.
  • Find out which Smart Sorting Keys exist and how to use them in the Developer Guide.


Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.39

Released on: Aug 15, 2024



  • We implemented a new import under Products called “sellable without stock”. Using this import you can configure product variants to be sellable without stock. To access and use the import the permission IMPORT__SPECIFIC__SELLABLE_WITHOUT_STOCK is required.
  • We are excited to announce the release of our new Promotion Insights Dashboard! This powerful tool is designed to help you gain deeper insights into your promotional activities, enabling data-driven decisions and optimizing your marketing strategies.

Admin API

Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront Core

New Product Listing Page

This release not only introduces a fresh look and feel of the Product Listing Page but also brings enhanced functionalities to improve the user experience:

  • Advanced filtering: Improved filters to help users easily find the products they are looking for by dynamically updating filters and displaying only relevant filter options.
  • Intuitive category navigation: Navigate seamlessly between nested and root categories.
  • Enhanced badges: Badges highlight features, novelty, or other product attributes. This includes the "New In" badge for newly added products, custom badges for specific attributes (e.g., sustainability), and the "Already in Basket" badge to help users avoid duplicate selections.

Moreover, the new page is built with a simple and easily customizable codebase, ensuring that it can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

To learn more about the main components, data fetching and filtering logic, and customization opportunities, please refer to our Storefront Guide.

Multiple paths per shop

We now have the ability to configure multiple URL paths for single shops (per shopId), where before could only handle one URL path per single shop.
As example, this allows the same shop to be reachable under multiple different paths like,,

This reduces the need for excessive configurations, while simultaneously enhancing performance.

Dedicated NPM package for OpenTelemetry integration

A while back we introduced support for OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry is an open-source standard for instrumenting your applications, providing valuable insights into performance and behavior. It allows you to collect, process, and export telemetry data like metrics, logs, and traces to various backend platforms, enabling better monitoring and troubleshooting.

As part of our commitment to contributing more to the open-source community, we've published the previous integration as a dedicated NPM package, making it widely accessible and improving its capabilities.

Storefront API

Minor performance enhancements.


Item Group / Bundle Improvements

  • Quantity Display: Now shows the quantity of subitems within an item group (bundle).
  • Price Information: Displays price details for items within a bundle when two or more of the same items are added.
  • Free Item Display Options: You can now choose to display either a string (e.g., "free") or a currency (e.g., "0,00 €") for items within a bundle that are free. Find out how to here.

Special Component

  • US Market Adaptation: Enhanced the specialComponent to better cater to US market needs. When activated for US stores, the specialComponent will:
    • Prompt users to enter their state first.
    • Deactivate house number and address fields until the user enters their state and ZIP code.
    • Match the entered ZIP code to the state's list of ZIP codes to reduce errors.

    More details on activating the Address for specialComponent can be found here.

Version 2.1.38

Released on: Aug 01, 2024



  • Minor performance enhancements.

Admin API

  • We implemented a new endpoint that allows you to set if a particular variant is sellable without stock directly.

    The endpoint is PUT /variants/{variantIdentifier}/stocks/sellableWithoutStock .

Storefront Core

  • Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront API

  • Minor performance enhancements.



"Prefer not to say" (not specified) gender option

  • A new "Prefer not to say" (not specified) gender option has been added to the Address dropdown, registration, and guest registration forms.
  • This option is configurable via JSON, allowing administrators to enable or disable it as needed. By default, it is set to off (not visible) in the JSON configurations. Learn how to set it up here.
  • The "Prefer not to say" option is also available for use in transactional emails.

Enhanced Form Submission:

  • All input fields with a button inside, now support form submission using the Enter key for a more streamlined user experience.

Third-Party Tool Integration:

Bug fixes:

  • Address Book Modal:
    • Resolved an issue where the background of the Address Book modal became transparent when scrolling.
  • Computop Payment Integration:
    • Fixed a bug that required users to re-enter card details for saved cards from "Your Wallet" during the payment process.

Version 2.1.36

Released on: Jul 04, 2024



Price Rounding

We've introduced the Price Rounding feature. This gives users the possibility to set a rule on how prices should be rounded up or down if an item is a part of any campaign or sale.

For more information, see our User Guide.

New Analytics Page

Under Shops > Analytics > Shop Health customers can now find the Shop Health analytics page. This page provides Storefront uptime information for each shop country on a global level. It also shows on a country level a log of uptime details throughout the past 30 days. Users will need the shop_analytics_shop-health__show permission in order to access this page.

For more information, see our User Guide.

Admin API

Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront Core

Live Preview Support for Storyblok and Contentful

We have integrated proper live preview support for both Storyblok and Contentful. This changes means users can now edit CMS content elements within their respective CMS provider web interfaces and see the changes immediately in the context of the Storefront application.

Explicit Imports for Vue Components

To better align with the JavaScript and TypeScript developer ecosystem, Storefront Boilerplate is gradually moving away from relying on the Nuxt "auto import" feature. Starting with the upcoming v1.2 release, we will disable the imports.autoImport option in nuxt.config.ts.

As a first step, we have added explicit imports to all Vue components. Note that defineProps, defineEmits, and withDefaults are Vue compiler macros and do not need to be imported explicitly; doing so will trigger a compiler warning.

For more details on our latest release, see the Changelogs section in our Storefront.

Storefront API

Minor performance enhancements.


Delivery Carrier Contact Consent

We have introduced a new feature that allows users to provide consent for being contacted by delivery carriers through a dynamic field on the front-end.

Note that the consent is not persistent. Users will need to accept this consent each time they re-enter the shop. To learn how to configure this feature, see our Developer Guide.

New default for Hong Kong

We've introduced default configurations for Hong Kong. Previously, the lack of a default for this market resulted in an endless loading of the Checkout front-end. With this update, users in Hong Kong will experience a seamless and efficient setup process.

Version 2.1.35

Released on: Jun 19, 2024



Shop Country Navigation

A new system report (Shop Country Navigation) is now available. It provides navigation information at the shop country level. Navigation trees from both specific or all shop countries can be exported. This report is also available at the navigation item level of shop countries via the new Export button. For more information about this feature, see the User Guide.

Dashboard Updates

  • We added two new KPIs, one for Average Order Value and one for Sales Deduction in a specific timeframe.
  • We adjusted the calculation of the Revenue KPI to take into account applied vouchers and promotional or campaign-related discounts.

Search Improvements

  • You can now exclude active and visible shop categories from the search.
  • You can now define synonyms for searchable navigation items.

Admin API

European Article Number (EAN) Filter

We added a new filter to the GET /products endpoint that allows you to retrieve products filtered by a list of variants’ EANs.

New expectedAvailabilityAt Parameter

We extended several endpoints that allow the creation and update of stocks to support an additional nullable date field called expectedAvailabilityAt. The affected endpoints are:

  • POST /variants/{variantIdentifier}/stocks
  • POST /products
  • PUT /products/{productIdentifier}
  • POST /products/{productIdentifier}/variants
  • PUT /products/{productIdentifier}/variants/{variantIdentifier}

We also extended some endpoints to display expectedAvailabilityAt as part of the stock information:

  • GET /variants/{variantIdentifier}/stocks
  • GET /products (using parameter with=variants.stocks)
  • GET /products/{productIdentifier} (using parameter with=variants.stocks)
  • GET /products/{productIdentifier}/variants (using parameter with=stocks)
  • GET /products/{productIdentifier}/variants/{variantIdentifier} (using parameter with=stocks)

Storefront Core

Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront API

Navigation Items Now Included in Search Results

Navigation items can now be returned through our endpoints /v2/suggestions and /v2/resolve. Navigation items are not searchable by default, but can be defined as searchable in the SCAYLE Panel. For more information about this feature, see the User Guide.

Exclude Specific Items and Categories from Search Results

You now have the option to exclude specific items or categories from search results in our endpoints /v2/suggestions and /v2/resolve. Items that have been excluded in the SCAYLE Panel will not be returned for any search query from these endpoints. For more information, see the Developer Guide.

Configurable Items In Wishlists

Configurable items, such as football jerseys with a personalized name, can now be added to the wishlist. For more information about this feature, see the Developer Guide.


Address Doctor Update

When using Address Doctor validation, the state information for each country is now exposed in the front end. As a result, users in countries where state information is mandatory will now experience improved and more accurate address validation.

Version 2.1.34

Released on: Jun 06, 2024



Shop Health Status

Users can now monitor their shop health in the SCAYLE Panel. On both the global shop level and the shop country level, users can see the current status of their shop (shown as either "running" or "down"). The user can also see if the SSL certificate for a specific shop is about to expire.

For more information, see the User Guide.


You can now create pages in the SCAYLE Panel, which can be used in your storefront to display various types of information:

  • Static HTML Pages: Retrieve and display details for static HTML pages like "Impressum".
  • Brand SEO Pages: Display pages with filtered products from specific brands by fetching the associated page details.

Navigate to your Shop -> Storefront -> Pages to access the new pages feature.

Key features include:

  • Product Display Criteria: You can add criteria to display products on a page. These criteria are based on shop categories and can be enhanced with additional filters such as color, brand, and more.
  • Active/Inactive Status: Set pages to active or inactive per shop and country.
  • Editable Slug: The slug is generated from the page name but can be edited similar to category slugs.
  • SEO Text (Content / Description): Enter up to 8,000 characters, which will be visible on the frontend.
  • Meta Description: Enter up to 170 characters for the meta description to improve Google search listings.
  • Translation: Translate pages per locale, including the title, slug, and text, to cater to different languages and regions.

For a detailed walkthrough on setting up and managing page information, please refer to the User Guide.

Admin API

shopCountryId Property Included in More Endpoints

We extended some endpoints to provide the property shopCountryId when the parameter with=countries is passed. The affected endpoints are:

  • GET /shops/{shopKey}/categories
  • GET /shops/{shopKey}/categories/{shopCategoryId}

Storefront Core

Introducing storefront-ui Local Module

We're introducing the first step towards more reusable components, the local storefront-ui module. It contains the most common and reused UI component from across the SCAYLE Storefront Boilerplate. The first iteration consists of components mostly formerly located within the ./components/ui directory.

For more details on our latest releases, see the Changelogs section in our Storefront guide.

Storefront API

New Endpoint for Pages

The new endpoint /v1/pages is introduced to expose page information. This endpoint allows you to:

For more detailed information about this new endpoint, please refer to our Developer Guide and API Reference. The setup instructions and additional configurations can be found in the User Guide.

Boolean Filters For Search Results

Search results from /v2/resolve and /v2/suggestions may now also apply boolean filters.

A few examples:

  • A search query "new shirts" may bring the user to the category "Shirts" and apply a filter for products that have been added recently
  • A search query "pants on sale" may bring the user to the category "Pants" and filter for items that are currently on sale

All search related documentation can be found in our Developer Guide. Additional information about these endpoints can be found in our API reference.


Adyen Visa Regulations Compliance

The holderName field has been added as a mandatory requirement in the Adyen credit card web component. This change is in response to Visa's new regulations, which require additional data elements in the 3DS Authentication Request message.

Authentication API Updated

Our /v1/auth/password/send-reset-email endpoint no longer requires a password reset token ("hash") in the response body. See our API reference for more details.

Version 2.1.33

Released on: May 22, 2024



More Browsers Supported

In addition to Google Chrome, the SCAYLE Panel now supports Firefox and Microsoft Edge.

Admin API

Promotions, Audiences and Stock Endpoint Updates

We've added several new endpoints related to promotions. These endpoints allow you to list promotions, fetch a single promotion by id, as well as create, update, and delete a promotion. The new endpoints are:

  • GET /promotions
  • POST /promotions
  • GET /promotions/{promotionId}
  • PUT /promotions/{promotionId}
  • DELETE /promotions/{promotionId}

We've deprecated and replaced our existing promotions endpoints with those listed above, and moved them to these endpoints:

  • POST /create-promotion
  • PUT /update-promotion/{promotionId}

We've also added new endpoints for audiences. With these endpoints, you can retrieve a single audience by id, as well as create, update, and delete an audience. These endpoints are:

  • POST /promotions/audiences
  • GET /promotions/audiences/{audienceId}
  • PUT /promotions/audiences/{audienceId}
  • DELETE /promotions/audiences/{audienceId}

Finally, we've added new endpoints to handle the reservation of stock, allowing you to create and delete reservations via the Admin API. These endpoints are:

  • POST /reservations
  • DELETE /reservations/{reservationIdentifier}

Storefront Core

Minor performance enhancements.

Storefront API

Minor performance enhancements.


Updated "Continue" Button Behavior

The "Continue" button now automatically scrolls both the shipment/payment step and the basket to the bottom, enhancing the user experience by making navigation smoother and more intuitive and making sure all relevant items are above the fold after the scroll.

Extended HTML Slot Feature

The HTML slot feature has been extended to include slots for the new promotions design. This allows for greater customization and flexibility in displaying promotional content.

Version 2.1.32

Released on: May 13, 2024



Data Replication

You can now replicate data from a source environment (e.g. Test) to a target environment (e.g. Live). Data sets that can be replicated currently include redirects, translations, master categories, attribute groups and their configurations, pages, navigation, default filters, roles and search configurations. More data sets will follow that can be replicated (stay tuned). For more detailed information about this feature, see our User Guide.

Custom Data Update

Our navigation feature now also supports custom data. Custom data configurations can be defined under Settings > Custom Data > Navigation Item on Navigation Item Level, exactly like for other entities that already support Custom Data. For more detailed information about this feature, see our User Guide.

New Field for Product Description Page

The price and inventory table on the Product Detail Page now includes the row “Expected Availability at”. You can use this to show customers the date when a specific product will be in stock, as long as this information is available for at least one merchant product at variant level.

UI Improvements

  • A new field has been added to the “Telephone Order” function, allowing customers to enter a DHL postal number when ordering.
  • We've added more images and in-product help to the checkout configuration, providing users a better introduction to the feature.

Admin API

New Endpoint for Promotion Audiences

We've added a new endpoint for retrieving audiences for promotions. This endpoint will allow you to list audiences, and to filter them by id, name, companyId or customerId. The endpoint is GET /promotions/audiences

More Information about Variants

We've extended the information that we provide related to variants to include the field merchantReferenceKeys. The affected endpoints are:

  • /products
  • /products/{productId}
  • /products/{productId}/variants
  • /products/{productId}/variants/{variantId}
  • /products/composite
  • /products/composite/{productId}
  • /products/composite/{productId}/variants
  • /products/composite/{productId}/variants/{variantId}

Storefront Core

HTTP Request Tracing with OpenTelemetry

The Storefront Boilerplate now includes a built-in integration with OpenTelemetry. To read more about this monitoring integration, see the Storefront Boilerplate Changelog.

"Combine With" Product Recommendation Feature

On the PDP, there is a feature that allows you to specify which products are recommended or suitable to Combine with the main item. Once set, these recommendations will be prominently displayed on the PDP of that particular product for customers to view. For more detailed information about this feature, see our Storefront guide.

Storefront API

Custom Data Included in Navigation Endpoint

Custom data defined in the SCAYLE Panel will now be returned through the /v1/navigation endpoint.

New Field "Variant Availability Date" Added to Variant, Product and Basket Endpoints

For products that will be sold from a future date, such as presale products, a new field expectedAvailabilityAt will now be provided through:

  • /v1/variants
  • /v1/products
  • /v1/basket
  • expectedAvailabilityAt will be provided as a date (yyyy-mm-dd)


Improved Payment Experience

  • The "Pay Now" button is now disabled during system processes, such as item quantity changes, for all new payment methods.
  • We added new Apple Pay and Google Pay components.

Customization for UPS Collection Points

You can now assign UPS logos and choose between brown and white logo themes.

Template Updates

  • Old images were removed in the "Order Confirmation" email templates for increased clarity.
  • Cleaned up padding in "Order Return/Pick-Up" email templates.
  • Introduced TWINT as a new payment method to templates.
  • Adjusted "Description of Goods" column width in PDF templates for improved layout consistency.

Version 2.1.31

Released on: Apr 24, 2024



Minor performance enhancements.

Admin API

New endpoints for migrating historical data

You can now use the Admin API to migrate historical customer and order information. This includes the ability to import and delete orders, as well as set and update customer passwords. You can find out more in our Developer Guide.

Storefront Core

New Contentful integration

Contentful is now available as a CMS provider for Storefront. You will need to provide your Contentful space ID and access token in your Storefront .env file in order to use this integration. For more information, see our Storefront User Guide.

Search Engine v2

We've implemented and replaced the whole search flow based on the new Storefront API's Search Engine v2. This includes:

  • Overall UI and UX adaptations (header search input, suggestions dropdown, applicable filter indicator, search within the mobile sidebar, etc.)
  • Category suggestions that can have filters applied
  • Product suggestions that are resolved only by entering the exact ID
  • Refined flow when resolving the search term
  • Search page usage only as a fallback

New subscription add-on

We've implemented the Subscription Add-on as a local module. The Add-on allows you to subscribe to a specific product variant. This product variant is then delivered at regular intervals on a chosen day, allowing customers to make regular purchases effortlessly.


PayPal Express

We've streamlined the checkout process for customers using PayPal Express by skipping unnecessary steps, reducing friction and potential user drop-offs. These improvements will enhance the overall user experience, increasing conversion rates and satisfaction. The PayPal Express flow can be configured in two ways: users skip the review page, only landing on it in case of a validation failure; or users always land on the review page.

UI Improvements

The availability badge design has been revamped to accommodate 35 characters, featuring a green check mark icon to indicate availability, a clock icon for delivery information, and a red background to signify the item is sold out.

Performance enhancements

  • Fixed an issue where users in the Czech Republic encountered difficulties in selecting their address due to address validation errors.
  • Enhanced our use of ThreadMetrix so it is available on more payment methods besides Unzer Credit Card payments.

Version 2.1.30

Released on: Apr 11, 2024



We've separated the update calls for attribute group configurations stored with BCO from those stored with CLPA. Additionally, we disabled the BCO configuration options for system attribute groups. This way, users can tell which configurations are editable and which are not.

Admin API

Minor performance enhancements.


  • We updated the designs for transactional emails and PDFs. Previous functionalities for editing said emails and templates remain unaltered.
  • Updated the following tracking events to follow the new tracking standarts: gift_card and voucher
  • Refactored our modal designs to enhance mobile friendliness with the following changes:
  • Users can now scroll inside the modal while ensuring the title (at the top) and close button (at the bottom) remain constantly visible for easy access.
  • Modal can now be closed by clicking anywhere on the background.
  • For better accessibility, we've introduced a Close button (at the bottom) for both Mobile and Desktop views. Additionally, Desktop view features an 'X' icon (at the top) for closing the modal.
  • In mWeb, padding has been added at the top of the modal to enhance readability and visual appeal.

Version 2.1.29

Released on: Mar 24, 2024



  • Attribute Group Visibility: A new configuration option, “Hide on Storefront API,” has been added for attribute groups. Attributes marked with this setting will not be visible on the shop storefront or included in search results.
  • Attribute Management: We've reinstated the capability to remove specific attributes from a multi-select attribute group during bulk updates of the product list.
  • Expanded Phone Order Feature: The Phone Order functionality has been broadened. Now, when placing a new customer order, users can search using an external customer number, in addition to the regular customer number. The service also includes the option to deliver to packing stations within a 100 km radius.

Enhanced Redirects Functionality

  • Regular Expressions Support: The Redirects feature now includes support for regular expressions, offering users the flexibility to define redirects either through explicit source URLs or regular expressions. A new testing tool is introduced, enabling users to verify if their regular expressions match specific URLs accurately.
  • Redirect Prioritization: Users can now prioritize their redirects, providing a solution to manage potential duplicate redirect scenarios. This prioritization feature has been integrated into both the UI and import functionality.

Storefront API

Attributes can now be hidden from Storefront API

  • When an attribute is hidden from Storefront API in the SCAYLE Panel, it will no longer appear in any of our endpoints or be considered for search results.

Support for Redirects through Regular Expressions

  • When redirects are defined through Regular Expressions in the SCAYLE Panel, URLs matching the defined expression will be returned through /v1/redirects.
  • If a pattern matches several redirects, the one with the highest priority defined in the SCAYLE Panel will be returned. If the priority is the same, the redirect that has been created first will be returned.

Multiple Attribute Groups in search queries will now be considered in /v2/suggestions and /v2/resolve

  • When a user enters a search query that can be separated into a category and different attribute groups, /v2/resolve and v2/suggestions endpoints now consider all attribute groups in the query.


Enhanced Promotion Designs: Introducing the capacity to swap promotion component from left to right, and adding new collapsable elements if tenants use Promotion engine 2.0.

Version 2.1.28

Released on: Mar 14, 2024



  • You can now calculate revenue from prices including or excluding taxes. To do this, users can use the new toggle switcher in the shop dashboard, the general dashboard (under Analytics) or in the Product Detail Page (PDP) under the Insights section.
  • We improved our redirects importer. The creation or update of redirects via our import feature no longer has to be divided into many smaller files, which significantly reduces the effort required to create and update redirects.
  • We've added a new promotion template. With this template, users can create promotions which are redeemable for either the cheapest or most expensive product in their shopping cart.

Admin API

  • You can now retrieve group information for attribute groups. See our Developer Guide for more information.


  • We now display an error message when a user attempts to purchase more than the maximum available quantity of products.

Version 2.1.27

Released on: Feb 29, 2024



For the product list bulk update functionality, we brought back the ability to download a CSV file with the summary of all changes. Since the bulk update feature now supports to perform multiple updates at once, downloading the CSV file will now download a ZIP file with multiple contents - depending on how many updates have been performed.

Admin API

We extended the `Attribute Group` endpoints with the `group` property, enabling you to set and retrieve this information and efficiently organize the display of the attribute groups within the SCAYLE Panel settings.

Storefront API

Storefront API Support of Audience Specific Promotions

  • We now support customer ID and audience-related conditions in the Promotion Engine for the Storefront API integration.
  • To learn more how to set up Audiences please use SCAYLE Panel documentation: Promotions / Managing Audiences.

Auto Typo-Tolerance for /products?filters[term]

  • This change only affects you if you have set Typo-tolerance to "Auto" in the search settings in the SCAYLE Panel.
  • When set to "Auto", typo-tolerance now allows 1 change for 5-9 letter words and 2 changes for 9+ letter words.


Cash on Delivery (COD) fee visibly displayed next to the payment method when selecting COD as their preferred payment option.

Version 2.1.26

Released on: Feb 26, 2024



Minor performance enhancements.

Admin API

We added properties and product.referenceKey to the payloads of variant related webhooks (product-variant-prices-updated, product-variant-stock-updated, product-variant-availability-updated). Now these webhooks also include information about the product that the respective variant is associated to.

Storefront API

Merchant Information is now Available in Variants Endpoint

  • We now expose merchant information in the variants endpoint, if available.
  • To include the merchant information in the variants endpoint, use the with=merchant request parameter.


Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.25

Released on: Feb 09, 2024



  • It is now possible to perform up to 4 product list bulk updates to any set of products at the same time (attribute, master category, status updates). This way product enhancement processes can be improved and performed more efficiently. Since we are still working on adjusting the downloadable CSV file accordingly to display the preview of all bulk operations selected, we disabled the option to download the CSV file temporarily. It will be reintroduced end of February.
  • We also fixed a small bug that linked the selectability of attribute groups for Default Filters to their translatability. It is now possible to select all simple attribute groups as default filters - regardless of whether they are translatable or not.

Admin API

We extended payloads of Customers, Orders and Newsletter webhooks by the shopCountry property including additional infromation about the respective shop country.

Storefront API

Integration of Merchant Information for Products

  • We now expose merchant information in products and baskets endpoint, if available. That can enable you to provide legal information of merchants for each product to the end-user. The merchant information will be provided on the variant level.
  • To include the merchant data, a new parameter will be introduced.
    • Products Endpoint Example: with=variants.merchant
    • Baskets Endpoint Example: with=items.product.variants.merchant


Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.24

Released on: Jan 15, 2024



  • The layout of the navigation has been revised. The navigation points Promotion, Vouchers and Audiences can now be found in one entry as sub-items next to the promotion types.
  • Promotions now include a new type, "Tiered discounts." Discount levels are shown in the shop when adding products to the shopping cart.

Admin API

  • We have enhanced the Update Product State endpoint with support for multiple merchants.
  • We have improved the error handling when the specified attribute value or translation for simple attributes exceeds the maximum length of 255 characters.

Storefront Core

Introduction of Promotion Engine

The Promotion Engine shows various promotions that have specific conditions for receiving the discount. The Storefront Boilerplate currently support the two types Automatic discount and Buy X get Y by default as promotions.

For more details see our User Guide.

Introduction of Identity Provider (IDP) support

The Storefront Boilerplate now provides support for Single-Sign-On (SSO) via multiple Identity Provider (IDP) like Okta, KeyCloak or Google. The IDP login / SSO flow integrates with the existing Token-based Authentication and can be used in parallel to the existing SCAYLE IDP.

For more details see our Developer Guide.

Update to Nuxt 3.9 and Vue 3.4

The Storefront Core packages and the Storefront Boilerplate now run on both the latest Nuxt v3.9 and Vue v3.4 and benefit from a multitude of improvements and bugfixes.

For more details about all the changes see the Official Nuxt 3.9 Announcement Blog and the Official Vue 3.4 Announcement Blog.

Improved authentication handling

We're now handling verification of session based on the response of the Checkout and remove redundant verification logic. If a 401 is returned from Checkout a respective session is deleted.

Technical Changelogs

For more technical details, see the Storefront changelogs.


Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.23

Released on: Jan 02, 2024



  • We simplified the handling of the product name field on the new shop structure: until now, two fields for the product name were displayed on the Product Detail Page (PDP): one in the master section and the AG 553 (Produktname) in the product section of the PDP.
  • From now on only AG 553 (Produktname) will be displayed in the product section of the PDP and can be maintained for both, the default-locale PDP and non-default-locale PDPs. The AG 553 will be always visible and editable on every PDP, regardless of whether or not it is assigned to a master category
  • Due to this change we disabled the "Product Name" import on the new shop structure since it used to update the old product name and is now obsolete.
  • Promotion Engine has been extended with a new type called Tiered Promotions. With this feature, discount levels are displayed to the customer when adding a product to the shopping cart, so that the customer can see how many products need to be added to receive a higher discount.

Admin API

  • We implemented endpoints for the configuration of price rounding rules.
  • We extended Get Customer and Get Customer Addresses endpoints with the nonUniqueAddresses filter which enables you to retrieve also non-unique customer addresses.
  • In the response of Get Attribute Groups endpoint, we now return the structure property for all attribute group types that support advanced attribute structure.
  • We extended the response of Shop Category endpoints with the leftSiblingId property.

Storefront Core

Support for IDP Providers

We now support the new IDP Feature from the Checkout Authentication API to easily integrate IDP Providers.

  • We added a new idp config where you can configure which IDPs are available for your shops.
  • We added a new getExternalIdpRedirect RPC which returns you the redirect urls for your configured IDPs.
  • We added a new handleIDPLoginCallback RPC to exchange the temporary IDP code for correct authentication tokens.

Adjustment of default cache durations

Previously the caching time for product RPCs was one hour which could easily lead to outdated product information for a long time.

The getProductById and getProductsByIds RPCs are now cached for 5 Minutes and getProductsByCategory is now cached for 15 Minutes.

Storefront API

Improved Search with New Suggestions Endpoint

A new suggestions endpoint /v2/search/suggestions will return category suggestions as the user types in the search.

See our Storefront API for information on using the new endpoint.

Improved Search with New Resolve Endpoint

A new endpoint /v2/search/resolve will return best matching category for the provided search term.

See our Storefront API for information on using the new endpoint.

New Fields for "Buy X Get Y" Promotions

As part of our initiative to enhance the Promotion Engine, we added new fields to the "Buy X get Y" promotion template.

  • You can now define the maximum amount of free items that will be passed as an int64 in the EligibleItemsQuantity field.
  • Additionally, you can define how the maximum amount is calculated through the optional buy_x_get_y-max_count_type field by choosing the per_eligible_items_quantity or per_eligible_uniq_items string.
    • If per_eligible_uniq_items is sent, only unique items will be considered to calculate the maximum amount of free items.
    • per_eligible_items_quantity means that calculating the maximum amount of free items is based on the number of items in the basket that fit the condition.

New "Tiers" Promotion Type

As another enhancement for the Promotion Engine, promotion tiers are now supported. The tiers field is now exposed on the promotion object with its fields.

Added "forceSlug" Parameter to Improve Brands Endpoint

A new forceSlug parameter is added to enable users to retrieve data from brands with numeric brand names. You can now use /v1/brands/{slugOrId}?forceSlug=true to get brand information using the name instead of the ID.

  • /v1/brands/33?forceSlug=true returns the brand with a slug 33.
  • /v1/brands/33 returns the brand with the ID 33.


Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.22

Released on: Dec 20, 2023



Minor performance enhancements.

Admin API

  • We implemented new Create Promotions and Update Promotions endpoints for managing Promotions.
  • We introduced endpoints without rate limits. Endpoints that do not belong to any rate limit scope do not have any rate limit defined (for example Create and Update Promotions endpoints).
  • Voucher-related endpoints are now extended with a new property isApplicableToPromotions.
  • We added a new filter isComposite to the GetProducts endpoint. When set to true, only Composite products are returned. When set to false, only Non-Composite products are returned.

Storefront API

Enhanced Displayment of Relative Promotions

As part of our initiative to enhance the Promotion Engine further, relative promotions in Storefront API are no longer displayed by a magnitude of 100. As an example, a 20% promotion previously was displayed as 2000. Storefront API promotions endpoint now displays relative promotions in a way that is easier to understand and read. Adapted API change:

  • Response schema type is changed from integer to float.
  • A relative promotion of 20.34% is now displayed as 20.34.

Products?filters[term] Search Endpoint now Supports Stemming

To improve our existing search implementation further, stemming is now implemented for the products?filters[term] endpoint for all supported languages. Stemming is a process that reduces words to their root form, allowing different words from the same word family to be matched and leading to better search results. As an example, user searching for "knit sweater" should receive the same response as a user searching for "knitted sweater", as "knitted" would be shortened to "knit".


  • Consolidated loading states between Authentication, Shipping and Payment.
  • Updated Payback error messages and information text.
  • Added carrier support for chronopost, bartolini, postnord, and seur.
  • We enabled authentication through an external identity provider. Providers used in the initial release include Okta, Auth0, Salesforce, Google, and Facebook.
  • Update Gitcard error messages when Gitcard is not found.
  • Improved support of basket for tiered promotions.

Version 2.1.21

Released on: Dec 07, 2023



Improvements The Product Detail Page can now handle Products that have a huge variety of variants. We worked on a solution to load the PDP in these cases properly and display even a huge amount of variants set up for a product

New Features

  • Promotion Engine allows user to create customized discounts with setting conditions to decide wether the discount is valid and applied to basket or order items.
  • The Feature Audiences provide a complete list of exististing Audiences and new Audiences can be created to be used in Promotion Engine as a condition.

Admin API

  • We implemented support for the automatic on-the-fly creation of simple attributes when creating / updating advanced attributes that include simple attributes. From now on, you do not have to add simple attributes upfront, when they should be part of an advanced attribute.
  • We improved error handling for requests containing unexpected locales.

Storefront Core

Official support for Vercel as a deployment option

A Storefront Boilerplate-based Storefront application can now also be deployed to Vercel Edge Runtime.

See more information in our Storefront Boilerplate documentation.

Support of cache compression for Storefront Boilerplate (Nuxt 3)

We now support the compression of cache data with the new "Unified Storefront Core Cache Handling". To enable cache compression, the new compression option can be used for or The compression option accepts the values deflate, gzip, brotli and none. After activating cache compression, it is recommended to completely empty the corresponding cache instance / database, e.g. Redis.

See more information in our Storefront Core documentation.

Storefront Core

Unified Storefront Core Cache Handling

We have unified the Storefront Core cache handling, changing how cache and session storage are managed within Storefront Core. Storefront Core will now use the storefront-cache mountpoint as the root for its cache storage, and storefront-session for sessions storage. The Storefront Core configuration now includes and config options to automatically create these mountpoints. This addresses a critical memory leak, which could result in a new Redis connection being created per request and thus causing high memory usage on the Node server, as well as on the Redis server.

Readding CampaignKey for Nuxt 3

We have readded the campaignKey to be used within a Nuxt 3-based Storefront application.

Security Improvements

We removed the return of OAuth tokens from RPC methods and we now ensure that sessions are not shared between different country shops.

Technical Improvements

We improved the error handling for Storefront Core for errors that occur in a fetch call within an RPC method and we now prevent potential infinite loops should log writing fail.

Storefront API

Enhancement of Storefront API Promotions endpoint

In addition to already developed functionalities for Promotion Engine, Storefront API promotions endpoint now also exposes `priority' field in its response body.

  • `priority' field is a value defined in the SCAYLE Panel, where you can create and manage promotions. It is defined as a priority of the promotion compared to others and it is mainly useful when there are multiple promotions that have been defined.


  • Included new promotion information in tracking events
  • Added handling of our new minimum order value feature, including vouchers, notifications and campaign errors
  • Display cash on delivery payment fees within the payment step
  • Fixed an issue that was blocking users from adding spaces between house number and letter on address selection

Version 2.1.20

Released on: Nov 23, 2023



  • Our translation feature now offers the possibility to set translations for the language German (de_DE) for the hard defined System Criteria which can be configured as default filters
  • Missions can now be prioritized again
  • Entering a search term in the corresponding bar of the product list overview will now be recognized as a filter that will be taken into account when mass updating products

Admin API

Fallback to the Default merchant for retro-compatibility reasons:

  • We adjusted Products, Variant, Stocks and Prices endpoints in order to ensure the retro-compatibility in case an additional Merchant is added to the system. If no merchantReferenceKey is provided in the requests, SCAYLE Admin API will assume that the change is intended for the default merchant.

Storefront API

Improvements to our Promotion Engine Feature

We have made further improvements to our basket's Endpoints with regard to our Promotion Engine feature. These improvements will simplify the implementation of the Promotion Engine on the Basket page by showing the correct promotions & promotion prices/discounts to your users.

  • Validation of Promotion IDs attached to any items in the basket.
  • For each basket item that has a promotion we add its validation status and the failed conditions.
  • Implementation of Price Calculations: Once the promotions are validated we modify the item prices for both unit and total to include the promotion reductions.

Once the basket item has a Promotion ID attached then promotion reduction will be applied automatically, if the conditions defined in the promotion are fulfilled.


  • Fixed an issue the was not allowing vouchers to be redemmed if the optional PIN number was missing
  • Extended our tracking events to include the voucher value
  • Fixed an issue that was blocking the lowest prior price campaigns to be created

Version 2.1.19

Released on: Nov 07, 2023



Minor performance enhancements.


  • Fixed an issue with callback URLs for Adyen payment methods to ensure a correct redirect to the order success page
  • Fixed an issue with recurring Adyen credit card payments where a form was not visible to confirm the CVV
  • Upgraded node.js to the latest stable production version (20)
  • Improved handling of password reset error notifications to give better feedback to the user

Version 2.1.18

Released on: Oct 26, 2023



  • To avoid long loading times on the price campaign overview we removed the column "Type" from here. From now on, the type of a price campaign (discount, product-based or merchant-specific) is calculated when opening the detail page of a price campaign and continues to be displayed there
  • For our Insights Section on the PDP we added an additional validation for the selectable shops: only shops are selectable which have at least one country that the product is assigned to. Otherwise the dashboard would return no data.
  • The KPI widget “New Customers” on the general dashboard does not include guest customers anymore but only newly registered customers for a chosen time frame
  • The page under Settings > Imports has been given a new look: a new module with an overview of all imports opens with a click on "New Import". As already known, the imports are categorized by type. Imports can be favored and searched. The favorite imports are shown on the landing page of the new module if a new import is to be created
  • We fixed a small error in the “Price and Inventory” table on the PDP that resulted in an incorrect “RRP” (recommended retail price) being displayed

Admin API

  • Create Customer Address Endpoint: We extended the Create customer address endpoint with support for setting the referenceKey directly when creating a customer address. Now you do not need to send an additional request to update the referenceKey after creating the new address. Please note that updating the referenceKey for an existing customer address is still possible only using a dedicated Update customer address reference key endpoint.

Version 2.1.18

Released on: Oct 26, 2023



  • To avoid long loading times on the price campaign overview we removed the column "Type" from here. From now on, the type of a price campaign (discount, product-based or merchant-specific) is calculated when opening the detail page of a price campaign and continues to be displayed there
  • For our Insights Section on the PDP we added an additional validation for the selectable shops: only shops are selectable which have at least one country that the product is assigned to. Otherwise the dashboard would return no data.
  • The KPI widget “New Customers” on the general dashboard does not include guest customers anymore but only newly registered customers for a chosen time frame
  • The page under Settings > Imports has been given a new look: a new module with an overview of all imports opens with a click on "New Import". As already known, the imports are categorized by type. Imports can be favored and searched. The favorite imports are shown on the landing page of the new module if a new import is to be created
  • We fixed a small error in the “Price and Inventory” table on the PDP that resulted in an incorrect “RRP” (recommended retail price) being displayed

Admin API

  • Create Customer Address Endpoint: We extended the Create customer address endpoint with support for setting the referenceKey directly when creating a customer address. Now you do not need to send an additional request to update the referenceKey after creating the new address. Please note that updating the referenceKey for an existing customer address is still possible only using a dedicated Update customer address reference key endpoint.


Minor performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.17

Released on: Oct 12, 2023



  • Default Filter: We have now transferred all existing default filter configurations from the Storefront API to the SCAYLE Panel and fixed minor issues that were noticed during testing. The feature is now fully usable. In addition, we renamed the navigation point in the SCAYLE Panel from "Default Category Filter" to "Default Filter".
  • It is now possible to upload both CSV and Xlsx files for all imports
  • We fixed a bug in our product list bulk update feature regarding the update of (complex) advanced Attribute Groups so that this feature can now be used again without any problems. Also translations of advanced AGs can now be maintained with the Bulk Update feature
  • All users with the role "Key Account Manager" will now be able to assign all available companies on an environment to other users - including themselves.

Admin API

  • New endpoints for Merchant management: We implemented new endpoints for management of Merchant contacts, Merchant Return Addresses and for management of Merchant-Carrier relationships.
  • Warehouse Management: We implemented endpoints to Get, Create and Delete Warehouses. Merchant Endpoints are also extended to support Get, Create and Delete operations for Merchant-Warehouse relationships.


  • Fixed an issue where the tax id field was not being sent correctly after the user removed it
  • Added missing translations for Hermes delivery options
  • Fixed an issue where the select field dropdown was automatically closing itself
  • Added data-test-id selectors to the codebase to improve automated QA testing
  • Added a tracking event for when the user uses their customer number and birth date to retreive the associated account email address
  • Fixed a bug where the last name was being incorrectly filled when the user came from the collection point detail page
  • Added support for Webcomponent name
  • Improved our street and house number field regex to support more combinations

Version 2.1.16

Released on: Sep 28, 2023



  • A reactivated user account will keep its status for 7 days before it is deactivated again. This means that users have 7 days to follow the reactivation link before their account status is set back to "inactive". Previously, the account was set back to "inactive" after 24 hours at the latest and had to be reactivated again
  • We removed the default prefix (+49) from the phone number field in the user profile, so that any country code can be entered now to store valid phone numbers
  • The import under Products > simple attributes now also allows changing attribute groups on master level. The possibility to remove attributes on this level is implemented in a separate ticket

Admin API

  • Delete a Product Master Attribute: We introduced a dedicated endpoint for deletion of Product Master Attribute, enabling you to delete an attribute for all products of the same master with a single request.
  • Promotion Information in Order Endpoints & Webhooks: We extended payloads of Order Endpoints & Order Webhooks to now also include the information about applied promotions.
  • Improved Error Handling: We improved error handling of Create Customer, Create Voucher & Get Voucher endpoints to provide you with more context in case of errors.
  • Improved Performance: We optimized Create Products and Update Products endpoints to reduce the response times of these operations.


  • Fixed an issue where the "close" icon was being overlapped in the modal
  • Fixed an issue where the PayPal risk check failing would prevent a user from changing their address
  • Fixed an issue where the customer salutation was being reset to the default value in some cases
  • Improved the payment confirmation status polling mechanism to prevent too many requests at the same time
  • Fixed an issue where the customer was shown duplicate notifications when a promotion was removed
  • Fixed an issue where a 500 error was being thrown if the customer object was not found

Version 2.1.15

Released on: Sep 19, 2023



You can now set default category filters in the SCAYLE Panel under "Shops > Storefront > Default Category Filter." These defaults will apply to every category in your shop and can be chosen from predefined system criteria and attribute groups configured in the panel. The chosen default filters will appear in the filter tab for shop categories.

You can also translate system criteria under "Shops > Translations > System Criteria." To view configured default filters, you need the "default-category_filter__list" permission.

To edit and configure them, you need the "default-category-filter__edit" permission. For viewing configured translations of system criteria, you need the "default-category-filter_translation__list" permission, and to set/change translations, you require the "default-category-filter_translation_edit" permission.

We temporarily removed the “Download CSV Functionality” from the product list bulk update functionality. We will improve the underlying query of this functionality and reestablish it as soon as possible


  • An error was fixed within the P24 payment method where the dropdown component styling was overlapping other elements
  • Logos and translations were added for GLS, FAN, POST HR, Seur, LaPoste, Bartolini and Speedy carrier options
  • A new error key was introduced for Klarna payment methods to provide transparency if the user's billing address must match their shipping address
  • Improvements were made to our Klarna recurring payment implementation
  • Design improvements were made to the basket item prices to make the pricing more clear to the user
  • An issue was fixed with HTTP/2 API error handling
  • Frontend dependencies were updated to improve performance and security
  • A new JWKS endpoint is added that lets tenants verify JWKS signatures independently, cutting down on requests to the Authentication Service