Manage Transactions
Admin API
Get an order
This endpoint is not bound to a specific shop country; however, it still requires the shop country details, identified by the shopKey
and countryCode
, without filtering by the shop country.
This method allows including nested resources using the with
let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.getOrder({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, orderIdentifier: orderIdentifier});
let order = response.body;
Parameter | Details |
with | String Allows to load the following nested resources within this request:
Parameter | Details |
id | Integer READ-ONLY The ID of the order created |
address | OrderAddress Billing and Shipping address of the customer |
basketKey | String A key that uniquely identifies customer's cart |
confirmedAt | String Timestamp when the order was confirmed |
contacts | OrderContact[] Collection of contacts |
cost | OrderCost Total cost of the order that includes tax, VAT, etc |
currencyCode | String ISO 4217 currency code |
customer | Customer Details about the customer account |
shopCountry | ShopCountry Country of the shop as ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code |
invoicedAt | String Timestamp when the invoice is sent |
createdAt | String Timestamp when the order is created |
updatedAt | String Timestamp when the order is updated |
items | OrderItem[] Collection of items ordered |
legacyCustomData | Array[] Custom data added to the order (legacy feature) |
membershipDiscount | OrderMembershipDiscount Membership discount information |
packages | OrderPackage[] Details for the package(s) part of the order |
payment | OrderPayment[] Payment details |
publicKey | String Public reference set by the client to display to customers in account areas and transactional emails. |
referenceKey | String READ-ONLY External order reference set by the client to integrate a third party system. |
shipping | OrderShipping Shipping details |
status | String Status of the order e.g: invoice_completed |
detailedStatus | OrderDetailedStatus |
vouchers | OrderVoucher[] Applicable voucher and its details |
loyaltyCard | OrderLoyaltyCard |
Get by Reference Key
Get an order by reference key:
let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.updateOrderReferenceKey({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, orderId: orderId}, {requestBody: orderReferenceKey});
let order = response.body;
Get with Legacy Custom Data
Get an order with legacy custom data:
let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.getOrder({
shopKey: 'ms',
countryCode: 'DE',
orderIdentifier: "key=my-key",
with: 'legacyCustomData'
let order = response.body;
Get a collection of orders
For security reasons, this method is disabled by default and restricted by IP address. Please approach the respective SCAYLE Account Manager for activation.
This endpoint is not bound to a specific shop country; however, it still requires the shop country details, identified by the shopKey
and countryCode
, without filtering by the shop country.
Learn how to retrieve a collection of orders.
You can also request several orders. We suggest to fine-tune your search, e.g., by combing filter logics and using pagination. As search results are paginated, you can set the amount of orders displayed per page.
This method can be used to get a collection of orders for any given shop and country.
It is possible to refine the search by applying filter options.
This method might be disabled by default.
Please approach the respective SCAYLE Account Manager for activation.
let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.getOrders({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode});
let orders = response.body.entities;
The operation can be used with optional parameters - called options:
Parameter | Details |
limit | Integer Maximum number of items in the result. (default: |
filters | String Comma separated list of reference keys of orders. |
filters | String Comma-separated list of order IDs that should be used for filtering. |
filters | String Status of the orders. Supported values are: "order_open", "payment_pending", "payment_reserved", "invoice_completed", "cancellation_pending", "cancellation_completed", "invoice_partially_completed" |
filters | String Detailed status of orders. The value must be prefixed with |
filters | Integer Minimum (inclusive) order ID of entities that should be returned. |
filters | Integer Maximum (inclusive) order ID of entities that should be returned. |
filters | String Minimum (inclusive) creation date of order that should be returned. |
filters | String Maximum (inclusive) creation date of orders that should be returned. |
filters | String Minimum (inclusive) modification date of orders that should be returned. |
filters | String Maximum (inclusive) modification date of orders that should be returned. |
filters | String Only returns orders with the given billingAddress country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3). |
filters | String Only returns orders with the given shippingAddress country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3). |
filters | String Comma separated list of customer IDs to return the orders for. |
filters | Integer Minimum (inclusive) customer ID of entities that should be returned. |
filters | Integer Maximum (inclusive) customer ID of entities that should be returned. |
filters | String Comma separated list of reference keys of customers. |
sort | String Sort by the provided column. Available values: id (default), appId, customerId, createdAt, confirmedAt, updatedAt, paymentKey. |
sortDir | String Defines the sorting order: ascending or descending. Available values: asc (default), desc. |
with | String Allows to load the following nested resources within this request:
Parameter | Details |
entities | Order A collection of orders. |
cursor | Cursor An object containing information for use in pagination. |
Read with Options
Get an Order filtered by CustomerIds
let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.getOrders({
shopKey: 'ms',
countryCode: 'DEU',
"filters[customerId]": "10,11,12"
let orders = response.body.entities;
order => console.log(order.referenceKey)
Update order reference key
This method can be used to create or update an order reference key. The existing reference key will be updated in case if an order was already assigned a reference key.
let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.updateOrderReferenceKey({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, orderId: orderId}, {requestBody: orderReferenceKey});
let order = response.body;
Parameter | Details |
referenceKey | String External reference set by the client to integrate a third-party system. |
let orderReferenceKey = {
referenceKey: "my-key"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.updateOrderReferenceKey({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', orderId: 1}, {requestBody: orderReferenceKey});
let order = response.body;
Create Order
This method allows creating a new order.
Orders created by the method are not meant to be active in the system and can’t receive any updates from live systems. Reference key should indicate orderId
in legacy system.
Method Signature
const response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.createOrder({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode}, {requestBodu: order});
const order = response.body;
const order = {
"id": 790,
"address": {
"billing": {
"city": "Hamburg",
"additional": "c/o AboutYou",
"countryCode": "DEU",
"houseNumber": "12",
"isDefault": {
"billing": false,
"shipping": false
"recipient": {
"firstName": "Anna",
"gender": "m",
"lastName": "Fohlmeister",
"type": "personal"
"referenceKey": "InGidcPDmL8fGkv02a3sSAgAr7ySMBfa66iw4MriYgUNI3Boq369rBOZW3stlKLWSqIjB2dXCGNbCxoM5Xww4cI8cULUoGBFJHH0",
"street": "Wolfgangsweg",
"zipCode": "20459",
"createdAt": "2018-11-29T05:20:13+01:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-11-29T05:20:13+01:00"
"shipping": {
"city": "Hamburg",
"collectionPoint": {
"customerKey": "bced-234-234",
"description": "Pedro's Kiosk",
"key": "12345-a",
"type": "hermes_parcelshop"
"countryCode": "DEU",
"houseNumber": "10",
"isDefault": {
"billing": false,
"shipping": true
"recipient": {
"firstName": "Anna",
"gender": "m",
"lastName": "Fohlmeister",
"type": "personal"
"referenceKey": "InGidcPDmL8fGkv02a3sSAgAr7ySMBfa66iw4MriYgUNI3Boq369rBOZW3stlKLWSqIjB2dXCGNbCxoM5Xww4cI8cULUoGBFJHH0",
"street": "Domstrasse",
"zipCode": "20459",
"createdAt": "2018-11-29T05:20:13+01:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-11-29T05:20:13+01:00"
"confirmedAt": "2018-01-20T11:30:15+00:00",
"cost": {
"appliedFees": [
"amount": {
"withoutTax": 168,
"withTax": 200
"category": "delivery",
"option": "deliveryCosts",
"tax": {
"vat": {
"amount": 32,
"rate": 0.19
"appliedReductions": [
"amount": {
"absoluteWithTax": 100,
"relative": 0.5
"category": "voucher",
"type": "absolute"
"withoutTax": 1168,
"withTax": 1390
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"legacyCustomData": {
"score": {
"generatedOn": "2018-05-20T19:45:15+00:00",
"result": "green"
"customer": {
"referenceKey": "InGidcPDmL8fGkv02a3sSAgAr7ySMBfa66iw4MriYgUNI3Boq369rBOZW3stlKLWSqIjB2dXCGNbCxoM5Xww4cI8cULUoGBFJHH0"
"invoicedAt": "2018-01-22T11:30:15+00:00",
"items": [
"availableQuantity": 20,
"legacyCustomData": {
"key": "value"
"deliveryForecast": {
"subsequentDelivery": {
"key": "christmas"
"key": "ac834d23e689u678",
"packageId": 1,
"price": {
"appliedReductions": [
"amount": {
"absoluteWithTax": 100,
"relative": 0.5
"category": "sale",
"type": "relative"
"reference": {
"size": "100",
"unit": "ml",
"withTax": 595
"tax": {
"vat": {
"amount": 190,
"rate": 0.19
"withoutTax": 1000,
"withTax": 1190
"product": {
"id": 4564545,
"images": [
"hash": "9f6c628a98106dcce2bc5a4ac1de9c14"
"name": "Chelsea Boots",
"reservationKey": "6nq69bzzkd5xufxliwg8",
"status": "available",
"variant": {
"id": 1234567,
"referenceKey": "563843898",
"stock": {
"supplierId": 1
"warehouseId": 12345,
"createdAt": "2018-01-20T09:30:15+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-01-20T09:30:15+00:00"
"packages": [
"id": 1,
"carrierKey": "dhl",
"deliveryDate": {
"maximum": "2018-02-05",
"minimum": "2018-02-02"
"deliveryStatus": "open",
"shipmentKey": "shpmnt-61-1"
"payment": [
"amount": 1190,
"data": {
"CCBrand": "VISA",
"CCExpiry": "202005",
"IPCity": "charlottenburg",
"IPLatitude": "52.5151",
"IPLongitude": "13.3053",
"IPState": "berlin",
"IPZone": "276",
"IPZoneA2": "de"
"key": "accounting",
"transactionKey": "creditcard-abcde"
"publicKey": "666",
"referenceKey": "InGidcPDmL8fGkv02a3sSAgAr7ySMBfa66iw4MriYgUNI3Boq369rBOZW3stlKLWSqIjB2dXCGNbCxoM5Xww4cI8cULUoGBFJUU2",
"shipping": {
"policy": "least_packages"
"status": "invoice_completed",
"voucher": {
"applicableItems": [
"isApplied": true,
"key": "a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c"
"isApplied": false,
"key": "eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3"
"code": "fashion2020",
"type": "absolute",
"value": 1000
"createdAt": "2018-01-20T09:30:15+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-01-20T09:30:15+00:00"
const response = await client.apis.Orders.createOrder({
shopKey: 'ms',
countryCode: 'DEU',
}, {
requestBody: order,
const order = response.body;
Delete Order
This method allows you to delete an order by its ID or reference key.
Only orders created by the API can be deleted.
Method Signature
await adminApi.apis.Orders.deleteOrder({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, orderIdentifier: orderIdentifier});
// Delete by reference key
await client.apis.Orders.deleteOrder({
shopKey: 'ms',
countryCode: 'DEU',
orderIdentifier: "key=my-key",
// Delete by id
await client.apis.Orders.deleteOrder({
shopKey: 'ms',
countryCode: 'DEU',
orderIdentifier: 1,
Create Subscription Order
This method allows creating a new subscription order.
Method Signature
const response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.createSubscriptionOrder({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode}, {requestBodu: subscriptionOrder});
const order = response.body;
Create or Update Order Legacy Custom Data
This method allows creating or updating legacy custom data of an order item.
Method Signature
await adminApi.apis.Orders.createOrUpdateLegacyCustomData({shopKey, countryCode, orderId}, {requestBodu: legacyCustomData});
const customData = {
"key": "value"
await client.apis.Orders.createOrUpdateLegacyCustomData({shopKey: "ms", countryCode: "DE", orderId: 123}, {requestBody: customData});
Create Subscription Order
This method allows creating a new subscription order.
Method Signature
const response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.createSubscriptionOrder({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode}, {requestBodu: subscriptionOrder});
const order = response.body;
const subscriptionOrder = {
"address": {
"billing": {
"additional": "Test address",
"city": "New York",
"countryCode": "DEU",
"firstName": "Michael",
"gender": "m",
"houseNumber": "1650",
"lastName": "Jackson",
"phone": "0049/1234567890",
"street": "Bedford Ave",
"zipCode": "11225"
"shipping": {
"additional": "Test address",
"city": "New York",
"countryCode": "DEU",
"firstName": "Michael",
"gender": "m",
"houseNumber": "1650",
"lastName": "Jackson",
"phone": "0049/1234567890",
"street": "Bedford Ave",
"zipCode": "11225"
"legacyCustomData": {
"basketId": "mop_basket_ID"
"customerId": 1263116,
"ipAddress": "",
"items": [
"variantId": 46892617
"paymentTypes": [
"authorizedValue": 2990,
"confirmationData": {
"descriptor": "DG0452755Z3",
"profileId": "ABOUTYOU_TE_DE",
"subscriptionPaymentReference": "74-201507071360201",
"transactionId": "74-201507071360201",
"type": "accounting"
"transactionId": "74-201507071360201",
"type": "accounting"
"carrier": {
"carrierKey": "dhl",
"deliveryDate": {
"maximum": "2025-01-09",
"minimum": "2025-01-15"
"shippingPolicyKey": "standard_delivery"
"referenceKey": "abc0123"
const response = await client.apis.Orders.createSubscriptionOrder({
shopKey: 'ms',
countryCode: 'DEU',
}, {
requestBody: subscriptionOrder,
const order = response.body;