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  3. Internationalisation
  4. Translate Product Data

Translate Product Data


You can use the create attribute translations endpoint to create new or update existing simple attribute translations.

Translations for advanced attributes are provided with the respective entity itself.

Admin API

Create Attribute Translations

When you work with attribute translations, you can only create and update simple attributes with this endpoint. Simple attributes contain clearly defined single values, e.g., size or color options.

About this Method

The method is used to create new or update existing simple attribute translations.

This method cannot be used to create or update advanced attribute translations. Please use the endpoints to create products/variants if you need to modify advanced attributes and their translations.

Method Signature

adminApi.apis.Translations.updateOrCreateAttributeTranslations({attributeName: attributeName}, {requestBody: translations});


The provided value must include a translation for the default system language. It is used to resolve an existing attribute value you wish to add translations for. This means, that it is not possible to add translations for an attribute, which has not been yet created via the product creation or a similar endpoint.

Create Attribute Translations

let translations = {
    de_DE: "weiß",
    en_GB: "white"

adminApi.apis.Translations.updateOrCreateAttributeTranslations({attributeName: "color"}, {requestBody: translations});

Get a Collection of Attribute Translations

You can not only retrieve translations for single simple attributes. By extending your query, you can also get multiple translations.

About this Method

This method can be used to get a collection of translations for an existing simple attribute.

The method does not return advanced attribute translations.

Method Signature

$translationCollection = $adminApi->attributeTranslations->all(string $attributeName);




A collection of attribute translations.


let response = await adminApi.apis.Translations.getAttributeTranslations({attributeName: "color"});
let translations = response.body.entities;