  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Configure
  4. General configuration

General configuration

You have the option to configure the Checkout either by using the User Interface (recommended) or by updating the JSON file.

Use the Checkout configuration to:

  • disable/enable a specific feature and configure its relevant parameters
  • set default configurations at the shop level that apply to all countries
  • override specific configurations for individual countries within my shop
  • Checkout as guest
  • Configuration of basket features
  • Include the the default tax rate for a specific country.
    This will ensure that customers in my country are charged the correct tax rate as per local regulations, while other countries maintain the default tax rate.
  • Basket configuration
  • Currency, dates and format
  • Email & password validation
  • Datadog Frontend Monitoring
  • Discount Codes
  • Express Checkout review page
  • Set default shipping settings at the shop level
  • Customize the look and feel with custom CSS

Checkout is configured on the local shop level.

Personal details

  • Name
  • Enable Diverse gender
  • Enable Gender Not Specified
  • Address Form validation
  • Email password validation

Enable Diverse gender

Add an option for users to choose Diverse gender:

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations > Features
  2. Select Neutral Gender > Enable
  3. Click SAVE.

Enable Gender Not Specified

Add an option for users to choose Not specified gender:

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations
  2. Select Features > Gender > Enable Not Specified.
  3. Click SAVE.

Email password validation

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations .
  2. Select Email Password.
  3. Add validation conditions.
  4. Click SAVE.

Currency, dates and format

Only one currency per shop is allowed.

As Checkout is configured on the local shop level, only one currency is allowed on this level. To find out how to handle multiple currencies and the set up shops for different countries, check the Shops page.

Update currency

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations .
  2. Select Currency, Dates & Names > Currency.
  3. Click SAVE.

Checkout as guest

Enable using the Checkout as a guest.

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations > Dynamic Fields.
  2. Select the Enable Area toggle.
  3. Choose the dynamic (input) fields.
  4. Click SAVE.

Datadog Frontend Monitoring

Enable and configure the use of datadog for frontend performance and error monitoring.

These options are available for this feature:

  • Session Sample Rate allows you to choose which percentage of events are forwarded to datadog. The higher the number, the higher the costs of this service will become.
  • Forward Errors to Logs allows frontend console errors to be viewable within the checkout-frontend service in the datadog dashboard.

To enable or configure this, please do the following:

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations > Features.
  2. Select Datadog.
  3. Choose your options.
  4. Click SAVE.


Set default shipping settings at the shop level.

These settings will apply to all countries unless overridden by specific country managers.

In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery > Countries to make your changes.

Tax rate

Override the default tax rate for a specific country.

This will ensure that for customers in countries where a separate tax needs to be collected, it is displayed in the basket pricing.

Enable or disable showing the duties and taxes in the basket summary section

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations .
  2. Select Features > Duties And Taxes > Enabled.


Enable or disable features available within the checkout basket.

This will ensure that for customers in countries where a separate tax needs to be collected, it is displayed in the basket pricing.

The following options are available to be changed within the basket configuration

  • Position of the basket within the checkout on mobile devices
  • Displaying sold out items
  • Displaying brands within each basket item
  • Hiding the basket on the authentication step
  • Hiding of the item removal button
  • Disabling quantity changes
  • Disabling of links to basket items
  • Showing net prices within the basket summary
  • Displaying collapsible promotion pricing
  • Adding image parameters to the basket item image for optimized quality and size
  • Replacing the zero value of an item with config replaceFreeItemPriceWithText and showing custom text in its place that can be set in translations under basket.item.freeItemText

Enable or disable features within the basket section

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations .
  2. Select Basket.

Express Checkout Review Page

When this feature is enabled, users that choose express checkout methods such as Amazon Pay or PayPal Express will always be forwarded to a Review page confirming the details of their order before it is confirmed.

When this feature is disabled and the user has all necessary information to complete their order, the users will be forwarded directly to the order success page.

Enable or disable features within the basket section

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations .
  2. Select Review > Show Always.

Discount Codes

This feature is for choosing where discount codes are able to be applied. The options to choose from are either on the payment step options or within the basket itself.

Enable or disable features within the basket section

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations .
  2. Select Discount Codes > Position.

The following options are available to be changed within the basket configuration

Look & Feel

To customize the look and feel of your Checkout and make it more consistent with your branding, check Theming & Assets.