  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Configure
  4. Carrier & Shipping
  5. Collection Points
  6. Configuration



To effectively configure Collection Points in SCAYLE, it's important to understand how Carriers and Shipping Options function within the platform. These should be set up before configuring your Collection Points.

The configuration of a new Collection Point is done in two steps.

1Setup new Collection Point TypeCreates a Collection Point Type in the database on a global level.
2Add a Collection Point to CheckoutEnables and defines Collection Point viszalization and behavior in the Checkout Webcomponent for specific shop countries.

Create a new Collection Point Type

Collection Point Types are configured globally. Once set up, you can add and configure these Collection Point Types individually for different shop countries and its Checkout Experiences.

To create a new collection point type in the SCAYLE Panel, navigate to "Collection Point Types" under the settings menu, and click on "Create Collection Point Type." Enter the name of the new collection point type. Ensure it follows the snake_case format (words separated by underscores)

Examples of Collection Point Types include "parcel shop," "pick-up location," or an offline "store." Since Collection Points are normally related to service stations operated by specific Carrier, it's advisable to create a separate Collection Point for each Carrier.

This can be done in the SCAYLE Panel under Settings > Configurations > Collection Point Types > Create Collection Point Type.

Add a Collection Point to a Shop Country

In order to customize the Checkout Experience for each shop country, Collection Points must be added to each shop country.

This can be done in the SCAYLE Panel under Settings > Checkout > Configurations > Shipment And Delivery > Collection Points.

Once selected, the individual Collection Point or Click & Collect can be configured.

Add Collection Point to shop country

The configuration of a Collection Point will be defined by the following parameters

Collection Point Typedhl_servicepointList of available Collection Point Types on a global level.
Delegation NameservicepointKey for order delegation request. Typically identical to the Cloud Type Name.
Cloud TypeservicepointKey for used to define webhooks or Admin API responses. Typically identical Delegation Name.
Shipping Policiesstandard_deliveryWhenShipping Policy Key" is selected, a specific Shipping Policy is applied for the Collection Point.
Carrier GroupdhlWhencarrierGroupKey" is selected, only specified Carrier will be associated with the Collection Point.
Merchantfashionshop24When "Merchant" is selected, only specified merchants will have access to the Collection Point. If "Default" is chosen, the Collection Point will be available to all merchants.
VisibilityIf Inactive the configured Collection Points will not display in the Checkout Webcomponent.
Api Search TypeservicepointValue used when calling the external API to generate a list of possible Collection Points. Usually the same as Delegation Name
Preferred Carrier Key
Customer NameCheckboxes to define whether a customer name is mandatory.
Customer NumberCheckboxes to define whether a customer number is mandatory.
API ConfigOption to enable search through an external API. Further specifications can be defined.

Once configured, the Collection Point is visible in the Checkout Webcomponent and can be tested.