  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Authentication & Accounts
  4. Authentication


Authenticate using the Checkout Authentication API

The Checkout Authentication API offers various endpoints, each requiring different authentication methods based on the use case:

  • Basic Auth Utilize OAuth Client credentials for secure access.
  • Bearer Auth Employ Access Tokens for authenticated requests.
  • No Auth Some endpoints are publicly accessible without authentication.

Check the API Specification for detailed authentication requirements for each endpoint.

For endpoint access, use the following host: https://{{tenant-space}}

HTTP Status Codes and Error Handling

The Checkout Authentication APII uses HTTP status codes to signify the outcome of API requests:

  • 2xx: Successful operations.
  • 4xx: Failures due to incorrect or insufficient information provided by the user.
  • 5xx: Errors originating from Auth Api's servers.

In the event of an error, Authentication API issues an error response with error details. Typically, this includes a single error, but some endpoints may return multiple errors.

For a comprehensive understanding, refer to the following tables detailing status codes, error responses, and error entities.

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status CodeNameDescription
200OKRequest successfully fulfilled.
201CreatedNew resource successfully created.
204No ContentRequest fulfilled with no content to send in the response.
206Partial ContentPartial content of the requested resource successfully delivered.
400Bad RequestRequest contains invalid parameters or is malformed.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed or missing, see access.
404Not FoundSpecified resource does not exist.
408 Request TimeoutRequest timed out on the server.
409 ConflictConflict with the current state of the resource.
412Precondition FailedFailure in a requested dependency.
413Payload Too LargeRequest entity exceeds the server's size limits.
424Failed DependencyRequest failed due to failure of dependency.
500Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected error on the Authentication API server.
503Service UnavailableAuthentication API is temporarily unavailable.

For endpoint-specific error codes, refer to the Checkout Authentication API.

Last updated: November 26, 2024