  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Configure
  4. Configure Json
  5. Tracking Events

Tracking Events


Use the following configuration options to customize tracking events (under tracking):

ParameterDescriptionData TypePossible Values
sendPlaintextEmailinclude email address as plaintext in tracking eventsbooleantrue or false
sendDataLayerEventssend datalayer events that are defined by our tracking teambooleantrue or false
sendFormFieldErrorssend datalayer events for individual form field errorsbooleantrue or false

Before enabling sendPlaintextEmail please align with your data privacy specialists.


You can find an example of these properties in JSON format below:

  "tracking": {
    "sendPlaintextEmail": false,
    "sendDataLayerEvents": true,
    "sendFormFieldErrors": false

The included example configuration is also the default configuration. If you do not require different values, this does not need to be changed.