  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Configure
  4. Address Validation

Address validation

Address validation


Checkout can offload the validation of customer addresses to an external system. This functionality can be leveraged in two ways:

  • Basic address validation and rejection
  • Providing a selection of suggested addresses to choose from

This page will guide you on how to set up an API that can be integrated with Checkout.

SCAYLE will activate this feature for you on request. Contact your SCAYLE Account Manager for further information.

How it works

When a customer inputs a new address during checkout, Checkout sends a request to your system. The response dictates the subsequent actions:

  • If a list of suggestions is returned, the customer must select one.
  • If the requested address is valid, it can be stored immediately without confirmation.
  • If the address is deemed invalid, it should be corrected.

Refer to the status codes overview for further details.

How to implement

You need to provide a http service that can handle the usual load of your shop and which accepts requests from the SCAYLE networks.

If you want to limit incoming traffic by IP address, your SCAYLE Account Manager can provide more information about our networks.

This service needs to implement a POST endpoint according to the following schema:


POST {{baseUrl}}/address/validate


Your endpoint needs to be able to serve the following request.


Basic auth. The credentials for this service need to be provided to your SCAYLE Account Manager.




The current shop-country id


Request example
    "additional": "3d level",
    "addressCode": "20459 3d Level right",
    "city": "Hamburg",
    "countryCode": "DEU",
    "county": "Hamburg",
    "firstName": "Anna",
    "houseNumber": "12",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "street": "Mainstr.",
    "zipCode": "20459"
Request schema
  • additional string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
  • addressCode string (optional)
  • city string ([!-ɏ0-9 ])
  • countryCode string ([A-Z]{3})
  • county string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
  • firstName string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
  • houseNumber string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
  • lastName string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
  • street string ([!-ɏ0-9 ])
  • zipCode string,integer,null (optional)


Your service needs to follow this specification when handling the checkout request.

Response body

Response example
    "city": "Hamburg",
    "countryCode": "DEU",
    "firstName": "Anna",
    "houseNumber": "10",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "score": 0.9,
    "street": "Domstr.",
    "zipCode": "20095"
    "city": "Hamburg",
    "countryCode": "DEU",
    "firstName": "Anna",
    "houseNumber": "12",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "score": 0.6,
    "street": "Domstr.",
    "zipCode": "20095"
Response schema
  • array
    • additional string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
    • addressCode string (optional)
    • city string ([!-ɏ0-9 ])
    • countryCode string ([A-Z]{3})
    • county string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
    • firstName string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
    • houseNumber string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
    • lastName string ([!-ɏ0-9 ]) (optional)
    • score number (optional)
    • street string ([!-ɏ0-9 ])
    • zipCode string ([A-z0-9\- ]{1,12})

Status Codes:

CodeDescriptionResponse Body
200request was successful, suggestions to choose from added to the responsevalidated address list
204address is valid, it can be used right awayempty array
205address is probably invalid, but it can be used right away (soft check)empty array
404address is invalid and should not be usedempty