  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Shops
  4. Internationalization
  5. Countries



Under Shops > Internationalization > Countries is a list of all countries assigned to a certain shop.

Edit its shop settings, including:

Shop Countries

Manage countries

Add country

To add a new country:

  1. Go to Shops > Internationalization > Countries.
  2. Select New Country.
  3. Fill-in required: fields: Country, Default Language, and Link.
  4. Supported languages are languages into which your online shop is to be translated.
  5. Price group allows you to assign unique identifiers to your shop to differentiate shop-specific and base prices.
  6. Click Save.

New Country

Price Rounding

Use Price Rounding to set up a rule for a specific country and currency. Price rounding affects prices, promotion prices and campaign prices.

Marketplace merchant prices are not affected by price rounding.

Rounding types
  • nearest
  • up
  • down

Campaign Price Rounding

Before rounding, campaign prices must be recalculated based on the rounded product variant price in the following order:

  1. Round price.
  2. Calculate campaign prices based on the rounded price.
  3. Round campaign prices.
Campaign price rounding calculation
Rounded Campaign Price = Round ( Rounded Price * (100 - Reduction Percentage) / 100)

Effective Reduction Percentage = 100 - (Rounded Campaign Price / Rounded Price) * 100

Add price rounding

  1. Navigate to Shops > Internationalization > Countries and select a Country.
  2. Click on + Rounding Rule.
  3. Select Precision from the dropdown, then the Rounding type.
  4. Click SAVE.

Set up a price rounding rule

Delete price rounding

  1. Navigate to Shops > Internationalization > Countries and click on a Country.
  2. Under Price Rounding, select the trash icon to delete the rule.

Edit price rounding

To edit Price Rounding, delete the existing rule, then add a new rule.

Shipment and Billing

Under Storefront Settings you can define the allowed Shipment and Billing Countries for your Checkout System.

Further education - SCAYLE Academy