  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Settings
  4. General
  5. API keys

API keys

API keys are used to uniquely identify a user and protect APIs from unauthorized access. You or external service providers can use API tokens to access data and perform actions securely.

You can access the token overview with the shortcut GAK.

Since API keys allow direct access to protected data, you should always handle them carefully and never save them unsecured.

View Existing API Keys

  1. Go to Settings > General > API Keys.
  2. On the overview page, all existing API keys are displayed.

Tokens are organized according to their use:

  • Merchant tokens
  • CMS Internal tokens

Depending on their use, API keys control access to certain areas and permissions. For details on the different rights, please contact your technical consultant.

The following information is displayed for each key:

  • Last four characters of the key
  • Creation date
  • Creator
  • Note (if added)

API Keys

Generate API Keys

To generate a new API key in the SCAYLE Panel:

  1. Go to Settings > General > API keys.
  2. Click + Token.
  3. A window opens where you can add Notes (for example, a purpose or merchant).

The note field is optional, but we strongly recommend its use. It facilitates your daily work with API keys and helps you, for example, to quickly identify when a token is outdated or obsolete and should be deleted or replaced.

When you generate a token, the creation date and creator are automatically saved, and the key is then displayed. You can save it directly to your clipboard with a click on the copy button.

The created token will only be displayed once. If you leave the overview page, you will only see the encrypted token. It is no longer possible to view the complete API key.

As it is not possible to copy a token later, you may have to generate a new API key if necessary and then use this key.

Generate API Key

Delete API Keys

API keys can be removed individually using the delete icon. Deleting an API key will immediately disable all access utilizing that key.

This action cannot be undone. Before deleting an API Key, please make sure that the token is no longer in active use.

Delete API Key

Refer to API Credentials for details on how to access Checkout via API.