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  2. User Guide
  3. Shops
  4. Products
  5. Product Detail Page

Product Detail Page


SCAYLE creates an individual product detail page for each product. You can access this page by clicking on the product image or ID on the product list.

The product detail page contains information that may also be visible in the front end. This information could, for example, point out product features to customers. The page may also contain a system-internal logic ensuring, for instance, that during checkout bulky products are delivered by a special carrier.

Page Structure

Each product detail page (PDP) shows attribute data by entity levels and product information as well as product affiliation information (on the right). The left navigation bar contains entity level anchors (for example, Master or Variants) that lead to the corresponding sections of the page.

Product Detail Page

Header & Sidebar

In the first part of the product detail page, you will find the product name and ID.

You can display product data in available languages using the drop-down menu (on the top right). Also on the top right, you have the possibility to save a product and open an action menu.

Product Status

For an Operations Product the status can be changed using the drop-down menu. You can choose between the status "Live", "Blocked", or "Problem" (which allows you to select a reason for the problem).

Action Menu

Opening the action menu (three dots) allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Show only required Attribute Groups.
  • View the original products; aggregate or delete a product (applies only to Operations Products and Merchant Products).
  • View merchant raw data (applies only to Merchant Products).

Product Detail Page - Action Menu

If you click on the product from the action menu, you will be redirected to the product detail page of a merchant product where you will find all original data. By again clicking on the three dots and selecting "Merchant Raw Data", you can download the original data.

Product Indexing Status

For Shop Products, you will find the indexing status next to the product status (above the main product image). The indexing status can be one of the following:

  • "indexed": the product will be displayed in the shop.
  • "not indexed": the reason is shown to you when you hover over the status.
  • "waiting for indexing": the indexing status has not been transferred to the queried database yet.

The last two statuses result in the corresponding product not being displayed in the shop, even if it has the product status "Live".

How to Index Products

Product information in the storefront is retrieved via the Storefront API where the information is indexed and cached (this happens every hour). If products are updated in the interim, there may be a delay before the updated information is displayed in the storefront. To avoid this delay, product indexing allows you to re-index products manually.

If you need to re-index a product or get a message "product info outdated", you can index an individual product by clicking Index Product on the action menu on the top right of the product detail page (see image below).

You can also perform bulk indexing on multiple products with an import. Navigate to Settings > Imports & Jobs > Imports > Products > Product Indexing and upload a CSV file as instructed. For more details, see Imports.

Index Product

Product Info Sidebar

In the right sidebar you will find the area "Product Info", where Attribute Groups with the corresponding values are displayed (if they were previously defined). Typical Attribute values in the product preview are, for example, product description or item number. This gives you an immediate overview of the most important data. You will also see whether the product is related to other products.

Product Entity Levels

The linked entity levels below the product image lead you directly to the respective parts of the page. (You can also navigate to them by scrolling.)

The following are some considerations for the data fields:

  • The red asterisk (*) denotes mandatory fields that must be filled out. If mandatory fields are not filled out, the product will remain offline.
  • The orange note Manually Edited means that the value was changed by a user and automatic updates for this Attribute Groups are currently not possible for the product.
  • The purple-colored note Shop Specific denotes Attribute Groups that are only valid for this shop and can differ from other shops. In combination with the note Manually Edited, the shop-specific value was changed by a user and blocked for automatic updates.


In the Master area, you can see all Attribute Groups previously assigned to the master entity. In the following example, the product was assigned to the Master Category "Sweatshirts".

Assigned Master Category

Several categories can be assigned to a product. However, the first master category is relevant for displaying Attribute Groups and mandatory fields. When you update the master category, this information is updated for all products with the same master ID.


Below the area for the master entity, you will find the area for the product entity. Here, product attribute values can be selected. There is also a field for Custom Data.


The product data area is followed by the media area.

Product Detail Page - Media

You can add images or change the image order by drag and drop. Image sorting affects all shops globally. Shop-specific sorting is only possible if you possess special user rights.


Below the media area, you will find the variants. The Attribute Groups that have already been configured as Defining for Product Level are displayed first.

Each variant ID contains several Attribute Groups which can be shown by scrolling to the right. On the right side you will find a menu with the opportunity to show more details. Here, there is additional information on a product's individual variants.

The EAN is displayed below the variant ID as soon as the product assignment feature is active.

Product Detail Page - Variants

Belongs to Categories

Below the variants section you will see whether the product is assigned to one or more shop categories.

in the belongs to category section categories are displayed that the product is assigned to based on the category configuration (Included products)

In order for the category to be displayed here it needs to be active and visible and the product cannot be excluded from the assortment of the respective shop-country.

For displaying the shop category as product belongs to we are also taking into account the "allowed shop" settings of a user profile. This means that even if a product is included in the assortment of a shop-country and assigned to a specific shop category that is active and visible but the user has no allowance for the Shop (Country) that the category belongs to, the user won't see this category here.

Prices & Inventory

Under Prices & Inventory you can see prices and what is in stock for a given shop. Further information is displayed for each product variant such as Variant ID, Merchant ID, Warehouse, Inventory, Prices, Status, validity dates and expected availability. You can change the order and visibility of these columns as needed and access them again later. Furthermore, you can change the shop for which the prices are displayed in the header and filter for product variants by active and inactive prices.

  1. Inactive Prices:
    • Prices are shown as inactive if their valid date range does not include the current date.
    • These prices are displayed as inactive on the PDP.
  2. Active Prices:
    • Prices are considered active if their valid date range includes the current date.
    • The system then checks if these prices are marked as active.
    • Only prices confirmed as active are displayed.

Prices that are within the current date range but not marked as active are not displayed.

Expected Availability

The date shown here indicates the earliest time at which a product will be available (again), provided this information is available for at least one merchant product at variant level and is not in the past. If multiple dates are available for the variant, we show the earliest date.


Insights displays KPI data for the product including revenue (prices with taxes) and units sold. Data is based on the current selected shop. The user can only select shops that they have permissions for (according to the user settings). Use the dropdown to change the time selection for the displayed data.

Total revenue

The price of item in the order including all applicable reductions (equals sale minus campaign-reductions, Promotions and Vouchers). Inclusion of taxes depends on the dashboard configuration.

On the global level, revenue is always displayed in euro (using the exchange rate) even if one of the countries has a different currency. On the country level, revenue is displayed in the country's currency. The exchange rate calculation is based on an API request at the beginning of each day at 0:00. Global revenue amounts will not reflect real-time exchange rates.

Product States

You can save changes with Save Product. However, the product will only go live when all mandatory fields are completed. Mandatory fields are marked by the asterisk (*) next to an Attribute Group name. If mandatory fields are not filled out upon saving, you have to confirm that you want to implement these changes.

Changes to product data are saved without validation if they are in draft, problem or blocked status.

In Approvalproducts status option requiring another user's approval before products go live.

There can be different reasons for a product being marked as having a problem (See problem reasons). The detailed overview allows you to manually mark problem products. You can mark a problem product by clicking Save As. Previously defined problem reasons are then listed. The overview will then display the problem note as product status.

You can filter the product list by problem reason. You will also see the cause of the problem at the top of the product detail page so you can quickly identify why the product was marked as problematic.

BlockThe blocking function allows you to block products and easily disable them for distribution to the front end. Changes to the product data are not saved when blocking a product.
DraftThe Save as Draft function saves changes to the product data without validation. The draft button is only visible for products that have the status New or Draft.

Problem Reasons

There are a number of reasons why products can be classified as containing errors. These are generally divided into two categories:

  1. Automated problem reasons
  2. Manual problem reasons

Automated problem reasons originate from within the system. SCAYLE sets the problem status automatically. These problem reasons are not configurable and will be displayed, for example, during a bulk media update.

The following errors are automatically detected by the system:

  • Missing mandatory Attribute Groups
  • Missing product image
  • Duplicate differentiating Attribute Groups detected
  • Terms from blocklist included

Manual problem reasons can be individually defined during the integration phase. You can then select from the defined list on the product detail page by clicking the button Problem to set a problem reason manually.

Product Aggregation

You can combine merchants' products into a shop product so that the same products are only sold once in the shop. If a merchant variant's EAN matches an existing shop variant, a window opens when you open the product detail page of a new merchant product. Here, you can merge variants.

We activate this feature on request.

It is not possible to detach a merged merchant product on the product details page.

The following are some key details about the aggregation window:

  • The aggregation window displays the defining Attribute Groups assigned to the category of the target product. Defining Attribute Groups are attribute values that describe a variant, such as size.
  • The column Merchant Attributes shows values of the Merchant Attribute Groups that have been assigned to the defining Attribute Groups. Above the merchant attributes you can see the EAN of the merchant product variant.
  • When the aggregation window opens, you receive a mapping suggestion. If a merchant variant is mapped to an existing product variant, the EAN is displayed above the Attribute Groups in the target product variant.
  • If no product variant has a defining attribute that matches the one sent from the merchant, a new variant is created for it. This is indicated by the blue lettering New Variant instead of the EAN.
  • Hover over the Details link (at the top of the window) to view more product details. This view is blank if no Attribute Groups have been configured for the target product category.
  • If all defining attribute values are filled in, you can map the products by clicking on Merge Products. You are then forwarded to the product detail page of the merged shop product.

When assigning merchant products, you can block some or all product variants so they are not added to the shop product. You can come back to this later and approve these product variants.

Product Aggregation window

Assign Products Manually

If no automatic assignment was found — or you want to change an assignment — you can access the aggregation window from the Actions area by manually clicking on the Aggregate Product link.

Enter the product ID of the target product and the aggregation window opens.

Aggregate Product manually