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  2. User Guide
  3. Settings
  4. Merchant Management
  5. General


The Merchants section is an important part of the integration process and for importing product data. In SCAYLE, the term "Merchant" covers various assortment sources that supply products to the system. These include the following:

  • Retail merchant or brand
  • Drop-shipping partner and logistics center
  • Warehouses (of shop owner)
  • Physical shops (of shop owner)

You can access the merchants overview section from Settings > Merchant Management > Merchants. The displayed list shows all merchants already connected to the system.

Above the merchant list are the tabs Favorites and All Merchants. Merchants previously marked with the star icon will be displayed under Favorites.

Merchants list

Merchant Details

Click on a merchant to open the respective details page. The merchant details page contains the following information:

  • General merchant details like merchant ID, merchant key, merchant's operational status, and number of supplied products.
  • Configuration like integration type, cancellation, reservation, and price approval criteria.
  • Countries and Warehouses associated with the merchants.

Once you are on a merchant page, you can change merchants in the top left menu.

Merchant vs. Warehouse

A merchant is an umbrella term for various assortment sources that deliver products to the client. By contrast, a warehouse is a logical entity that holds stock for specific variants.

What is a merchant?What is a warehouse?
Retail merchant or brandLogical entity that holds stock for specific variants.
Drop-shipping partners and logistics centersAssigned to a specific merchant
Warehouses (of the client)Assigned to 1:n shop countries
Physical shops (of the client)Are the basis for a defined priority which defines which stock is being sold first per variant

Find out more about managing Warehouses and stock.

Add countries to a merchant

  1. Go to Settings > Merchant management > merchant.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. From the Countries dropdown, select the required country.

You can only select countries for which a shop is configured in your application.

Add carriers to a merchant

  1. Go to Settings > Merchant management > merchant.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. From the Carrier dropdown, select the required carrier.

Blocklisted terms

In SCAYLE's Trademark Law: Block- and Allowlist Add-on blocklisted and allowlisted terms can be defined for e.g. the product name or product description.

If a merchant is created, the configuration Consider blocklisted terms for this merchant is active by default. This means that if a product is created from a merchant that includes a blocklisted term, this product will go to status “problem” automatically.

Further education - SCAYLE Academy