  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Shops
  4. Storefront
  5. Default Filter

Default Filter

You can define filter criteria that will be applied to your entire shop. Default Filters are set under Shops > Shop > Storefront > Default Filter. Default filters are also displayed (as read only) in filters section of shop categories.

Default filters are configured on the global shop level and apply to all shop countries. These filters can be chosen from predefined system criteria and/or simple, translatable attribute groups.

The system criteria are:

  • sale
  • max_savings_percentage
  • prices
  • has_campaign_reductions
  • isNew
  • isSustainable

Add Default Filter

Add default filters as follows:

  1. Navigate to Shops > Shop > Storefront > Default Filter.
  2. Click + Add Filter.
  3. Select a filter from the dropdown menu.
  4. Repeat to add multiple filters. Use drag and drop to arrange the filters into the desired order of priority.
  5. Click Save.

Add Filter

Default Filter Translations

Filters can be translated under Shops > Shop > Internationalization > Translations. For details, see Translations.