Creating, maintaining, and administering shops are some of SCAYLE's core functions. You can define individual settings for each shop, for example, to create a category tree or assortment mappings. These actions are always carried out within the Shops page.
To access the shops area, click Shops in the main menu. A list of all available shops is displayed. The following information is available for each shop:
- Shop logo or abbreviation
- Shop name
- Number of products listed
- Shop ID
- Shop key
- Shop status
Click the tabs to view your favorites and active shops. Add and remove favorites using the star icon.
Managing Multiple Shops
A SCAYLE instance can contain any number of shops. Each shop is independent of the others and can be configured individually. The following are possible use cases for operating different shops:
- Shops for different assortments. For example, shops for fashion or furniture.
- Shops for different target groups. For example, shops for women and men.
- Shops for different markets. For example, a German shop and a French shop.
- Shops for different brands. For example, shops for ABOUT YOU or EDITED brands.
Define assortment
Check Assortment for details how to narrow down the selection of products for specific shops.