  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Shops
  4. Analytics
  5. Dashboards
  6. Customer Dashboard

Customer Dashboard

The Customer dashboard is found under Shops > Analytics > Customer and requires the permission shop__analytics__customer__show. The dashboard displays the following KPI data related to shop customers:

  • Active customers
  • Guest customers
  • Logged in customers
  • Distribution by gender
  • Age
  • Active users by country

Age is an average calculated based only on those customers who entered their age. The table below shows which KPIs are available at the shop and country levels.

KPIGlobal Shop LevelCountry LevelDescription
Active Customers✓✓All users which have been active in the online shop in the selected time period.
Guest customers✓✓Active users which have "isGuestCustomer": true
Logged in customers✓✓Active users which have "isGuestCustomer": false
Distribution by gender✓✓Gender of customers who have been active in the selected time frame
Age✓Age of customers who have been active in the selected time frame
Active users by country✓Active users divided by the single country assigned to the shop