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  2. User Guide
  3. Shops
  4. Products
  5. Bulk Media Uploads

Bulk Media Uploads


Using the bulk media upload function, you can upload numerous media files for different products.

The Bulk Media Upload page is located at Products > Bulk Media Upload. This page lists completed, failed, or running bulk uploads. Click on the arrow ( > to the right of Status), to access the import overview and see which images were imported.

Bulk Media Upload

Carry out Bulk Media Uploads

File Naming

Multimedia files should follow a uniform and consistent naming logic. This is the only way the system can automatically assign files to the corresponding products. If products cannot be assigned or a file contains errors, the upload status will display an error message. Files must contain the selected ID in the file name. The naming structures for given ID types are as follows:

ID TypeFile naming structure

Before you start uploading files, make sure all the file names have one of the above structures.

If you want to upload multiple images for one product, you must add an extension to the file name. This is the only way the system can reliably assign the images. For example, 38987283740_1_pantsFront.jpg (product ID + sort number + extension/article name).

Sort Files Numerically

Optionally, you can sort datasets in the bulk media upload numerically. To do so, you have to add the corresponding number after the product ID before uploading the file. The image files will be sorted accordingly during the upload.

Upload Steps

Go to Products > Bulk Media Upload.

  1. Choose ID type: merchant identifier, product ID or EAN.
  2. Select the data source and data to upload. Remember, the file name must include the chosen ID.
  3. Upload the data in a permitted file format (maximum size of 20 MB for each file).

The system will automatically apply uploaded files to all shops that contain the corresponding products. Shop-specific media uploads are not available.

Upload Errors

After uploading files, the system automatically checks whether the format is permitted. If SCAYLE cannot process files, you will get an error message. If you receive an error message, we recommend restarting the upload process and checking the files for completeness and correctness.

Media upload error message

Permitted File Formats

SCAYLE supports various file formats. You can upload the following formats:

  • PNG
  • JPG / JPEG
  • TIFF

It is not yet possible to add video files or links to external sites with video content.

Permitted ID Types

Merchant Identifier

The merchant identifier is the article ID the merchant assigned to the product in his own system.

When merchants transmit multimedia files, such as product images, to SCAYLE, they usually include a merchant identifier. To avoid manually renaming supplied images, it is possible to update products using this article ID.

Product ID

Each time a merchant transfers products into the system, SCAYLE automatically assigns a unique product ID to these products. This ID is SCAYLE-specific and can also be used for bulk media uploads.

Aggregation Key

If you have a list of all products that should be updated, you can also execute an update by entering the matching aggregation keys.
An example of this would be EAN.

This option is only available if aggregation keys are enabled.