  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Shops
  4. Reports
  5. Manage Reports

Manage Reports


The table below indicates which permissions are relevant for managing reports

Permission NameDescription
report__createThis permission is required to create a report
report__listThis permission is required to see existing reports
report__deleteThis permission is required to delete reports
report__editThis permission allows to see the details of reports and to update them
report__edit_queryThis permission is required to update to query of a report
report__generateThis permission allows to create the report file
export__listThis permission is required to see the generated report files (Exports)
export__downloadThis permission is required to download an export file
export__deleteThis permission allows to delete export files

Given the required permissions are assigned a report is accessible for all users with the same role as the creator or the report. Additionall roles which should be able to see a particular report can be added when creating or editing a repot. A User can only add roles that are at the same or below their own role level.

Create a Report

To create a report:

  1. Click New Report.
  2. Fill in Report name, File Name, Description, and File Format.
  3. Specify the Data Type.
  4. Select roles under Accessible For Roles.
  5. Make a selection under Automatic generation.
  6. Enter the Query.
  7. Pick Tags that match your report, so you can find it later.
  8. Click Create.

New report

File Format

The administrator can choose between CSV and XSL file formats. Excel (XSL) has a maximum limit of 1 million entries, so CSV should be selected for larger reports. For performance reasons, it is recommended to use CSV in all cases.

Data Type

Depending on the information your report retrieves, you have to select the respective data source. For example, if you want to create a report for vouchers, you must choose Customer Add-on as a data source.

The following options are available when selecting a data source:

  • Product
  • Customer Add-on
  • Checkout Add-on

Automated Generation

Reports can be generated automatically at different times on the same day. This gives you the possibility to start reports which take a long time to create (for example, generate a report overnight).

The following options are available for automatically generating reports:

  • Off
  • Every day at 8 a.m.
  • Every day at midnight
  • Every Monday at midnight
  • Every 2 hours
  • Every month on the 1st at 2 am
  • Every month on the 1st and 15th at 2 am

Completed reports can be found in the export overview. All generated reports are displayed chronologically.


The request includes an SQL query executed when the report is generated. When saving a report, the query is initially tested once.

If the query fails, you will get a notification. You can request a detailed error description from your SCAYLE Account Manager.


Tags are the way to organize and find your reports. A report can have as many tags as you want. All tags used are shown below the system categories on the Custom Reports page.

Tags without any reports assigned are cleaned up after 30 days.

Reports with Placeholders

Within a query, you can insert different placeholders. With these placeholders, you define criteria directly in the placeholder field when creating a report (for example, product IDs).

Reports with placeholders cannot be generated automatically because they require user interaction.

The following placeholder types are available for the reports:

  • Autocompletion (attribute groups, shops, etc.)
  • Text
  • Date

Wildcards within a query are indicated by braces:



To use auto-completion, the placeholder must be extended by the key defining the type.


The following keys are available:

attributemaster attributes filtered by an attribute group; user will be prompted to select the attribute group during report generation
attributes_groupall attribute groups
campaignprice campaigns
categorymaster category
merchantsmerchant names
merchant_attribute_groupmerchant attribute groups, filtered by merchant
problem_reasonproblem reasons for products
shopsshop names
warehouseswarehouse names

Additional Options

Placeholders can be enhanced with additional options affecting the query of the parameters during report generation.

OptionDescriptionAvailable for
labelfield nameall
captionfield descriptionall
multiplesingle or multiple selectionall
commaSeparatedcomma separated valuestext
formatformat of the target datedate


Query for requesting a shop name.

FROM applications
WHERE id = {autocomplete:shops|multiple:true ,label:"Shop" ,caption: "For which shop would you like to have the name?"}

Edit Reports

To edit a report directly, click on the â‹®-icon and Edit Report. A window will open with the report settings, which you can customize to suit your needs.

You need special permission to edit the report settings. The SQL query also requires additional user rights. Administrators can enable these permissions in the user management.

Retrieve Reports Externally (API)

The SCAYLE Panel has an API to make reports accessible to external systems. This interface uses the Basic Auth process for authentication. Each SCAYLE Panel user can be assigned for authentication. In principle, every report created is then accessible via this API — as long as the user role on the report and the Basic Auth user match.



Using the URL shown above, it is always possible to download the report’s last generated version. If there is no newer report yet, you will either be shown an older file (see timestamp), or you will receive a notification that the file has not yet been entirely generated.

  "data": {
    "url": "https://url-to-the-file",
    "created_at": "2019-08-06 14:51:59",
    "finished_at": "2019-08-06 14:54:59"
  "message": "Report is not generated or finished yet"

Force Download

The file can be downloaded directly using the URL parameter forceDownload=1.


Shop country navigation report

Create navigation report on the shop country level for a single or multiple countries.

Users with rolesshop_navigation_show and shop_navigation_list assigned are able to see and generate the report.

  1. In the SCAYLE Panel, go to Shops > Reports > Custom Reports.
  2. Click New Report > CREATE.
  3. Fill in Name, File Name, Description, and File Format.
  4. Make a selection under Automatic generation.
  5. Select Shop Country Navigation.
  6. Click Create.

You cannot edit or delete the report.