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  2. User Guide
  3. Shops
  4. Analytics
  5. Dashboards
  6. General Dashboard

General Dashboard

The General page contains KPIs at the shop and country levels for user-defined time periods. Data on this page can be used to track progress toward sales, marketing, and customer service goals. These analytics are more specific than those on the shops Dashboard.

General KPI Dashboard

This General KPI Dashboard requires the permission shop__analytics__general__show.

Available KPIs

Available KPIs include the following:

  • Number of orders
  • Revenue
  • Number of new customers
  • Average number of items per order
  • Payment methods
  • Top product sales (by number of items and revenue)
  • Top brand sales (by number of items and revenue)

The table below indicates which KPIs are visible at the global and country levels.

KPIGlobal Shop LevelCountry LevelDescription
OrdersAll the confirmed orders for the given time frame.
RevenueTotal revenue (Prices including taxes) by confirmed orders for the given time frame (global-shop always shows the revenue in the currency that is assigned to the default locale an environment is set up with even if one of the countries has a different currency).
New customersCustomer accounts that have been created on the current day for the given time frame and have "isGuestCustomer": false.
Average Items per OrderAverage items per order for the given time frame.
Payment MethodsPayment Methods based on the Confirmed Orders per minute for the given time frame (total and percentage)
Top Product Sales (by no. of sold items)Top 5 products by number of items sold in the given time frame.
Top Brands (by no. of sold items)Top 5 brands by number of items sold in the given time frame.
Top Product Sales (by revenue)Confirmed orders per minute for the given time frame.
Top Brands (by revenue)Top 5 brands by revenue in the given time frame.
Top 5 Payment MethodsTop 5 payment methods used in the country (by number of transactions) for the given time frame.
Average Order ValueAverage order value within a given time frame.
Sales DeductionValue deducted from gross revenue in a given time frame due to cancellations, refunds and delivery costs

Payment methods are visible on the country level

Top products by sold items or revenue

KPI Details and Logic


  • Hover events on the data points and graphs allow you to view details.
  • For Revenue by Country and Payment Methods, include/exclude data points using checkboxes.
  • You can click on top products and brands to navigate to the respective detail pages.

Revenue and Currency

  • Total revenue (Prices including taxes) is calculated by summing the price of every item in the order for the given time frame. The price includes taxes and all applicable reductions such as campaigns and promotions but not vouchers affecting the whole order.
  • On the global level, revenue is always displayed in euro (using the exchange rate) even if one of the countries has a different currency.
  • On the country level, revenue is displayed in the country's currency.
  • The exchange rate calculation is based on an API request at the beginning of each day at 0:00. Global revenue amounts will not reflect real-time exchange rates.

Legends and Data Points

  • For 2-30 days, there are data points for each day (for example, "Last 30 days" shows 30 data points).
  • "Today" and "Last 4 hours" have data points for each half hour.
  • "Last 1 hour" has data points for each 5 minutes.
  • A given y-axis value covers up to and including the next point on a x-axis (for example, the data point for 10:00 covers 10:00-10:30).

Email Reports

The General’s Dashboard offers a button on Global Shop and Shop Country Level that allows a subscription to the KPIs on the Dashboard.

You can configure timeframes for the subscriptions (daily, weekly, monthly):

  • Daily Report: Sent daily, containing data from the previous day.
  • Weekly Reports: Sent every Monday, encompassing data from Monday through Sunday of the previous week.
  • Monthly Report: Sent on the first day of each month, covering data from the entirety of the previous month.

The emails will be scheduled to be sent out at 3 am (based on configured schedule_timezone) containing these information:

  • the date the KPIs were calculated for (e.g. if the user subscribes to get the mail daily and received it on 14.02. the data refers to the 13.02.)
  • Revenue (including taxes)
  • Orders
  • New Customers
  • (Top) Payment Methods (by gross Revenue) – only for subscription to country Level
  • Revenue by country (including taxes) – only for subscription to global Dashboard

If the user subscribes or unsubscribes to/from the global dashboard, the setting applies only for the global level