  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Configure
  4. Masking Input Data

Masking input data

The input fields in Checkout contain specific data attributes that provide data masking for mentioned analytics / tracking solutions. The content of every element marked with the data attribute is removed to prevent content on your page from being recorded.


  • Data attribute added in our source code:
  • The content of <input> elements with type text, email, password, search, tel, url or <input> elements without a type are replaced with bullets before the HTML is sent
  • Every figure of <input> elements with type number are replaced by 0

For more information see: Contentsquare documentation


  • Data attribute added in our source code:

Mouseflow will record the page as if the marked HTML element was not there:

// Example:
    <p>Test 1</p>
    <input data-mf-replace="**REMOVED**"/>
    <p>Test 2</p>

// The page will be recorded as follow:
    <p>Test 1</p>
    <p>Test 2</p>

For more information see: Mouseflow documentation.


Hotjar handles data masking without any changes on the checkout side.

  • Text type fields will show ***
  • Number type fields will show 111
  • Date type fields will show 01/01/1979
  • Placeholder attributes in input elements will show ***, even if the placeholder is empty.

For more information see: Hotjar documentation.