  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Configure
  4. Payment Module Presentation

Payment module presentation


The payment section in the SCAYLE Panel provides you with various options for customization to provide a seamless checkout experience for your users. Below, you’ll find detailed guidance on accessing and configuring these settings, along with examples and helpful tips to ensure your setup meets your needs.

Note: It is not possible to turn on specific payment methods nor service providers (PSPs) in the SCAYLE Panel. To do so, please, reach out to your SCAYLE Account Manager.

SCAYLE offers multiple ways to individualize the Checkout experience.

You may

Example: Payment selection

Understanding Payments frontend

In SCAYLE's frontend payment system, the payment concept is defined by two key elements:

  1. PaymentOptionKey
  2. Icons

And two optional text components

  1. Descriptions
  2. Tool tips


The PaymentOptionKey defines, which payment service provider (PSP) is used, OR which specific payment method. For example standard_cod refers to Cash on delivery and klarna_paynow refers to Klarna's pay in advance.

The payment backend system uses the PaymentOptionKey to channel the user to the correct payment method.

The PaymentOptionKey is created during the integration of a PSP or the creation of a new payment method by SCAYLE and cannot be altered.


When a new PaymentOptionKey is created SCAYLE will always assign a specific icon to it.

Icons refer to credit or debit card flags (like Maestro, Visa, etc) , logos of payment partners (such as PayPal, Klarna, etc) or your own personalized icons (for instance some tenants want to create their own credit card logo instead of using the card flags or want to personalize the SCAYLE default icons for options like cash on delivery).


By default, payment methods do not have a description. But if you turn this configuration on, you are able to add a short description that fit your specific marketing and branding needs, of why your user should choose a specific payment method. You may choose to add some crisp marketing text like: "Pay safely with PayPal", or "Buy now worry later. Pay with Klarna."

Tool tips

By default, tool tips are turned off. You can use tool to inform users of benefits of using that payment method, information about refunds, or any information that fits your needs, but is tad bit too long for the description.

Configuring your payment Frontend

Feature overview

To access the Payment Configuration section, go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations in the SCAYLE Panel, then select Payment Options.

From here you are able to:

  1. Configure Icons
  2. Configure Descriptions
  3. Configure Tool tips
  4. Configure rules to disable payment methods

Configuring icons

As a SCAYLE tenant you are able to control the only the icons of the payment module overview. The icons inside the payment options (module that opens when the user selects a payment method) are controlled by the Payment Service Provider.

You have 3 possible configuration for icons: Hide them, display a specific or multiple icons for one specific PaymentOptionKey.

Hide icons

Imagine you ran a user study, and as feedback, they said the payment module is too crowded. Your research and brand teams recommend removing the noise of this module. To do that, you can hide the payment method icons.

Go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations in the SCAYLE Panel, then select Payment Options. Locate the option Hide Payment Icons. This configuration is off by default. To hide icons, turn hidePaymentIcons on. To keep them visible, keep this configuration off. Hit save.

hidePaymentIcons on

hidePaymentIcons off

Display specific icon

Let's imagine that your company has struck a deal with PayPal and you want to have your on special logo during this campaign. On Panel, access Settings > Assets and look for PayPal.

If you want to change only the assets at the payment step, click edit on payment/payPal.svg

Add your desired image. Hit save.

Please make sure to use an icon with 32px height by 50px width and SVG format. Also remember to change the icon once the campaign is done (as this cannot be programmed to stay on for only a certain period of time).

Display multiple icons

Picture this: instead of showing only one logo which SCAYLE has given you by default for say Credit Card payment method, you want to show Visa, MasterCard and CarteBancaire for France. But in Brazil you want to show Visa, Master and Amex.

To configure multiple logos for one payment method you must know what PaymentOptionKey you want to configure it for. You can find here a list of all available PaymentOptionKeys here and a list of all available icons here.

Still not sure which PaymentOptionKey to choose? Add the following parameter at the end of the URL to reveal the PaymentOptionKey on your checkout in the payment step > payment module: showPaymentOptionKeys=true

Go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations in the SCAYLE Panel, then select Payment Options. Locate the option Payment brand list, Payment Option key and Icons.

Select your desired pairing of PaymentOptionKey and Icon as described bellow. Hit save.

You don't know what paymentOptionKey and icon to choose? check this list.

    "paymentOptionKey": "adyen_creditcard",
    "icons": [

Icons non-altered

Multiple icons configure for credit card

Up to 4 icons will be displayed at once. If you configure more then 4 they will be hidden behind a tool tip.

More then 4 icons configured, tool tip opened

Configure Descriptions

You may want to explain your end users the benefit of using a certain paymentOptionKey. You can use this description for it. Each short description has their own translation key, and you can translate them in Crowdin.

To enable descriptions for payment methods go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations in the SCAYLE Panel, then select Payment Options. Locate the option Descriptions, and turn Short on. Hit save. This option is disabled by default.

Descriptions short off

Descriptions short on

If your texts for the description is too long, we will automatically break the translation into several lines, while keeping everything centralised, so the design will not break. But for a more aesthetic component we recommend your translation occupies a maximum of 2 lines. If you have only one icon configured this is about 91 characters.

If you have multiple icons configured, less text will fit. You can test by inspecting element on your checkout and locally overwriting the description.

A few examples of different text lengths for the description configuration:

Configure Tool tips

Imagine the scenario again where your company is running a campaign with a certain Payment method, and you want more real state to explain the user why should they choose this payment method over another one. You have changed the icons, but the description area is too short for all you need to say. Worry no more!

To enable tool tips for payment methods go to Settings > Checkout > Configurations in the SCAYLE Panel, then select Payment Options. Locate the option Descriptions, and turn Tool Tip on. Hit save. This option is disabled by default.

Bear in mind that like descriptions, tool tips can be translated. Each tool tip has 2 string, one for its title, and one for the body. Check out how to translate them here.

Descriptions tooltip off

Descriptions tooltip on

Configuring rules to disable payment methods

As a SCAYLE tenant you are able to certain rules whereby a user will not be allowed to pay for a certain order with certain payment method.

Say for business reasons, you do not want users to pay with Klarna Pay now for orders smaller then 500 euros. To do so, access Settings > Rule Engine in the SCAYLE Panel. Click on add new rule.

Fill out name, and short description. Under conditions select payment > amount, <= to the value you would like (in this example 500), and all match. Under results payment > your PayPal paymentOptionKey then deactivate_payment_method.

For more on the rule engine, visit our Rule engine guide.

Example of payment option disabled via rule engine

Deactivate payment method means it will still be visible on the front end as the screenshot bellow, but while visible it is not clickable. Disable means the payment is not visible, nor selectable


Make sure to add necessary translations for the tooltip and short description texts.

shortDescription, toolTipHeadline and toolTipText are located under {Crowdin translations}.payment.paymentMethod.optionDescriptions.{specific payment option}.

Find out more about using Crowdin platform.


List of available PaymetOptionKeys

  | 'standard_cheque'
  | 'standard_creditcard'
  | 'standard_invoice'
  | 'standard_pay_in_advance'
  | 'standard_cod'
  | 'bg_cod'
  | 'cy_cod'
  | 'cz_cod'
  | 'dhl_cod'
  | 'ee_cod'
  | 'es_cod'
  | 'gr_cod'
  | 'hr_cod'
  | 'hu_cod'
  | 'it_cod'
  | 'lt_cod'
  | 'lv_cod'
  | 'pl_cod'
  | 'pt_cod'
  | 'ro_cod'
  | 'sa_cod'
  | 'si_cod'
  | 'sk_cod'
  | 'accounting'
  | 'adyen_apple_pay'
  | 'adyen_creditcard'
  | 'adyen_google_pay'
  | 'adyen_ideal'
  | 'adyen_klarna_paynow'
  | 'adyen_klarna_paylater'
  | 'adyen_klarna_installments'
  | 'adyen_mbway'
  | 'adyen_mobilepay'
  | 'adyen_paypal'
  | 'adyen_online_banking_pl'
  | 'adyen_twint'
  | 'afterpay_invoice'
  | 'amazon_pay'
  | 'arvato_creditcard'
  | 'arvato_p24'
  | 'arvato_paypal'
  | 'arvato_ideal'
  | 'computop_applepay'
  | 'computop_bancontact'
  | 'computop_creditcard'
  | 'computop_creditcard_mastercard'
  | 'computop_creditcard_visa'
  | 'computop_googlepay'
  | 'computop_maestro'
  | 'computop_paydirekt'
  | 'computop_payu'
  | 'computop_payu_cee'
  | 'computop_payu_twisto'
  | 'computop_postfinance'
  | 'klarna_paylater'
  | 'klarna_paynow_direct_debit'
  | 'klarna_paynow_direct_bank_transfer'
  | 'klarna_installments'
  | 'klarna_paynow'
  | 'paypal'
  | 'paypal_instant'
  | 'ratepay_directdebit'
  | 'ratepay_invoice'
  | 'saferpay_bancontact'
  | 'saferpay_creditcard_maestro'
  | 'saferpay_creditcard_mastercard'
  | 'saferpay_creditcard_visa'
  | 'saferpay_ideal'
  | 'saferpay_p24'
  | 'saferpay_twint'
  | 'spay_adyen_apple_pay'
  | 'spay_adyen_blik'
  | 'spay_adyen_credit_card'
  | 'spay_adyen_creditcard_bc'
  | 'spay_adyen_google_pay'
  | 'spay_adyen_ideal'
  | 'spay_adyen_mobilepay'
  | 'spay_adyen_online_banking_pl'
  | 'spay_adyen_twint'
  | 'spay_klarna_paynow'
  | 'spay_paypal'
  | 'spay_klarna_paylater'
  | 'spay_klarna_payovertime'
  | 'unzer_creditcard'
  | 'witt_cod'
  | 'witt_deferred_invoice'
  | 'witt_invoice'
  | 'witt_pay_instalments';

List of available Icons

  | 'afterPay'
  | 'amazonPay'
  | 'amex'
  | 'apple'
  | 'applePay'
  | 'bancaires'
  | 'bancontact'
  | 'blik'
  | 'cod'
  | 'creditCard'
  | 'dinersClub'
  | 'discover'
  | 'giropay'
  | 'google'
  | 'googlePay'
  | 'iDeal'
  | 'invoice'
  | 'isracard'
  | 'jcb'
  | 'klarna'
  | 'maestro'
  | 'mastercard'
  | 'mbway'
  | 'mobilePay'
  | 'ob'
  | 'p24'
  | 'payPal'
  | 'payU'
  | 'postFinance'
  | 'ratepay'
  | 'ratepayInvoiceDe'
  | 'ratepayInvoiceEn'
  | 'ratepayInvoiceFr'
  | 'ratepayInvoiceNl'
  | 'riverty'
  | 'sepa'
  | 'sepaDirectDebit'
  | 'twint'
  | 'twisto'
  | 'unionPay'
  | 'unzerInvoice'
  | 'visa';