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  2. Checkout Guide
  3. Configure
  4. Carrier & Shipping
  5. Collection Points

Collection Points



The Collection Point feature enhances SCAYLE's home delivery feature by offering customers the option to ship their orders to convenient third-party locations.

Collection points can be carrier pick-up locations, parcel shops, or even in-store deliveries (Click & Collect).

In SCAYLE's Checkout flow, customers can easily search for nearby Collection Points, using a given address.

These Collection Points, which are assigned to designated Carriers, are linked to the order upon confirmation.

Currently, Hermes and DHL can be configured as Collection Points. In case, you want to configure another Carrier with Collection Points please reach out to your SCAYLE Account Manager.

Understand Collection Points

Understand Collection Points

SCAYLE's Collection Point feature is defined by a unique key called Collection Point Type. The Type is part of the orderOptions and collectionPointDelivery objects, as shown below.

          "carrierGroupKey": "hermes",
          "carrierKey": "hermes",
          "collectionPointType": "Parcel_Shop"

When a customer searches for a Collection Point using a given address, the Checkout Webcomponent will display the available Types within the Collection Point component based on the specified key, such as "Parcel Shop." The exact name of each Type is determined by the corresponding translation key.

Collection Point Type

In some cases, multiple Collection Point Types may be configured. When a customer switches between different Types, the Checkout Webcomponent will display only the available Collection Points based on the configured Collection Point Type.

The number of Collection Point Options the Checkout Webcomponent will render is based on a specific radius that is determined by its Maximum Distance, which can be easily customized after the Collection Point has been configured.

Collection Point Search

If a customer clicks on one of the displayed Collection Points, the Checkout Webcomponent will open a detailed view of the respective Collection Point. Through customization, additional customer data such as Carrier Customer ID, Logistic Phone Number, or Customer Name can be obtained.

Collection Point Detail View

Clicking the "Select and Continue" button sends the selected Collection Point and its data to the logistics system once the order is confirmed.

Relation to other Services

Collection Points are closely linked to Shipping Options and Carriers. Before setting them up, it's essential to understand how Carriers and Shipping Options function in SCAYLE.

Make sure Shipping Options and Carriers are configured before adding Collection Points

During the Checkout flow, the system automatically links each Collection Point Type to a Preferred Carrier, which is selected as a default option. Therefore, a carrierKey must be assigned when configuring a Collection Point in a specific shop country. Refer to the Understand Carrier chapter for more details on carrierKeys.

Each Collection Point can come with its own Shipping Option. When configuring a Collection Point within a specific shop country, a Shipping Policy Key can be assigned to define e.g. shipping fees or express delivery. Refer to the Understand Shipping Options chapter for more details on Shipping Policy Keys.

Lastly, to display the logo and translation key for a Carrier associated with a Collection Point, each Collection Point needs to be linked to a carrierGroupKey. When adding a Collection Point to the shop country, consult the Available Carrier Group Keys chapter to learn which carrierGroupKey can be applied.

Best Practices

  • Always relate a Collection Point Type to a Carrier.
  • Use a single Collection Point Typs for in-store deliveries like Click & Collect (no carrier needed)
  • Reuse keys/types across fields (e.g., use "servicepoint" for Collection Point Type, Cloud Type, and API Search Type) to avoid unnecessary mappings.

Checkout defaults

When setting up Collection Points for the first time, both the Checkout Webcomponent and Backend configurations are automatically set by default. You can find a list of these default configurations below. All default options can be individually adjusted under the Customize section.

Webcomponent defaults

Is VerticaldisabledDelivery options will be displayed in a horizontal layout in Shipping step
Delivery Option SelectionHome DeliveryAutoselects Home Delivery in Shipping step
Suggest Collection PointdisabledIn Payment step, Collection Point would be suggested for customers who selected Home Delivery
Default viewmapCollection Point options can be selected from a map
Default Maximum Distance10 kmCollection Point options are shown within a 10 km radius of the selected address
Google AutocompletefalseAddress suggestions through Google Autocomplte are disabled
Logistic Phone NumberfalseDynamic Field for Logistic Phone Number in Shipping step is disbaled
Carrier Customer IDfalseDynamic Field for Carrier Customer ID in Shipping step is disbaled

Backend defaults

Forward to Collection PointdisabledShipping to the post office that is the closest to your shipping address. Reach out to SCAYLE Account Manger to learn more
Carrier selectionBy default, Preferred Carrier is chosen. If no Preffered Carrier is available
Shipping policy selection
Address selection


In the first step carrier, shipping policy and address are taken from these sources:

  • carrier: preferred carrier of customer or carrier from state or null
  • shipping policy: shipping policy from state or null
  • address: shipping address from state or null (irrelevant)

If carrier and or shipping policy is null → fallback logic

If address is null select home delivery option based on carrierGroupKey and shippingOptionKey

otherwise if address is isParcelShop select collection point delivery option based on carrierGroupKey and address.parcelShop.type