Automatic Discounts
The customer receives a discount on specific items in the basket or order. The discount can be relative, such as 10%, or absolute such as 10€. You can narrow down the discount conditions to a specific audience or items.
10% off of every sneaker, but only when customer is in the audience “VIP”. 15€ off of every item, which is more expensive than 200€. 10€ off of the cheapest/most expensive item in the basket
Required fields
To create an automatic discount following fields are at least required:
- Name
- Priority
- Schedule Date
- Discount value
Admin API
Parameter | Details |
id READ-ONLY | String Promotion id |
version READ-ONLY | String Promotion version |
name | String Name of the promotion |
schedule | PromotionSchedule Time range when the promotion is active |
isActive | Boolean Promotion active flag |
shopId | String The list of shop ids where the promotion takes place |
companyId | String The list of company ids where the promotion takes place |
siblingPromotions | PromotionSiblingPromotions Sibling promotions allow/block other promotions from being used together with this one |
audiences | PromotionAudiences Audiences allow/block list. Use it to restrict promotions to specific customer groups |
effect | PromotionEffect The effect that will be applied if all conditions are satisfied |
globalConditions | PromotionGlobalCondition The list of conditions ('payload.*') that determines whether the promotion is applicable or not |
itemConditions | PromotionItemCondition The list conditions ('item.*') that determine whether promotion is applicable or not for a particular item |
priority | String Priority of the promotion |
additionalData | Object Additional data of the promotion. Can be legal text or some other info, that will be shown to customer |
tiers | PromotionTier The list of promotion tiers. Tiers must be sent in ascending order |
Create a Promotion
You can create promotions that are valid in a specific shop, countries or for a particular audience.
Method Signature
let response = await client.apis.Promotions.createPromotion({}, {requestBody: promotion});
let promotion = response.body;
Create Automatic Discount of 10%
//create Automatic Discount - percentage: 10%
let promotion = {
name: "MyPromotion",
schedule: {
from: "2023-05-10T10:00:00+01:00",
to: "2023-05-10T10:00:00+01:00"
isActive: true,
shopId: ["1000"],
companyId: "100",
effect: {
id: "automatic_discount",
additionalData: {
type: "percentage,
value: 1000
itemConditions: [
key: "mov_100",
condition: "item.color == \"yellow\""
let response = await client.apis.Promotions.createPromotion({}, {requestBody: promotion});
promotion = response.body;
Create Automatic Discount of 20%
//create Automatic Discount - absolute value: 20
let promotion = {
name: "MyPromotion",
schedule: {
from: "2023-05-10T10:00:00+01:00",
to: "2023-05-10T10:00:00+01:00"
isActive: true,
shopId: ["1000"],
companyId: "100",
effect: {
id: "automatic_discount",
additionalData: {
type: "absolute",
value: 20
itemConditions: [
key: "mov_100",
condition: "item.color == \"yellow\""
let response = await client.apis.Promotions.createPromotion({}, {requestBody: promotion});
promotion = response.body;
Update a Promotion
You can update promotion configuration such as schedule, effect, priority, etc.
Method Signature
let response = await client.apis.Promotions.updatePromotion({promotionId: promotionId}, {requestBody: promotion});
let promotion = response.body;
Example: Update a Promotion
let promotion = {
name: "MyPromotion",
let response = await client.apis.Promotions.createPromotion({promotionId: "65688b0987f54332106a579e"}, {requestBody: promotion});
promotion = response.body;
Storefront API
Get Promotions
Retrieve active promotions with matching ID using GET v1/promotions
For details see the Storefront API Reference.
In the SCAYLE Panel
Create automatic discount
To create a new promotion:
- Select the Shop where you want to create your promotion and go to
Promotions > Automatic Discount
. - Click the + New Automatic Discount button.
- In Name, type a name for the promotion.
- Priority: This determines the priority of the promotion in the case that there are multiple promotions active at the same time.
- Select whether the promotion should be combinable with other promotions.
- If selected, enter Combinable promotion IDs in the Allowlist or Blocklist
- In Countries, select in which countries of the current shop the promotion should be valid.
- In Audiences, select for which customer audience the promotion should be valid.
- (Optional) In Combinable, select which promotions are allowed or blocked for combination.
- Enter further criteria based on the discount type:
- For type Automatic Discount, enter Discount type and Discount amount.
- Add at least one condition to the promotion. See conditions below.
- Start date: enter the date and time when the promotion starts running.
- End date: enter the date and time when the promotion becomes inactive.
- Click Save.
Automatic Discount
Note: It is possible to combine promotion and a PPK
(Price Promotion Key) together. This process first applies the PPK discount, and then the promotion's automatic discount is applied on top of it.
The automatic discount will be applied to any products by default. If needed you can change the applies to selected products, categories or attributes.