Manage Product Variants
In the product hierarchy of SCAYLE each product has one or more Variants. These variants are the entities that customers buy online. Stock is managed on variants. Variants differ from each other by defining attributes such as "size" or "pack-size". Just like products, variants can have simple and advanced attributes.
Variants are entities with the most specific representation of a product and are the actual items sold in shops, e.g., sneaker: specific brand > color: white > size: 42
Variant Stocks
Stocks represent the number of the available items and are defined on variant level. To ensure correct stock information, you update stock information in a specific warehouse.
More about Stocks.
Variant Prices
Prices are defined on variant level and contain all information about prices, taxes and validity — upcoming prices can also be defined for automatic future price updates. Prices may also include information about the respective price alternative, such as campaign discounts or promotion prices.
More about Prices.
Variant Attributes
Variant attributes can be used to enhance variant data displayed in a shop, for example, variant size, color and more.
Attributes can be either shop-country-specific or global. When an attribute is shop-country-specific, it means that an attribute value will be applied for the specified shop country. This makes it easy to customize attributes in relation to a specific shop country while still maintaining a sensible default value for all other shop countries using the same attribute.
To avoid accidentally deleting or updating attributes that were manually added or edited via the SCAYLE, the query parameter ignoreAttributeLocks
can be used to control the behaviour of how these updates should be handled.
The default behaviour is to respect attribute locks. Thus, even if an attribute is present in the payload, it will not be updated. The same behaviour will be applied, if an attribute is omitted in the payload, so it will not get deleted.
If you want to force updates or deletion of attributes, you need to set ignoreAttributeLocks
= true. In this case, all attributes get updated or deleted even if they are locked.
More about Attributes.
Parameter | Details |
id | Integer ID assigned by SCAYLE. |
referenceKey | String A key that uniquely identifies the variant of a product (usually an SKU) within the tenant's ecosystem. |
ean | String An ean that refers to a product variant . |
attributes | Attribute A list of attributes attached to the product variant. |
prices | ProductVariantPrice A list of prices attached to the product variant. |
stocks | ProductVariantStock The product variant stock information. |
customData | CustomData |
isCompositeREAD-ONLY | Boolean Indicates whether the variant is composite. |
relatedVariants | RelatedProductVariant A list of variants that belong to the composite variant. |
Custom Data
This entity supports custom data, please check the documentation at Custom Data.
Admin API
Create product variant
Creating a variant in its basic version only requires a reference key. However, if you want to create a complete product variant, you can add additional attributes likes size, prices or promotion keys.
The method is used to create a product variant, which can be purchased by a customer.
Creating a product variant will also trigger the product state evaluation process.
All prices returned in the response will only contain active prices. If you want to get more detailed information, e.g., future prices, please use the Get Prices Method.
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariants({productIdentifier: productIdentifier});
let productVariants = response.body.entities;
If there exists a custom data configuration for the productVariant
entity and the custom data isn't provided within the create request, the defaultValue
specified in the custom data configuration for each property would be considered.
Product variant creation can be used with optional parameters - called options:
Parameter | Details |
updateIfExists | Boolean When set to true, a lookup is done for the variant with the given reference key and if it exists then the variant will be updated, otherwise the variant will get created. |
ignoreAttributeLocks | Boolean Force an update or deletion of attributes even if they might be locked. |
with | String The parameter allows you to include the following nested resources in the response:
It is also possible to exclude all nested resources from the response by providing an empty string as the value. |
It is possible to specify a set of attributes, which will be either linked to the product variant if they already exist or created and subsequently linked to the product variant. The attribute's name
must refer to an attribute group of the variant
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | integer | ID assigned by SCAYLE.READ-ONLY |
referenceKey | string | A key that uniquely identifies the variant of a product (usually an SKU) within the tenant's ecosystem. |
ean | string | An EAN that refers to a product variant. |
attributes | Attribute | A list of attributes attached to the product variant. |
prices | ProductVariantPrice | A list of prices attached to the product variant. |
stocks | ProductVariantStock | The product variant stock information. |
customData | CustomData | Custom data associated with the product variant. |
isComposite | boolean | Indicates whether the variant is composite.READ-ONLY |
relatedVariants | RelatedProductVarian | A list of variants that belong to the composite variant. |
Create a Basic Product Variant
let newProductVariant = {
referenceKey: "myReferenceKey",
ean: "0000007738357"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.createProductVariant({productIdentifier: 1}, {requestBody: newProductVariant});
let createdProductVariant = response.body;
Create a Complete Product Variant
let newProductVariant = {
referenceKey: "myReferenceKey",
ean: "0000007738357",
attributes: [
name: "size",
type: "simple",
value: "M"
prices: [
price: 5000,
tax: 19.0,
currencyCode: "EUR",
countryCode: "DE",
oldPrice: 6000,
recommendedRetailPrice: 5500,
groupKey: "myGroupKey",
promotionKey: "myPromotionKey",
validFrom: "2020-06-18T12:00:00+00:00",
validTo: null
customData: {
"additionalDetails": "details"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.createProductVariant({productIdentifier: 1}, {requestBody: newProductVariant});
let createdProductVariant = response.body;
Creation with Options
Create a product variant with reference key and EAN:
let newProductVariant = {
referenceKey: "myReferenceKey",
ean: "0000007738357",
attributes: [
name: "size",
type: "simple",
value: "M"
prices: [
price: 5000,
tax: 19.0,
currencyCode: "EUR",
countryCode: "DE",
oldPrice: 6000,
recommendedRetailPrice: 5500,
groupKey: "myGroupKey",
promotionKey: "myPromotionKey",
validFrom: "2020-06-18T12:00:00+00:00",
validTo: null
customData: {
"additionalDetails": "details"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.createProductVariant({productIdentifier: 1}, {requestBody: newProductVariant});
let createdProductVariant = response.body;
Update product variant
This method replaces the product variant with the provided data.
As updating variants will replace attribute values, it is necessary to confirm overriding locked attributes. In general, this endpoint replaces the product variant with the provided information, meaning not provided properties will get deleted, except for nested entities: attributes, prices, stocks, customData, relatedVariants. This logic is only applied to them if they are part of the payload. So, for example, if an empty array of prices is provided, all active prices will be invalidated and all future prices will be deleted.
This method can be used to update/replace an existing product variant.
This method does not support partial updates.
Method Signature
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.updateProductVariant(
{productIdentifier: productIdentifier, variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier},
{requestBody: productVariant}
let updatedProductVariant = response.body;
If there exists a custom data configuration for the productVariant
entity and the custom data isn't provided within the create request, the defaultValue
specified in the custom data configuration for each property would be considered.
Product variant update can be used with optional parameters - called options:
Parameter | Details |
ignoreAttributeLocks | Boolean Force an update or deletion of attributes, even if they might be locked. |
with | String The parameter allows you to include the following nested resources in the response:
It is also possible to exclude all nested resources from the response by providing an empty string as the value. |
This method replaces the product variant with the provided data.
Attribute Locks
To avoid accidentally deleting or updating attributes that were manually added or edited in the SCAYLE Panel, you can use the query parameter ignoreAttributeLocks
to control the behaviour of how these updates should be handled.
The default behaviour is to respect attribute locks, meaning even if an attribute is present in the payload, it will not be updated. The same behaviour will be applied, if an attribute is omitted in the payload, so it will not get deleted.
If you want to force updates or deletion of attributes, you need to set ignoreAttributeLocks
= true. In this case all attributes get updated/deleted even if they are locked.
Handling missing advanced attributes
If you encounter any missing advanced attribute on one of the entities, please refer to the respective endpoint fetching a single attribute. For variant attributes this will be the endpoint GetVariantAttribute. This endpoint will provide you with information why the advanced attribute is missing, i.e. it will return an error message with the reason.
It is possible to specify a set of attributes, which will be either linked to the product variant if they already exist or created and subsequently linked to the product variant. The attribute's name
must refer to an attribute group of the variant
Parameter | Details |
id | Integer ID assigned by SCAYLE. |
referenceKey | String A key that uniquely identifies the variant of a product (usually an SKU) within the tenant's ecosystem. |
ean | String An ean that refers to a product variant . |
attributes | Attribute A list of attributes attached to the product variant. |
prices | ProductVariantPrice A list of prices attached to the product variant. |
stocks | ProductVariantStock The product variant stock information. |
customData | CustomData |
isCompositeREAD-ONLY | Boolean Indicates whether the variant is composite. |
relatedVariants | RelatedProductVariant A list of variants that belong to the composite variant. |
Update Product Variant Prices
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariant({
productIdentifier: 1,
variantIdentifier: 1,
with: "prices"
let productVariant = response.body;
let key = productVariant.prices.findIndex(price => price.groupKey === "myGroupKey");
productVariant.prices[key].price = 9999;
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier:},
{requestBody: productVariant}
Update with Options
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariant({
productIdentifier: 1,
variantIdentifier: 1,
with: "attributes"
let productVariant = response.body;
let key = productVariant.attributes.findIndex(attribute => === "size");
productVariant.attributes[key].value = "S";
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier:, ignoreAttributeLocks: true},
{requestBody: productVariant}
Delete product variant
Learn how to delete a variant using an identifier.
Deleting a product variant requires using one of two identifiers:
About this Method
This method can be used to delete an existing product variant along with all its dependencies.
This action can not be undone!
Method Signature
adminApi.apis.Variants.deleteProductVariant({productIdentifier: productIdentifier, variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier});
Delete by ID
Delete a product variant by id:
adminApi.apis.Variants.deleteProductVariant({productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1});
Delete by Reference Key
Delete a product variant by reference key.
adminApi.apis.Variants.deleteProductVariant({productIdentifier: "key=product-key", variantIdentifier: "key=variant-key"});
Get product variant
You can request a product variant using unique identifiers.
About this Method
This method can be used to get an existing product variant either by using SCAYLE's internal ID or the user defined reference key.
This method allows you to include nested resources using the with
Method Signature
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariant({productIdentifier: productIdentifier, variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier});
let productVariant = response.body;
Product read can be used with optional parameters - called options:
Parameter | Details |
with | String Allows to load the following nested resources within this request:
Parameter | Details |
id | Integer READ-ONLY The ID of the product created by SCAYLE. |
problems | String READ-ONLY If product is in problem state, the reasons are listed here. |
referenceKey | String A key that uniquely identifies the product (e.g., a shirt in a specific color) within the tenant's ecosystem. |
name | String The localized product name. At least the base language that is configured in SCAYLE is mandatory. |
master | Master The master the product is attached to. |
state | String The state of the product is determined by the state evaluation process. The only possible values to request are |
attributes | Attribute A list of attributes attached to the product. |
variants | ProductVariant A list of product variants attached to the product. |
images | ProductImage A list of product images attached to the product. |
productSortings | ProductSorting A list of product sortings. |
customData | CustomData |
isComposite | Boolean READ-ONLY Indicates whether the product is composite. |
merchantReferenceKeys | String A list of merchant reference keys the product belongs to. |
Get a Product Variant by ID
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariant({productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1});
let productVariant = response.body;
Read with Options
Get a product variant with prices, attributes and custom data:
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariant({
productIdentifier: 1,
variantIdentifier: 1,
with: "prices,attributes,customData"
let productVariant = response.body;
price => console.log(price.price)
Get a collection of product variant
Learn how to request a variant collection.
You can also request several product variants by using all respective identifiers at once. However, we suggest you to fine-tune your search, e.g., by combing filter logics and using pagination.
About this Method
This method can be used to get a collection of variants for any given product. It is possible to refine the search by applying filter options.
This method allows you to include nested resources using the with
Method Signature
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariants({productIdentifier: productIdentifier});
let productVariants = response.body.entities;
Product variant collection read can be used with optional parameters - called options:
Parameter | Details |
with | String Allows you to load the following nested resources within this request:
limit | Integer Maximum number of items in the result. (default: |
filters[id] | String Comma-separated list of product variant IDs that should be used for filtering. |
filters[minId] | Integer Minimum product variant ID of entities that should be returned. |
filters[maxId] | Integer Maximum product variant ID of entities that should be returned. |
filters[minCreatedAt] | String Minimum creation date of variants that should be returned. |
filters[maxCreatedAt] | String Maximum creation date of variants that should be returned. |
filters[minUpdatedAt] | String Minimum modification date of variants that should be returned. |
filters[maxUpdatedAt] | String Maximum modification date of variants that should be returned. |
filters[attributes] | Object This parameter allows you to filter for products with the given simple attributes. The array/object key must be the attribute name. The value can be a comma-separated list of attribute values. The filter logic will combine all attributes of the same group into an |
sort | String Sort by the provided column. Available values: id. |
sortDir | String Defines the sorting order: ascending or descending. Available values: asc (default), desc. |
Parameter | Details |
entities | ProductVariant A collection of product variants. |
cursor | Cursor An object containing information for use in pagination. |
Get a list of Product Variants
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariants({productIdentifier: 1});
let productVariants = response.body.entities;
productVariant => console.log(productVariant.referenceKey)
Read with Options
Get product variants filtered by size:
let response = await adminApi.apis.Variants.getProductVariants({productIdentifier: 1});
let productVariants = response.body.entities;
productVariant => console.log(productVariant.referenceKey)
Create or Update a Variant Attribute
The method is used to create a variant attribute if it does not exist or update an existing variant attribute.
If shop-country-specific values are not provided, then the existing shop country overrides will not be modified. Otherwise, shop country overrides will be replaced with the provided values. In case you wish to remove shop country specific values for a certain attribute, you have to explicitly set shopCountrySpecific
to an empty Array
(PHP & JavaScript) ArrayList
(Java) (see complex update example).
Method Signature
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: productIdentifier, variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier},
{requestBody: variantAttribute}
let createdVariantAttribute = response.body;
Parameter | Details |
ignoreAttributeLocks | Boolean Force an update of attributes even if they are locked. |
See this example for details on how to use options.
Create a simple variant attribute
let attribute = {
"name": "size",
"type": "simple",
"value": "M"
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: attribute}
let createdAttribute = response.body;
Create a simple list variant attribute
let attribute = {
"name": "season",
"type": "simpleList",
"value": ["autumn", "winter"]
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: attribute}
let createdAttribute = response.body;
Create a localized variant attribute
let attribute = {
"name": "collection",
"type": "localizedString",
"value": {"de_DE": "einzigartig", "en_GB": "unique"}
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: attribute}
let createdAttribute = response.body;
Create a localized list variant attribute
let attribute = {
"name": "color",
"type": "localizedStringList",
"value": [
{"de_DE": "weiß", "en_GB": "white"},
{"de_DE": "schwarz", "en_GB": "black"}
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: attribute}
let createdAttribute = response.body;
Create an advanced variant attribute
let attribute = {
"name": "dimensions",
"type": "advanced",
"value": {
"height": 100,
"width": 30,
"unit": "cm"
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: attribute}
let createdAttribute = response.body;
Create an advanced list variant attribute
let attribute = {
"name": "material",
"type": "advancedList",
"value": [
"name": "wool",
"percentage": 80
"name": "cotton",
"percentage": 20
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: attribute}
let createdAttribute = response.body;
Update a simple variant attribute ignoring locks
let variantAttribute = {
"name": "material",
"type": "simple",
"value": "cotton"
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 2, ignoreAttributeLocks: true},
{requestBody: variantAttribute}
let updatedVariantAttribute = response.body;
Create or update simple variant attributes; override attribute value for certain shop country
let shopCountrySpecificAttribute = {
"shopKey": "ms",
"countryCode": "de",
"value": "polyester"
let variantAttribute = {
"name": "material",
"type": "simple",
"value": "cotton",
"shopCountrySpecific": [
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 2},
{requestBody: variantAttribute}
let updatedProductAttribute = response.body;
Update locked simple variant attributes; unassign existing variants attributes with NULL
let variantAttribute = {
"name": "material",
"type": "simple",
"value": "cotton",
"shopCountrySpecific": []
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.updateOrCreateProductVariantAttribute(
{productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 2, ignoreAttributeLocks: true},
{requestBody: variantAttribute}
let updatedVariantAttribute = response.body;
Delete a Variant Attribute
Variant attributes are deleted along with the shop overrides.
productIdentifier: productIdentifier,
variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier,
attributeGroupName: attributeGroupName
The operation can be used with optional parameters - called options:
Parameter | Details |
ignoreAttributeLocks | Boolean Force attributes deletion even if they are locked. |
Delete a Variant Attribute
productIdentifier: 1,
variantIdentifier: 2,
attributeGroupName: "material"
Delete a variant attribute ignoring locks
productIdentifier: 1,
variantIdentifier: 2,
attributeGroupName: "material",
ignoreAttributeLocks: true
Get a Variant Attribute
In SCAYLE, you can request a variant attribute of the given group.
Method signature
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.getProductVariantAttribute({
productIdentifier: productIdentifier,
variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier,
attributeGroupName: attributeGroupName
let variantAttribute = response.body;
Get a Variant Attribute
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.getProductVariantAttribute({
productIdentifier: 1,
variantIdentifier: 2,
attributeGroupName: "material"
let variantAttribute = response.body;
Get a Collection of Variant Attributes
SCAYLE allows you to retrieve all attributes attached to a variant.
Method Signature
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.getProductVariantAttributes({
productIdentifier: productIdentifier,
variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier
let variantAttributes = response.body.entities;
Get a list of Variant Attributes
let response = await client.apis.Attributes.getProductVariantAttributes({productIdentifier: 1, variantIdentifier: 2});
let variantAttributes = response.body.entities;
Storefront API
You can retrieve a single variant or a list of variants based on their IDs.
Variants are the actual items/entities to be sold in a shop. Through the /variants endpoint variant specific information is retrieved (prices, available quantities, attributes).
In the product hierarchy, each product has one or more variants. These variants are the entities that customers buy online. Stock is managed on the variant-level. Variants differ from each other by defining attributes such as "size" or "pack-size".
When retrieving items from a wishlist or a basket, it is essential to keep in mind that the actual entity to be sold is the variant. Therefore, you should always be sure to retrieve not only the products themselves, but also the variants in question.
Get a Single Variant
Get a single variant by its ID.
Parameter | Type | Details |
variantsIds | Number | ID of the variant to retrieve |
with | VariantWith | Contained as `with` inside the options object |
campaignKey | String | Used to get the correct prices for the specified campaign. |
pricePromotionKey | String | Adjust variant price based on the specified pricePromotionKey. If the variant does not have a matching price promotion, the default price is returned. |
Get Multiple Variants
When retrieving multiple variants by their IDs, you can specify their properties like stock and also retrieve prices relevant to a particular campaign or promotion.
Parameter | Type | Details |
variantsIds | Number | ID of the variant to retrieve |
with | VariantWith | Contained as `with` inside the options object |
campaignKey | String | Used to get the correct prices for the specified campaign. |
pricePromotionKey | String | Adjust variant price based on the specified pricePromotionKey. If the variant does not have a matching price promotion, the default price is returned. |
All examples require a configured Storefront API client being available as client
See Authentication for how to set up.
Get Variants
$variants = $client->variants->getByIds([1, 2, 3], [
'with' => 'attributes,stock',
'campaignKey' => 'promo_test_20'
$price = $variants[0]->price;
$savings = $price->appliedReductions[0]->amount["absoluteWithTax"];
$oldPrice = $savings + $price->withTax;
var_dump("Price: " . $price->withTax);
var_dump("Savings: " . $savings);
var_dump("Previous Price: " . $oldPrice);
// string(11) "Price: 3192"
// string(12) "Savings: 798"
// string(20) "Previous Price: 3990"
"id": 1,
"referenceKey": "THS0906008000001_S",
"attributes": {
"size": {
"id": 1002,
"key": "size",
"label": "Size",
"type": "",
"multiSelect": false,
"values": { "id": 28, "label": "S", "value": "s" }
"firstLiveAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:05:33+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-28T11:19:33+00:00",
"stock": {
"supplierId": 1,
"warehouseId": 1,
"quantity": 31,
"isSellableWithoutStock": false
"price": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"withTax": 3192,
"withoutTax": 2682,
"recommendedRetailPrice": null,
"tax": { "vat": { "amount": 510, "rate": 0.19 } },
"appliedReductions": [
"category": "campaign",
"type": "relative",
"amount": { "relative": 0.2, "absoluteWithTax": 798 }
"customData": { "deliveryEstimate": [] },
"productId": 1
"id": 2,
"referenceKey": "THS0906008000001_M",
"attributes": {
"size": {
"id": 1002,
"key": "size",
"label": "Size",
"type": "",
"multiSelect": false,
"values": { "id": 29, "label": "M", "value": "m" }
"firstLiveAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:05:33+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-28T11:19:33+00:00",
"stock": {
"supplierId": 1,
"warehouseId": 1,
"quantity": 0,
"isSellableWithoutStock": false
"price": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"withTax": 3192,
"withoutTax": 2682,
"recommendedRetailPrice": null,
"tax": { "vat": { "amount": 510, "rate": 0.19 } },
"appliedReductions": [
"category": "campaign",
"type": "relative",
"amount": { "relative": 0.2, "absoluteWithTax": 798 }
"customData": {},
"productId": 1
"id": 3,
"referenceKey": "THS0906008000001_L",
"attributes": {
"size": {
"id": 1002,
"key": "size",
"label": "Size",
"type": "",
"multiSelect": false,
"values": { "id": 30, "label": "L", "value": "l" }
"firstLiveAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:05:33+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2023-06-12T14:06:22+00:00",
"stock": {
"supplierId": 1,
"warehouseId": 1,
"quantity": 0,
"isSellableWithoutStock": false
"price": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"withTax": 3192,
"withoutTax": 2682,
"recommendedRetailPrice": null,
"tax": { "vat": { "amount": 510, "rate": 0.19 } },
"appliedReductions": [
"category": "campaign",
"type": "relative",
"amount": { "relative": 0.2, "absoluteWithTax": 798 }
"customData": {},
"productId": 1