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  4. Stock



Stocks represent the number of the available items and are defined on the variant level. To ensure correct stock information, you can update the stock information with the actual stocks for the specific warehouse.

Sell Items Without Stock

It is possible to sell variants infinitely by setting sellableWithoutStock to true when creating or updating a variant stock information. Available stock will be decreased as usual to zero, but the item can be still sold afterwards.

Merchant-Specific Stocks

You can create stocks for a specific merchant by providing its reference key in the merchantReferenceKey field.

Quantity Blocker

On one side of the process, SCAYLE receives information about available stocks from various merchants. On the other side, when a customer places an order through the Checkout, the system ensures that the requested quantity of a product from a specific merchant is temporarily reserved in a designated warehouse. This reservation occurs silently without notifying the merchant.

The reservation process is triggered at the moment the payment provider confirms the payment or payment reservation. The actual order is then placed 60 seconds later, and if there are any errors, it attempts to retry for up to 2 days.

There are two ways to release quantity blockers:

Creating Stock Information: Quantity information can be updated via Admin API. The quantity blocker is only released when the stock updates timestamp is younger than the quantity blocker.
For more details, see Create Stock Information.

Order Cancellation via Checkout: When an order is cancelled via the Checkout, the system automatically adjusts the quantity by releasing the previously reserved amount.

Product Variant Stock Entity



Current quantity of SKU.



Reference key of warehouse for which the stock update is related to.



Date time when the stock changed in ISO 8601 format.



Defines if the variant can be sold even when the available stock is 0.



A merchant reference key the stock belongs to.

Admin API

Get a stock collection

Learn how to get multiple stocks.

This method can be used to get a collection of the latest product variant stock informations.

This method returns the current quantity for each warehouse.

Product Variant Stock Entity

When requesting stock, you can extend the query by specifying several product and variant identifier.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Stocks.getProductVariantStocks({variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier});
let stocks = response.body.entities;
Param NameTypeDescription
idintegerID assigned by SCAYLE.
referenceKeystringA key that uniquely identifies the variant of a product (usually an SKU) within the tenant's ecosystem.
eanstringAn EAN that refers to a product variant.
attributesAttribute[]A list of attributes attached to the product variant.
pricesProductVariantPrice[]A list of prices attached to the product variant.
stocksProductVariantStock[]The product variant stock information
isCompositebooleanIndicates whether the variant is composite.
relatedVariantsRelatedProductVariant[]A list of variants that belong to the composite variant.


let response = await adminApi.apis.Stocks.getProductVariantStocks({variantIdentifier: 1});
let stocks = response.body.entities;

    stock => console.log(stock.warehouseReferenceKey + ':' + stock.quantity)

Create stock information

You can update stock information by overriding existing information with a more recent change on warehouse stocks.

This method can be used to create a product variant stock change.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Stocks.createProductVariantStock(
    {variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier},
    {requestBody: newStock}

let createdStock = response.body;

If you provide a changedAt date which is older than the last processed stock information, the stock will not change as this will be considered as outdated information. In this case the method will return the current stock. If you would like to find out if the information you sent was outdated, you have to compare what you’ve sent to what was returned in the response.

Sending a stock update without sellableWithoutStock flag will not reset the value to false (the default value), but keep the last stored value of this flag. If no value was previously set, the flag is set to the default value.

It is not possible to update stock information for composite product variants.

merchantReferenceKey can be provided to create merchant-specific stocks. Note that merchantReferenceKey must refer to one of the merchants provided on product creation.

If you send stocks by specifying a merchantReferenceKey for which no product variant exists, you will receive the error message MERCHANT_REFERENCE_KEY_OUT_OF_RANGE.


Make sure the provided warehouseReferenceKey exists before you start creating stock.

Be aware that the referenced warehouse must be linked to a shop country. Otherwise, the shop country cannot use the stock.

quantityintegertrueCurrent quantity of SKU.
warehouseReferenceKeystringtrueReference key of warehouse for which the stock update is related to.
changedAtstringtruetime when the stock changed in ISO 8601 format.
sellableWithoutStockboolean?Defines if the variant can be sold even when the available stock is 0.
merchantReferenceKeystring?A merchant reference key the stock belongs to.


let newStock = {
  quantity: 10,
  warehouseReferenceKey: "myWarehouse",
  changedAt: "2020-07-23T11:30:58+00:00",
  merchantReferenceKey: "merchant-1"

let response = await adminApi.apis.Stocks.createProductVariantStock(
  {variantIdentifier: 1},
  {requestBody: newStock}

let createdStock = response.body;

Set sellable without stock flag

It is possible to set the sellable without stock flag for a given product variant without updating its quantity.

This method can be used to create or update the sellableWithoutStock flag.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Stocks.setSellableWithoutStock(
  {variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier},
  {requestBody: sellableWithoutStock}

let sellableWithoutStock = response.body;

It is not possible to update stock information for composite product variants.

merchantReferenceKey can be provided to set the sellableWithoutStock flag for merchant-specific variants. Note that merchantReferenceKey must refer to one of the merchants provided on product creation.

If you try to set sellableWithoutStock flag by specifying a merchantReferenceKey for which no product variant exists, you will receive the error message MERCHANT_REFERENCE_KEY_OUT_OF_RANGE.


Make sure the provided warehouseReferenceKey exists before you start creating stock.

Be aware that the referenced warehouse must be linked to a shop country. Otherwise, the shop country cannot use the stock.

If you try to set sellableWithoutStock flag by specifying a warehouseReferenceKey that has no quantity defined yet, you will receive the error message QUANTITY_NOT_SET_FOR_WAREHOUSE .

warehouseReferenceKeystringtrueReference key of warehouse for which the sellableWithoutStock flag update is related to.
sellableWithoutStockbooleantrueDefines if the variant can be sold even when the available stock is 0.
merchantReferenceKeystringfalseA merchant reference key the sellableWithoutStock flag belongs to.


let newSellableWithoutStock = {
  warehouseReferenceKey: "myWarehouse",
  merchantReferenceKey: "merchant-1",
  sellableWithoutStock: true

let response = await adminApi.apis.Stocks.setSellableWithoutStock(
  {variantIdentifier: 1},
  {requestBody: newSellableWithoutStock}

let sellableWithoutStock = response.body;


It's possible to create/delete stock quantity reservations via Admin API when orders are handled outside of SCAYLE.

Create reservations

This method allows you to create a new stock quantity reservation.

Method Signature

const response = await adminApi.apis.Reservations.create(
    {requestBody: reservations}

let createdStock = response.body;


id readOnlyintegertrueReservation ID.
warehouseReferenceKeystringtrueReference key of warehouse for which the stock update is related to.
referenceKeystringtrueReservation key, must be unique.
variantReservationVarianttrueA merchant reference key the stock belongs to.
error readOnlyReservationErrorfalseInformation of why the given reservation was not created.


idintegerif referenceKey is not providedProduct variant ID.
referenceKeystringif id is not providedProduct variant's merchant identifier.
merchantReferenceKeystringfalseMerchant key. If not provided, it's assumed that the given variant belongs to the default merchant.


errorKeystringtrueError key.
messagestringtrueError description.
const reservations = [];

const reservation1 = {
  referenceKey: 'order4711-item3',
  warehouseReferenceKey: 'myWarehouse',
  variant: {
    id: 123,
    merchantReferenceKey: 'merchant-1',

const reservation2 = {
  referenceKey: 'order4711-item4',
  warehouseReferenceKey: 'myWarehouse',
  variant: {
    referenceKey: 'foo-456789',
    merchantReferenceKey: 'merchant-1',


const result = await client.apis.Reservations.createReservations({}, {requestBody: newProduct});

Delete reservation

This method allows deleting a stock quantity reservation.

Method Signature

await adminApi.apis.Reservations.delete({reservationIdentifier: "key=my-key"});


client.apis.Reservations.deleteReservation({reservationIdentifier: "key=my-key"});

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