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  2. Developer Guides
  3. Customer
  4. Manage Customers & Addresses

Manage Customers & Addresses


Learn how to get, update and delete customer and their addresses.

Admin API

Get customer

SCAYLE allows you to retrieve a customer by its reference key or ID.

This method can be used to get an existing customer.

This method allows including nested resources using the with parameter.

This endpoint is not bound to a specific shop country; however, it still requires the shop country details, identified by the shopKey and countryCode, without filtering by the shop country.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.getCustomer({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, customerIdentifier: customerIdentifier});
let customer = response.body;


withstringnoAllows loading nested resources within this request: addresses, legacyCustomData, nonUniqueAddresses.

The nonUniqueAddresses with's value is only available when using the customer ID as identifier.

Update a reference key of a customer

Use this method to assign a reference key to a customer or update existing reference key.

This method can be used to create or update a customer reference key. The existing reference key will be updated in case if a customer was already assigned a reference key.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.updateCustomerReferenceKey({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, customerId: customerId}, {requestBody: customerReferenceKey});
let customer = response.body;


Param NameTypeRequired

Update Customer Reference Key

let customerReferenceKey = {
    referenceKey: "my-key"

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.updateCustomerReferenceKey({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerId: 1}, {requestBody: customerReferenceKey});
let customer = response.body;


Set Customer Password

This method can be used only if customer's password is known.

Method Signature

await adminApi.apis.Customers.setCustomerPassword(
        shopKey: shopKey,
        countryCode: countryCode,
        customerIdentifier: customerIdentifier
        requestBody: customerPassword


const password = {
  password: 'yourPassword',
  hashingType: 'internal', // internal, external, salesforce

// Set password by customer reference key
client.apis.Customers.setCustomerPassword({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: "key=my-key"}, {requestBody: password});

// Set password by customer id
client.apis.Customers.setCustomerPassword({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: 1}, {requestBody: password});

Set Customer Password Hash

This method can be used for migrating passwords, since usually passwords are stored as hash only.

When setting the hashingType to external, any (empty) password can be submitted. In this case the external service is used and hashing is done on the client side.

Method Signature

await adminApi.apis.Customers.setCustomerPasswordHash(
        shopKey: shopKey,
        countryCode: countryCode,
        customerIdentifier: customerIdentifier
        requestBody: customerPasswordHash


const passwordHash = {
  hash: 'passwordHash',
  hashingType: 'internal', // internal, external, salesforce

// Set password hash by customer reference key
client.apis.Customers.setCustomerPasswordHash({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: "key=my-key"}, {requestBody: passwordHash});

// Set password hash by customer id
client.apis.Customers.setCustomerPasswordHash({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: 1}, {requestBody: passwordHash});

List Customers

You can also request several customers. We suggest to fine-tune your search, e.g., by combing filter logics and using pagination. As search results are paginated, you can set the amount of customers displayed per page.

This method can be used to get a collection of customers for any given shop and country. It is possible to refine the search by applying filter options.

For security reasons, this method is disabled by default and restricted by IP address. Please approach the respective SCAYLE Account Manager for activation.

This endpoint is not bound to a specific shop country; however, it still requires the shop country details, identified by the shopKey and countryCode, without filtering by the shop country.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.getCustomers({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode});
let customers = response.body.entities;


let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.getCustomers({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DEU'});
let customers = response.body.entities;

    customer => console.log(

Read with Options

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.getCustomers({
    shopKey: 'ms',
    countryCode: 'DEU',
    with: 'addresses',
    "filters[id]": "10,11,12"

let customers = response.body.entities;

    customer => customer.addresses.forEach(address => console.log(


withstringfalseAllows loading nested resources within this request: addresses.
limitintegerfalseMaximum number of items in the result. (default: 100, maximum: 1000)
filters[referenceKey]stringfalseComma-separated list of reference keys that should be used for filtering.
filters[id]stringfalseComma-separated list of customer IDs that should be used for filtering.
filters[minId]integerfalseMinimum (inclusive) customer ID of entities that should be returned.
filters[maxId]integerfalseMaximum (inclusive) customer ID of entities that should be returned.
filters[minCreatedAt]stringfalseMinimum (inclusive) creation date of the customer that should be returned.
filters[maxCreatedAt]stringfalseMaximum (inclusive) creation date of customers that should be returned.
filters[minUpdatedAt]stringfalseMinimum (inclusive) modification date of customers that should be returned.
filters[maxUpdatedAt]stringfalseMaximum (inclusive) modification date of customers that should be returned.
filters[billingAddressCountryCode]stringfalseOnly returns customers with the given billingAddress country code.
filters[shippingAddressCountryCode]stringfalseOnly returns customers with the given shippingAddress country code.
filters[group]stringfalseComma-separated list of customer groups that should be used for filtering.
filters[isActive]booleanfalsePass true to get only active customers, pass false to get the opposite.
sortstringfalseSort by the provided column. Available values: id (default), appId, birthDate, firstName, lastName, lastInvoiceDate, lastLoginDate, lockedUntilDate, passwordResetRequestedAt, createdAt, updatedAt.
sortDirstringfalseDefines the sorting order: ascending or descending. Available values: asc (default), desc.

Customer entity

idintegerThe ID of the customer
referenceKeystringExternal reference set by the client to integrate a third-party system.
firstNamestringFirst name of the customer
lastNamestringLast name of the customer
genderstringGender of the customer mentioned as per defined ENUM as "m", "f", "d"
birthDatestringDate of birth of the customer in YYYY-MM-DD format
emailstringEmail address of the customer
phonestringPhone number of the customer
publicKeystringPublic reference set by the client to display to customers in account areas and transactional emails
titlestringUser-defined title. It can be set to NULL otherwise
typestringType of customer (like personal)
groupsstringGroup to which the customer belongs to
statusCustomerStatusDefines if the customer is active or not and if the customer is a guest customer or not
companyCompanyCompany to which the customer belongs to
addressesCustomerAddressCustomers addresses
legacyCustomDataarrayCustom data added to the customer (legacy feature)
createdAtstringTimestamp when the customer is created
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the customer is updated

Get customer address

SCAYLE allows you to retrieve specific customer addresses by customer identifier or ID with address identifier. Customer identifiers can be customer ID or customer reference key.

Address identifiers can be address ID or address reference key.

This endpoint is not bound to a specific shop country; however, it still requires the shop country details, identified by the shopKey and countryCode, without filtering by the shop country.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.getCustomerAddress({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, customerIdentifier: customerIdentifier, addressIdentifier: addressIdentifier});
let customerAddress = response.body;

Get a customer's address by reference key

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.getCustomerAddress({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: "key=my-key", addressIdentifier: "key=my-key"});
let customerAddress = response.body;


List Addresses

This endpoint is not bound to a specific shop country; however, it still requires the shop country details, identified by the shopKey and countryCode, without filtering by the shop country.

Get a list of customer's addresses:

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.getCustomerAddresses({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: "key=my-key"});
let customerAddresses = response.body.entities;

    address => console.log(

Create new customer address

SCAYLE allows users to create a new address Customer Address. The address might contain a unique reference key, which represents the address.

This method is used to create a new customer address.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.createCustomerAddress({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, customerIdentifier: customerIdentifier}, {requestBody: customerAddress});
let customerAddress = response.body;


Create a customer address

let customerAddress = {
  "referenceKey": "my-key",
  "street": "Domstraße",
  "houseNumber": "1",
  "additional": "first floor",
  "zipCode": "123456",
  "city": "Hamburg",
  "countryCode": "DEU",
  "state": "Hamburg",
  "collectionPoint": {
    "customerKey": "bced-234-234",
    "description": "Kiosk",
    "key": "12345-a",
    "type": "hermes_parcelshop"
  "isDefault": {
    "billing": false,
    "shipping": false
  "recipient": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "gender": "m",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "title": "Prof."

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.createCustomerAddress({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: "key=my-key"}, {requestBody: customerAddress});
customerAddress = response.body;


Update a customer address

This method is used to update a customer address reference key.

It will create a new key if the address does not have any existing reference key. Customer identifiers can be customer ID or customer reference key. Address identifiers can be address ID or address reference key.

let response = await adminApi.apis.Customers.updateCustomerAddressReferenceKey({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, customerIdentifier: customerIdentifier, addressId: addressId}, {requestBody: customerAddressReferenceKey});
let customerAddress = response.body;


Update a customer's address

let customerAddress = {
  "street": "Domstraße",
  "houseNumber": "1",
  "additional": "erste Stock",
  "zipCode": "123456",
  "city": "Hamburg",
  "countryCode": "DEU",
  "state": "Hamburg",
  "collectionPoint": {
    "customerKey": "bced-234-234",
    "description": "Kiosk",
    "key": "12345-a",
    "type": "hermes_parcelshop"
  "isDefault": {
    "billing": false,
    "shipping": false
  "recipient": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "gender": "m",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "title": "Prof."

let response = await client.apis.Customers.updateCustomerAddress({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', customerIdentifier: "key=my-key", addressIdentifier: "key=my-key"}, {requestBody: customerAddress});
customerAddress = response.body;
