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  3. Transactions & Orders
  4. Order Hierarchy & States

Order Hierarchy & States


Orders have different statuses that depend on the shipping, billing, and item statuses. These statuses help you to track the order progress, inform customers, and troubleshoot.

Depending on the state in the order flow, the Admin API returns status information consisting of the following:

  • detailedStatus.order (e.g, order_created, order_pended, order_confirmed)
  • detailedStatus.billing (e.g., shipping_open, shipping_ordered)
  • detailedStatus.shipping (e.g., billing_open, billing_completed)
  • items.status for each item in the order (e.g., available, returned)

The shipping, billing, and item statuses determine the overall status.

Order status

Overall Order Status

The following order statuses can be triggered during the checkout process. Each order status corresponds to a status in the SCAYLE Panel.

StatusDescriptionSCAYLE Panel Label
order_created or order_openAs soon as the customer enters the checkout (i.e., when an order is created). Or when an order is reverted back from order_pended.Open
order_pendedAs soon as the customer places an order by clicking on the “Confirmed” button. This triggers the validation process with the chosen Payment Service Provider (PSP). It is possible that the order never leaves the state order_pended (e.g., customer logs out before completing the process).Payment Pending
order_confirmedAs soon as the Payment Service Provider validation is successful the state changes to order_confirmed.Payment Reserved
order_delegatedThe status transitions to order_delegated when the order is delegated to the merchants that are associated with the order items and the order confirmation mail is sent. Now the order is waiting for all shipments to happen.Payment Reserved
order_shippedThe status transitions to order_shipped when the merchant shipment notifications have been received for all order items. Some order items could also have been reported as undeliverable.Shipped
order_invoicedThe order has reached its final state, all order items were completed. If configured, SCAYLE now also generates full invoices, invoice emails and payment captures, depending on the payment method. The order state is not reached if invoicing is done in an ERP.Completed
order_abortedWhen all order items fail delegation or when the order is manually cancelled, the order transitions into order_aborted, waiting to be fully cancelled by a worker.Payment Cancelled
order_cancelledThe order is fully cancelled.Payment Cancelled
order_importedThe order has been imported and will be confirmed shortly. This status generally applies to orders migrated from third party systems. After confirmation, the order will process through all remaining statuses as normal.-
order_invoice_errorThe order could not be transitioned to order_invoiced-

Shipping Status

StatusDescriptionSCAYLE Panel Label
shipping_openWhen a customer enters checkout, through payment reservation, until delegation.New
shipping_not_deliveableWhen the order failed delegation for all items
shipping_orderedWhen the order is delegated to the merchants associated with the items of the order.Ordered
shipping_deliveredWhen all shipment notifications were received from the merchantsShipped
shipping_cancelledThe order is fully cancelled.Cancelled
shipping_undeliverableInformation from the merchant indicates the items are not deliverable.Not deliverable
shipping_partially_deliveredSome of the order items were shipped and some are yet to be shipped. (deprecated)Partially undelivered
shipping_returnedWhen the order item was shipped and returned.
shipping_partially_returnedWhen order contains at least one returned item but the complete order is not returned.
shipping_not_foundThe shipment could not be found (deprecated)
shipping_partially_undeliverableSome order items were cancelled.


  • An order has been confirmed with 3 items and one of them has been marked as undeliverable within the merchant shipment notification. The remaining items wait for shipment
    • The shipping status is shipping_partially_undeliverable
    • even if further items are successfully shipped, the order will stay in this shipping status
    • if all items are reported as undeliverable, the shipping status changes to shipping_cancelled
  • An order has been confirmed with 2 items and one of them has been successfully shipped
    • The order is in shipping status shipping_partially_delivered
    • if the second item is also successfully shipped, the order shipping status will be shipping_delivered
  • An order has been confirmed with 4 items. 3 items succeed delegation, one item is cancelled during delegation
    • the shipping status will be in shipping_partially_undeliverable, no matter if before or after shipment
    • if all remaining items are reported as undeliverable via shipment notifications, the status changes to shipping_cancelled
    • if the remaining items succeed shipment, but at least one item has been returned, the status changes to shipping_partially_returned
  • An order has been confirmed with 2 items and both succeed shipment
    • the shipping status will be shipping_delivered
    • if now both items get returned, the shipping status changes into shipping_returned

Billing Status

StatusDescriptionSCAYLE Panel Label
billing_openAs soon as the customer enters the checkout (i.e., when an order is created). Or when an order is reverted back from payment_pending.Open
billing_pendingAs soon as the customer places an order by clicking on the “Confirmed” button.Open
billing_payment_pendingWhen the customer confirms they want to order and they are redirected to the payment provider.Payment Pending
billing_completedAs soon as all order items are shipped and invoiced.Completed
billing_payment_abortedCustomer aborts the payment process between billing_open and billing_payment_pending. (deprecated)Not used anymore
billing_payment_cancelledThe order is cancelled due to no deliverable items or customer explicitly cancels the order. Order items are in this state when they were returned or are undeliverable.Payment Cancelled
billing_partially_refundedSome items were refunded or are undeliverable.
billing_refundedThe order is refunded.Refunded

Item Status

The following statuses are possible at the item-level. To understand how status changes at the item level affect the shipping and billing status, see the Order Flow table below.

StatusDescriptionCorresponding Order State
availableItem shipment is open or delegated/ordered.Shipping
unavailableThe merchant indicated that the item is not deliverable during delegation.Shipping
deliveredThe merchant indicated that the item has been shipped.Delegated
undeliverableThe item is reported as not deliverable after delegation.Delegated
cancelledThe item shipment has been cancelled by the customer.Shipping
returnedThe item has been returned after shipment.Invoiced


The following table outlines which statuses can occur together.

Order StatusShipping StatusBilling StatusSCAYLE Panel Shipping StatusSCAYLE Panel Billing Status
order_pendedshipping_openbilling_pendingNewPayment Pending
order_confirmedshipping_openbilling_pending, billing_payment_pending, external_payment_pending or billing_completedNewPayment Pending
order_delegatedshipping_orderedbilling_pending, billing_payment_pending, external_payment_pending or billing_completedNewPayment Pending
order_shippedshipping_deliveredbilling_pending, billing_payment_pending, external_payment_pending or billing_completedShippedPayment Pending
order_invoicedshipping_delivered, shipping_partially_deliveredbilling_payment_pending, external_payment_pending, billing_completed , billing_partially_refunded or billing_refundedShippedPayment Pending, Completed
order_abortedshipping_not_deliveable or shipping_cancelledbilling_payment_pending or external_payment_pending-Payment Cancelled
order_cancelledshipping_cancelled, shipping_undeliverable or shipping_not_deliveablebilling_payment_aborted, billing_payment_cancelled, billing_refunded or billing_deniedCancelled, Not DeliverablePayment Cancelled, Refunded

Admin API

Get an order status

This endpoint is not bound to a specific shop country; however, it still requires the shop country details, identified by the shopKey and countryCode, without filtering by the shop country.

SCAYLE allows you to retrieve an order status by order reference key or ID.

This method can be used to get a specific order status by its identifier.

Method Signature

let response = await adminApi.apis.Orders.getOrderStatus({shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, orderIdentifier: orderIdentifier});
let orderStatus = response.body;


param nametyperequireddescription
statusstringtruePhases of order, e.g., cancelled, delivered.
detailedStatusOrderDetailedStatustrueDetailed status of the order

Get an Order Status example

let response = await adminAPi.apis.Orders.getOrderStatus({shopKey: 'ms', countryCode: 'DE', orderIdentifier: "key=my-key"});
let orderStatus = response.body;