Manage Prices
Prices in SCAYLE can be concurrently applied to different countries, groups and campaigns as needed.
Prices are defined on a product variant level and contain all information about prices, taxes and validity — upcoming prices can also be defined for automatic future price updates. For a specific variant, there can be multiple prices active at the same time based on the following dimensions:
: The country in which the price is effective.groupKey
: Price groups can be used to apply different prices in different shops within the same country (e.g., B2C vs. B2B).promotionKey
: The price promotion key can be used to have multiple valid prices for the same country and price group within the same shop at the same time. The Storefront API can be used to retrieve a specific price by sending a request with a defined price promotion key.
The currency (currencyCode
) is not part of these dimensions as it must match the respective country.
Price key
Every new price gets a generated key. This key might change due to certain conditions. For example, when a future price becomes an active price, the key is modified.
Merchant-Specific Prices
You can create prices for a specific merchant by providing its reference key in the merchantReferenceKey
Product Variant Price Entity
Parameter | Details |
key | String Key assigned by SCAYLE. |
price | Integer Price of the variant. |
oldPrice | Integer Old price of the variant. |
recommendedRetailPrice | Integer Recommended retail price of the variant. |
buyingPrice | Integer Buying price of the variant. |
tax | Double A valid tax rate. |
countryCode | String ISO 3166 alpha 2 country code. |
currencyCode | String ISO 4217 currency code. |
groupKey | String Key of the group the price is assigned to. |
promotionKey | String Key of the promotion the price is assigned to. |
unitPrice | ProductVariantUnitPrice Describes the price for a specific unit. |
validFrom | String Controls when the price will be activated. If not present or null, the valid from is specified from now. |
validTo | String Controls when the price will be deactivated. If not present or null, the price is valid forever. |
merchantReferenceKey | String A merchant reference key the price belongs to. |
Admin API
Create/Update a Price
Prices are defined on variant level and contain all information about prices, taxes and validity — upcoming prices can also be defined for automatic future price updates.
About this Method
This method can be used to create a new Product Variant Price. You can create prices which are valid from now or in the future. If there is an already existing price for the same validation time frame, it will get replaced.
If multiple prices of the same variant are to be created then use update-variant endpoint which supports sending multiple prices at once.
Method Signature
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.createProductVariantPrice(
{variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier},
{requestBody: newPrice}
let createdPrice = response.body;
- Creating a new price, which is valid from the time of creation, will invalidate the current active price and become the new active one based on the dimensions explained on the prices overview page.
- It is not possible to create a price for a composite product variant, when the automatic price calculation for composite variants is enabled.
- Future prices are activated by a price activator cron job running every hour. Old prices are then deactivated.
can be provided to create a merchant-specific price. Note thatmerchantReferenceKey
must refer to one of the merchants provided on product creation.
If you send prices by specifying a merchantReferenceKey
for which no product variant exists, you will receive the error message MERCHANT_REFERENCE_KEY_OUT_OF_RANGE
Create Valid Price from Now
let newPrice = {
price: 2499,
tax: 19.0,
currencyCode: "EUR",
countryCode: "DE"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.createProductVariantPrice(
{variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: newPrice}
let createdPrice = response.body;
Create Valid Price for Future
let newPrice = {
price: 2499,
tax: 19.0,
currencyCode: "EUR",
countryCode: "DE",
validFrom: "2022-07-23T11:30:58+00:00"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.createProductVariantPrice(
{variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: newPrice}
let createdPrice = response.body;
Create Valid Expiring Price
let newPrice = {
price: 2499,
tax: 19.0,
currencyCode: "EUR",
countryCode: "DE",
validTo: "2021-01-01T08:00:00+00:00"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.createProductVariantPrice(
{variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: newPrice}
let createdPrice = response.body;
Create Price with Unit Price
let newPrice = {
price: 2499,
tax: 19.0,
currencyCode: "EUR",
countryCode: "DE",
unitPrice: {
unit: "ml",
amount: 100,
price: 249
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.createProductVariantPrice(
{variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: newPrice}
let createdPrice = response.body;
Create Merchant-Specific Price
let newPrice = {
price: 2499,
tax: 19.0,
currencyCode: "EUR",
countryCode: "DE",
merchantReferenceKey: "merchant-1"
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.createProductVariantPrice(
{variantIdentifier: 1},
{requestBody: newPrice}
let createdPrice = response.body;
Get a Collection of Prices
When you request variant prices, you can extend the query with several identifiers to get multiple active prices.
About this Method
This method can be used to get a collection of existing product variant prices.
The price collection contains currently active and future prices. Expired or invalid prices are not included.
Method Signature
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.getProductVariantPrices({variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier});
let prices = response.body.entities;
Parameter | Details |
entities | ProductVariantPrice A collection of product variant prices. |
List of Prices
let response = await adminApi.apis.Prices.getProductVariantPrices({variantIdentifier: 1});
let prices = response.body.entities;
price => console.log(price.price)
Delete a product variant price
You can easily delete prices by using the respective identifiers.
About this Method
This method can be used to delete a price.
Method Signature
await adminApi.apis.Prices.deleteProductVariantPrice({variantIdentifier: variantIdentifier, priceKey: priceKey});
- It is not possible to remove a price from a composite product variant, when the automatic price calculation for composite variants is enabled.
- It is not allowed to delete a merchant price other than a future price.
Delete a Price
await adminApi.apis.Prices.deleteProductVariantPrice({variantIdentifier: 1, priceId: '1-10'});
Price Rounding
A shop country price rounding represents a price rounding assigned to a shop country.
SCAYLE allows users to create and manage any number of price rounding configurations.
The primary purpose of this feature is to allow users to customize price rounding settings.
Price rounding precision
You can set the price rounding precision (the value by which the price is rounded up/down/ to the nearest integer). For simplicity, the precision values used in the following table are allowed:
- 1.0
- 5.0
- 0.05
- 0.95
- 0.99
Example of precision value rounding
Precision | Rounding Type | Price | Rounded Price |
1.0 | nearest | 1458.90 | 1459 |
1.0 | up | 1458.90 | 1459 |
1.0 | down | 1458.90 | 1458 |
5.0 | nearest | 1458.90 | 1460 |
5.0 | up | 1458.90 | 1460 |
5.0 | down | 1458.90 | 1455 |
0.05 | nearest | 1.02 | 1 |
0.05 | down | 1.02 | 1 |
0.05 | up | 1.02 | 1.05 |
0.99 | nearest | 14.87 | 14.99 |
0.99 | down | 14.87 | 13.99 |
0.99 | up | 14.87 | 14.99 |
0.9 | nearest | 14.87 | 14.9 |
0.9 | down | 14.87 | 13.9 |
0.9 | up | 14.87 | 14.9 |
The price rounding configurations apply at the shop country and currency level. For example, a configuration set for AY CH will specifically impact prices in Swiss Francs (CHF) for the corresponding shop and country.
By default, price rounding is disabled. To have it enabled, at least one price rounding configuration should be created.
Only the following prices are affected:
- prices
- old prices
- promotion prices
- campaign prices
Create a Shop Country Price Rounding
Method Signature
const response = await adminApi.apis.PriceRoundings.createShopCountryPriceRounding(
{ shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode },
{ requestBody: shopCountryPriceRounding }
const createdShopCountryPriceRounding = response.body;
let newShopCountryPriceRounding = {
currencyCode: "EUR",
precision: "1.00",
roundingType: "nearest",
const response = await adminApi.apis.PriceRoundings.createShopCountryPriceRounding(
shopKey: "ms",
countryCode: "DE"
requestBody: newShopCountryPriceRounding
const createdShopCountryPriceRounding = response.body;
Delete a Shop Country Price Rounding
Method Signature
await adminApi.apis.PriceRoundings.deleteShopCountryPriceRounding(
{ shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode, priceRoundingId: priceRoundingId }
shopKey: "ms",
countryCode: "DE",
priceRoundingId: 123
Get a Shop Country Price Rounding Collection
Method Signature
const response = await adminApi.apis.PriceRoundings.getShopCountryPriceRoundings(
{ shopKey: shopKey, countryCode: countryCode },
const priceRoundings = response.body.entities;
const response = await adminApi.apis.PriceRoundings.getShopCountryPriceRoundings("ms", "DE");
const priceRoundings = response.body.entities;
priceRounding => console.log(
Rounding Basket/Order prices
In case rounding also needs to be applied on the total of an basket/order, a different configuration shall be applied on shop level.
Order value precision
- 1,0
- 5,0
Rounding Type
- nearest
- up
- down
Please note that the float precisions present on price rounding are not available for basket and order level
Rounding basket/order prices when promotions are applied
Whenever promotions or coupons are applied on the Basket, the configured rounding will be taken into consideration when calculating the final item price.
Precision | Rounding Type | Discount | Original Price | Final rounded Price |
1.0 | nearest | 10% | 1458.90 | 1313 |
1.0 | up | 10% | 1458.90 | 1314 |
1.0 | down | 10% | 1458.90 | 1312 |
5.0 | nearest | 10% | 1458.90 | 1315 |
5.0 | up | 10% | 1458.90 | 1315 |
5.0 | down | 10% | 1458.90 | 1305 |
Rounding order total
In case a configuration is also set on order level for rounding, the total value of the order will be rounded as per configuration. This will also ensure that, whenever vouchers or other costs are applied during Checkout, the total value or the order will follow the rule set on configuration level.