  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. Developer Guides
  3. Checkout
  4. General


SCAYLE allows you to control customer contact data, shipping and billing addresses, and more. You can also anonymize customer data, which is important when your system must comply with active data protection laws.

The Checkout Frontend is a web-based application seamlessly integrated as a web component within your storefront.

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced UI/UX: Tailored styling and shortened response times through an improved interface
  • Customizations: Customization options to configure and style your frontend according to your shop requirements
  • Integrations: You can use any programming language or development kit for integrating with our Checkout API engine. You just need to consider a few prerequisites and general concepts to setup your development project

Checkout Process

  1. Secure customer authentication.
  2. Shipment & delivery details.
  3. Payment method selection.

All components are provided within the SCAYLE product, but for the complete integration in your shop frontend certain implementation tasks need to be completed.

Checkout screenshots (GIFs)

Supported Browsers

As rule of thumb, the Checkout Frontend supports the latest three versions of these major browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge

Issues related to older versions of these browsers may not be addressed.

Configure Checkout

A set of root configurations applies across all shop countries and sections. You can adapt these configurations to add overwrites for specific countries and locales.

Use the SCAYLE Panel to customize Checkout.