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  2. Developer Guides
  3. Authentication & Account Area
  4. Authentication


Authenticate using the Checkout Authentication API

The Checkout Authentication API offers various endpoints, each requiring different authentication methods based on the use case:

  • Basic Auth Utilize OAuth Client credentials for secure access.
  • Bearer Auth Employ Access Tokens for authenticated requests.
  • No Auth Some endpoints are publicly accessible without authentication.

Check the API Specification for detailed authentication requirements for each endpoint.

For endpoint access, use the following host: https://{{tenant-space}}

HTTP Status Codes and Error Handling

The Checkout Authentication APII uses HTTP status codes to signify the outcome of API requests:

  • 2xx: Successful operations.
  • 4xx: Failures due to incorrect or insufficient information provided by the user.
  • 5xx: Errors originating from Auth Api's servers.

In the event of an error, Auth Api issues an error response with error details. Typically, this includes a single error, but some endpoints may return multiple errors.

For a comprehensive understanding, refer to the following tables detailing status codes, error responses, and error entities.

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status CodeDescription
200 - OKRequest successfully fulfilled.
201 - CreatedNew resource successfully created.
204 - No ContentRequest fulfilled with no content to send in the response.
206 - Partial ContentPartial content of the requested resource successfully delivered.
400 - Bad RequestRequest contains invalid parameters or is malformed.
401 - UnauthorizedAuthentication failed or missing, see access.
404 - Not FoundSpecified resource does not exist.
408 - Request TimeoutRequest timed out on the server.
409 - ConflictConflict with the current state of the resource.
412 - Precondition FailedFailure in a requested dependency.
413 - Payload Too LargeRequest entity exceeds the server's size limits.
424 - Failed DependencyRequest failed due to failure of dependency.
500 - Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected error on the AuthApi server.
503 - Service UnavailableAuthApi is temporarily unavailable.

For endpoint-specific error codes, refer to the Checkout Authentication API Specification.