  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. Support and Resources
  3. Changelogs
  4. Storefront Core
  5. @scayle/storefront-nuxt



Patch Changes

  • Improve type definitions for exported composables


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Add support for removing basket items using their item key
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Improve typing of H3EventContext and


Minor Changes

  • Migrate from ModuleBaseOptions.stores to ModuleBaseOptions.shops


Minor Changes

  • Introduce disableDefaultGetCachedDataOverride flag in the public runtime configuration. Setting this to true prevents useRpc from sharing data across multiple instances. Important: The disableDefaultGetCachedDataOverride flag currently does not affect the useUser, useBasket, and useWishlist composables. These composables will continue to share a common cache even when disableDefaultGetCachedDataOverride is set to true.
  • Deprecate useQueryFilterState in the @scayle/storefront-nuxt package

Patch Changes

  • Remove shopCampaignKeyword from ShopConfigSchema
  • Migrate from using RpcContext.bapiClient to using RpcContext.sapiClient
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Fix types of useBasket composable
  • Fix types for more composables
  • Migrate from using RpcContext.bapiClient to using RpcContext.sapiClient
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add new useRpcCall composable to make imperative RPC calls more ergonomic
    <script lang="ts" setup>
    const getConfig = useRpcCall('getShopConfiguration)
    const getProduct = useRpcCall('getProductById')
    const config = await getConfig()
    const product = await getProduct({ id: 1 })

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Support enabling or disabling optional server-side plugins
    Plugins with optional behavior can now be disabled at build time through env variables.
    • SFC_PLUGIN_CONFIG_VALIDATION_ENABLED This plugin executes during app startup and validates the runtime config, exiting with an error if a problem is found. It is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting this variable to false.
    • SFC_PLUGIN_POWERED_BY_ENABLED This plugin sets the X-Powered-By-Header on every HTTP response to incude SCAYLE. It is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting this variable to false.
    • SFC_PLUGIN_RUNTIME_PERFORMANCE_ENABLED This plugin improves performance by computing the runtime configuration at startup rather than for every request. It is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting this variable to false.
  • Add a plugin to cache the runtime config
    This change adds a Nitro plugin to calculate the runtime config at startup, rather than for every requests. It offers significant performance improvements for large runtime configs.

Patch Changes

  • Add import for runtimeConfig plugin
  • Revert type of publicShopData to string[]


Minor Changes

  • Do not set session cookie for cached pages

Patch Changes

  • Updated to [email protected]
  • Fix the the type off publicShopData in the config. This restores it to (keyof ShopConfig)[] instead of string[], allowing its elements to be used to index a ShopConfig


Patch Changes

  • Import useNitroApp from #imports


Minor Changes

  • Add hooks before and after RPC execution (storefront:rpc:before and storefront:rpc:after) and when an RPC fails (storefront:rpc:error)
    These hooks allow you to execute extra logic before/after executing an RPC and even alter the properties of the RPC context/result.
    Hooks can be registered by adding a nitro plugin inside ´server/plugins/´:
    import { defineNitroPlugin } from '#imports'
    export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
      nitroApp.hooks.hook('storefront:rpc:before', (rpcName, rpcContext) => {
        rpcContext.log.debug(`Before: ${rpcName}`)
        (rpcName, rpcContext, result) => {
          rpcContext.log.debug(`After: ${rpcName} returned ${result}`)
        (rpcName, rpcContext, error) => {
          rpcContext.log.error(`ERROR: ${rpcName} did throw ${error}`)

    Added callHook, callHookParallel and callHookWith to RpcContext to allow triggering hooks within RPCs

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Import useNitroApp from #imports


Minor Changes

  • Support shops with multiple paths
    The path property in the shop config can now be defined as an array of strings. If this is the case, multiple path prefixes will point to the same shop. For example, with the config { path: ['en', 'en-US'], shopId: 1001 } both and will use shop 1001. Because it is the same shop, /en and /en-US will have the same locale and share user sessions, baskets and wishlists. The first path in the array will be considered the default path and used for API calls.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fix basket count calculation for basktets including item groups


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add default getCachedData implementation to useRpc
    The default implementation looks like this:
    getCachedData(key, nuxtApp) {
      return nuxtApp._asyncData[key]?.data.value as TResult

    compared to the default in useAsyncData
    getCachedData(key, nuxtApp) {
      const hydrationData = nuxtApp.isHydrating ?[key] :[key]
      return hydrationData ?? nuxtApp._asyncData[key]?.data.value as TResult

    With this change multiple calls to the same composable with the same key will reference the cache. Previously, for every call of a composable a request would be sent except in hydration. This should be more similar to the pre-7.75.0 behavior.
    The getCachedData implementation can be overridden when calling useRpc or any related composable.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • useRpc will watch now params if it is a getter or ref, whereas previously it would only watch for refs


Minor Changes

  • useOrder useOrderConfirmation and useIDP are now optionally awaitable


Patch Changes

  • Add immediate option to useUser and deprecate autoFetch
  • Log warning when deprecated autoFetch option is used


Minor Changes

  • Configure keyedComposables to automatically create keys for useRpc wrapping composables instead of relying on hardcoded defaults
  • Export the extendPromise util
  • Restore the useAsyncData implementation of useRpc
    Originally, useRpc was based on useAsyncData but in order to fix an issue with wishlists, we restricted the API and changed it to a rough emulation of useAsyncData. Because this emulation was similar, but not the same as useAsyncData it caused additional confusion. This change brings back the useAsyncData implementation.
    For developers, this means that useRpc will behave in the same manner as useAsyncData, be subject to the same restrictions and allow the same options.
    This also means that useRpc is now optionally awaitable. const { data } = await useRpc() now works as well as const { data } = useRpc(). The difference is that the former will wait for the data to load, while the latter will initially be set to the default value.
    Composables which are simply wrappers around useRpc also inherit this new behavior. They accept the same options as useAsyncData, return the same properties (and possibly some additional ones) and are optionally awaitable.
    This includes the following composables:
    • useBrand
    • useBrands
    • useCategories
    • useCategoryById
    • useCategoryByPath
    • useCurrentPromotions
    • useFilters
    • useNavigationTree
    • useNavigationTrees
    • useProduct
    • useProducts
    • useProductsByIds
    • useProductsByReferenceKeys
    • useProductsCount
    • usePromotions
    • usePromotionsByIds
    • useShopConfiguration
    • useUserAddresses
    • useVariant

Patch Changes

  • It is no longer mandatory to await calls to useFacet, useUser, useWishlist and useBasket


Minor Changes

  • Support for isDefault to be an empty string. This resolves an issue where an undefined value of isDefault within a shop config is changed to an empty string during build-time and fails the config validation.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Breaking: Renamed ModuleOptions to ModuleBaseOptions to differentiate it from other ModuleOptions used in different modules.

Patch Changes

  • Fix construction of API base path: When setting up a baseURL in combination with path based shop selection, the baseURL is now the first path segment of the API base path.
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Refactored composables to consistently use named exports rather than default exports and to use named functions instead of arrow functions


Patch Changes

  • Add import alias #storefront/composables to package.json imports and explicitly added import alias to build transpilation to prevent potential build issues


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Introduced a new feature that validates runtime configurations using Zod schemas upon server startup. The server will exit if validation fails.
  • We now log a warning when an RPC method from @scayle/storefront-nuxt is overridden by an RPC custom implementation.
    If the override is intentional, we provide a new config option called rpcMethodOverrides to silence this warning. In the future, the warning will become an error message if the RPC is not explicitly marked as an override.


Patch Changes

  • Provide new import alias #storefront/composables to allow for explicit imports of composables provided by the @scayle/storefront-nuxt package instead of only relying on the Nuxt auto-import functionality


Patch Changes

  • Correctly set the optimizeDeps for the new @scayle/storefront-api package
  • Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • Add new shopSelector mode path_or_default
    The path_or_default mode is similar to path, but loading the root will open the default shop instead of redirecting to the first shop. So you can have a shop at and instead of and To set a default shop, add isDefault: true to the shop's configuration in the nuxt.config. When using nuxt-i18n the strategy option should be set to prefix_except_default. (This is the default value.)


Minor Changes

  • rpcContext.campaignKey will now be set to the key of the first active campaign matching $shopConfig.storeCampaignKeyword. When $shopConfig.storeCampaignKeyword is set, campaign keys not starting with $shopConfig.storeCampaignKeyword will be ignored.
    This behavior, is now similar to the nuxt 2 implementation.
  • It is now also possible to extend the RPCContext using the storefront:context:created nitro runtime hook.
    import { defineNitroPlugin } from 'nitropack/runtime/plugin'
    // Augment RpxContext type
    declare module '@scayle/storefront-nuxt' {
      interface AdditionalRpcContext {
        myNewProp: string
    // Set new value on rpcContext
    export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
      nitroApp.hooks.hook('storefront:context:created', (rpcContext) => {
        rpcContext.myNewProp = 'My campaign key'

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Use unique session cookie names for each shop
    To simplify the implementation and improve the stability of session handling, we now use a differently named cookie for each shop instead of depending on the Path attribute.
    This is a change only to the framework internals, and should not have any visible impact or require any code changes.
    Before: Set-Cookie: $session=s:fa3746f9-88c8-4065-a6c9-0c7bee473dd8.pSoaN6Q7iFHHyWKE7s9gQAqdDzGb9fS8a478P7PHLxw; Path=/de
    After: Set-Cookie: $session-1001=s:fa3746f9-88c8-4065-a6c9-0c7bee473dd8.pSoaN6Q7iFHHyWKE7s9gQAqdDzGb9fS8a478P7PHLxw; Path=/
    When a cookie is found that uses the old format, it will be migrated to the new.

Patch Changes

  • We stop bootstrapping requests where we can't determine a shop based on the request parameters. Previously, we fell back to the first shop configuration, which has now been removed.
    In this case, no $rpcContext is available during the request event.
    We also bootstrap the Nuxt Error Page with the correct shop config now.
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • initialPath option in useFacet should be optional
  • Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • Support passing initial path to useFacet


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • We fixed a bug where we would attach a session to a request for /favicon.ico when no favicon was present in the public directory.
    This leads to a session conflict when using a path-based shop selector.


Patch Changes

  • Fix RpcContext containing outdated data for the remainder of the request after mutating the session data


Minor Changes

  • Fix the variable used before initialization in useBasket
    Breaking: This change removes the useEventListener call from useBasket. This code was specific to the checkout page and it has been moved to that page in the Storefront Boilerplate (v1.0.0-rc.9). To make the necessary change in your project, add the following code to checkout.vue.
    import type { CheckoutEvent } from '@scayle/storefront-nuxt'
    const { fetching, fetch } = await useBasket()
    const onCheckoutUpdate = async (
      event: MessageEvent<CheckoutEvent>,
      fetching: Boolean,
      fetchCallback: () => Promise<void>,
    ) => {
      if (fetching) {
      } // prevent multiple fetches
      if (event?.data?.type === 'tracking') {
        const actionType =
        if (actionType === 'add_to_cart' || actionType === 'remove_from_cart') {
          await fetchCallback()
    // Refresh basket if the user changes quantity or removes an item at checkout
      (event) => onCheckoutUpdate(event, fetching.value, fetch),

Patch Changes

  • Fixes an issue where the refreshToken was not exposed on the RPCContext even if the user is logged in.
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add OpenTelemetry instrumentation to RPC methods
    This release adds the beginning of native instrumentation to the @scayle/storefront-nuxt package.
    If you are using the OpenTelemetry SDK in your application, a Span will now be created for calls to RPC methods. The Span will be named storefront-nuxt.rpc/[method] and have the following attributes:
    • rpc.method the method name
    • rpc.server 'storefront-nuxt.rpc'
    • rpc.payload the payload passed to the RPC
    • server.address the hostname of the server
    • server.port the port of the server

    Additionally, the Span's status will be set to ERROR or OK depending on the result of the RPC call.
    If you are not using the @opentelemetry/sdk in your application, this change will have no impact. A reference implementation of the OpenTelemetry SDK will be included in a future Storefront Boilerplate release.


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add useStorefrontSearch composable


Minor Changes

  • Add support for dynamically adding query parameters to the IDP redirect callback URLs to be read back when the user returns from the IDP.
    const { data: externalIDPRedirects } = await useIDP({
      queryParams: { redirectTo: '/account' },

    Please note that code and state are not supported as these are used by the SCAYLE Authentication API.

Patch Changes

  • Avoid querying for redirects on pages matching the /__nuxt_error pattern.
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Removed direct logging of vm in log.client.ts to fix a recursive/infinite logging issue, now logging vm.$options instead.
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Ensure composables are not called asynchronously in useBasket and useFacet


Patch Changes

  • Error pages should be bootstrapped based on the URL where the error occurred
    This resolves an issue where context properties such as currentShop and availableShops were not available on the error page.


Patch Changes

  • Revert breaking change in handleIDPLoginCallback signature
  • Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • Add useProductsByReferenceKeys composable Add useCategoryById composable

Patch Changes

  • Do not throw error in useRpc. This is the reversion of a change introduced in 7.61.5. If you need a thrown error when a useRpc request fails, check the error property returned by useRpc and throw it.
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Log errors that occur when attaching the session in bootstrap
  • Update the type of data returned by useRpc to indicate that it may be undefined. Note: This may cause new typechecking errors. These cases should be corrected to handle undefined. It was always possible for data to be undefined, but the types did not represent that.
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Fix the type of unitialized data in useBasket and useWishlist
    When the request for the basket/wishlist has not completed or has failed, the data property is undefined. In the previous release this was inadvertently changed to null. Now it is once again undefined.


Patch Changes

  • Fix types of useBasket and useWishlist


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • useBasket and useWishlist should no longer trigger duplicate requests when used in multiple components. Note: As part of this change, the options parameter has been removed from both functions.


Minor Changes

  • Expose the loginWithIDP function from the useSession composable.
  • Add error logging to the RPC handler

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Prioritize the execution of bootstrap middleware so storefront server middleware can depend on the extended event.context
    If your middleware depends on the event.context properties, it must be registered as a serverHandler and not automatically scanned from the ~/server/middleware directory.


Minor Changes

  • Log Configuration changes

    Consolidate the logging configuration for @scayle/storefront-nuxt.
    Going forward, the logging needs to be configured on the public runtime that you can control through the NUXT_PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_LOG_NAME and NUXT_PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_LOG_LEVEL override parameters.
    We have also removed this setting from the module options and the private runtime to prevent misconfigurations.

    Authentication Config

    We removed the authentication config as it's not required for the Storefront Nuxt application.


Minor Changes

  • Breaking: Change the default sameSite cookie attribute from none to lax
  • Attach headers to the RPC context

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Update /api/up endpoint to also support non-GET requests


Patch Changes

  • Fix the missing IP address on the RpcContext


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add useCategoryByPath composable

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Strip sensitive data from log messages


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Skip basic auth when auth.username or auth.password is nullish


Minor Changes

  • Export unwrap() from @scayle/storefront-core


Minor Changes

  • Authentication RPC methods include status codes in error cases

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Nest public runtimeConfig properties under the storefront key
    Breaking: useRuntimeConfig().public.log and useRuntimeConfig().public.auth should be replaced by useRuntimeConfig().public.storefront.log and useRuntimeConfig().public.storefront.log


Minor Changes

  • Allow the session of an RpcContext to be undefined
    BREAKING: This changes the structure of the RpcContext, so it may be a breaking change if you have written custom RPC methods.
    The affected properties on the RpcContext are sessionId, wishlistKey and basketKey and the affected methods are destroySession, createUserBoundSession, updateUser, and updateTokens. If you use these methods or properties in a custom RPC method, make sure that you handle the case where they might be undefined. TypeScript will also catch these cases if you have strictNullChecks enabled.
    You can check context.sessionId (or another session-dependent property) to determine if the session is present. If one of these properties is present, all will be. Alternatively, you can call assertSession(context) before referencing any properties on the context. If the session is not present, an error will be thrown. For any usage of context after assertSession is called, TypeScript will understand that the session properties are present.
  • Do not attach session for cached request

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Update dependency jose to the latest 5.2.0 version

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Support Response returns in RPC methods
  • Handle 401 from CO and delete the session

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • We added support for Identity Provider (IDP), enhancing our authentication and identity management capabilities.

Patch Changes

  • Fix runtime crash when using md5 for appKeys
  • Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • Create a shared logger instance per-server instead of per-request


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Use new password change API when oauth is enabled

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Migrate currency formatters to a composable
    Because the currency formatter functions depend on the useCurrentShop composable, they must also be initialized through a composable. Additionally, because formatPrice was the same as toCurrency except that it excluded the symbol, the two functions have been merged into formatCurrency. If you don't want the currency symbol to be displayed, set the style option to decimal. These changes requires a small migration step.
    toCurrency(100, { currency: 'EUR' })
    formatPrice(100, { currencyFractionDigits: 2 })

    const { formatCurrency } = useFormatHelpers()
    formatCurrency(100, { currency: 'EUR' })
    formatCurrency(100, { style: 'decimal', currencyFractionDigits: 2 })


Patch Changes

  • The api/up route should not be bootstrapped with the context


Minor Changes

  • Update SAPI SDK to v16

Patch Changes

  • Fix error when mounting vercelKV driver with default options
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Extend StorageEntity with optional compression: 'none' | 'deflate' | 'gzip' | 'brotli' option. Modify unstorage driver creation during server startup to configure@scayle/unstorage-compression-driver if value of compression is set to a supported compression algorithm.

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fix incorrect parsing of legacy config
  • Include missing unstorage drivers in final build
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Ensure useNuxtApp is only called from a composable context in useCategories


Patch Changes

  • Ensure useNuxtApp is only called from a composable context


Minor Changes

  • Unify Storefront Core cache handling using the Nitro Storage Layer - Mountpoints
    This release changes how cache and session storage is managed in Storefront Core. Storefront Core will now use the storefront-cache mountpoint as the root for its cache storage, and storefront-session for sessions storage. These can be manually configured through Nitro, but Storefront Core also now includes and config options to automatically create these mountpoints. is used to configure the primary global cache storage mounted under storefront-cache. If not configured, a dedicated memory driver is used. is used to configure the global session storage mounted under storefront-session. If not configured, a dedicated memory driver is used.
    The config options storefront.redis, storefront.stores[X].redis, storefront.session.provider and storefront.cache.provider have been deprecated in favor of the new storage config. In a future version, they will be replaced.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add campaignKey to the RPC context


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Allow setting the log level in the module config
  • Prevent infinite loops when log writing fails
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes

  • Resolve error with newly introduced nitro plugin during local dev mode


Patch Changes

  • Introduce nitro server plugin to override x-powered-by header default value of Nuxt with SCAYLE Storefront by SCAYLE Commerce Engine -


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes


Minor Changes

  • Redirects should use the cache provider configured for the shop

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Ensure the session is not shared between different country shops


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add runtimeConfiguration property to the RPCContext
  • Breaking: Remove re-exported useEventListener composable
    Import the composable directly from @vueuse/core

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed SFC_OMIT_MD5 not being respected


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Breaking: Remove imageBaseUrl from the config. This property is no longer used in the Nuxt3 package.


Minor Changes

  • Updated to latest Vue version v3.3.7


Minor Changes

  • Updated to latest Vue version v3.3.6


Minor Changes

  • Add promotion data to the addItemToBasket method
  • Add usePromotions, useCurrentPromotions & usePromotionsByIds composables

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Make the shop param required in rpcCall


Minor Changes

  • Support setting default with params in the module options

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Add timing to RPC log message


Minor Changes

  • Pass withParams through the private runtime storefront config


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Improve useFacet & useQueryFilterState computed types and useRpc error state type

Patch Changes

  • Fix build warning caused by createError import
  • Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • Handle errors and return proper status codes for RPC methods


Minor Changes

  • Add cbdExpiration to the checkout config to support expiring CBD tokens

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Breaking: Minimum node version is 20.7.0
  • Import computed from vue instead of #imports
  • Use default withParams config for useProducts, useProduct, useProductsByIds, useVariant and usSearch

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Avoid pulling in redis package as an accidental dependency
  • Add sideEffects false
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Improve imports of useBasket


Minor Changes

  • Mark autoFetch as an optional option for useRpc. The default is true.


Minor Changes

  • Always await autoFetched useRpc during SSR


Minor Changes

  • Add lazy option to useRpc options. This will allow fetching data without blocking client-side navigation.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Remove useCurrentShop from rpcCall
  • Allow setting apiBasePath on shop config


Patch Changes

  • Fix Redis connection in redirects module


Minor Changes

  • Change storefront composables signatures to be an options object


Minor Changes

  • Support apiBasePath option


Patch Changes

  • Add api/up handler


Patch Changes

  • Fix issue where errors within useRpc could not be serialized.


Minor Changes

  • useRpc and composables that are based on useRpc now expose status and error, to allow error handling.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Set OAuth settings when building the context to support runtime OAuth configuration
  • Support enabling/disabling the cache using the runtime config

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • runtimeConfig.storefront.stores now only accepts ShopConfigIndexed objects as value to simplify the usage. Passing a ShopConfig[] array into runtimeConfig.storefront.stores can lead to runtime errors.


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Provide the option to pass shopConfig either as an array/list (shopConfig[]) or as an object (shopConfigIndexed) to make them overridable as part of the runtimeConfig. Internally they are still processed as an array/list.

Patch Changes

  • Add sub dependencies isomorphic-dompurify and slugify to optimizeDeps list


Minor Changes

  • Add explicit vue/nuxt specific stuff imports
  • Make ToCurrencyOptions of toCurrency and FormatOptions of formatPrice optional. They use the currentShop config as default.


Minor Changes

  • runtimeConfig.$storefront is now just runtimeConfig.storefront


Patch Changes

  • added missing slash for default
  • add missing auth section for PublicRuntimeConfig module declaration
  • extend vite config as part of module setup and include storefront and axios (sapi) package for optimizeDeps include list
  • set module nuxt compatibility to [email protected] or higher
  • Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • Replace lodash with radash


Minor Changes

  • Add auth options within the module options

Patch Changes

  • Support server-side autoFetch for useUser, useWishlist and useBasket
  • Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • withParams are now exposed though useRuntimeConfig().public instead of useRuntimeConfig().$storefront

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Make composables share state across every instance.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Support top-level and shop-level definitions for bapi, appKeys, and redis configs

Patch Changes

  • Add isEnabled to ShopConfig options
  • Update rpcCall to accept a NuxtApp instance as its first parameter


Minor Changes

  • Add useUserAddresses composable
  • Add useNavigationTree and useNavigationTrees composables
  • Add useOrder and useOrderConfirmation composables

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Wrap refreshProductCount in useFacet composable so that have proper where condition typing

Patch Changes

  • Prevent nuxt from setting wrong default value to session.maxAge in module options
  • Add refreshProductCount filter params default


Patch Changes

  • Make selection of fetch function in rpcCall null safe
  • Make params parameter within the useBasket and useWishlist optional
  • Ensure that the accessing withParams is null safe within the useBasket and useWishlist composables


Minor Changes

  • Add sessions module

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Introduce withParams storefront option


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Adjust fetching prop of useRpc to reflect more nuxt2 behavior
  • Move deserializeFilters and serializeFilters to @scayle/storefront-core
  • Extend existing composables return object with status and error
  • Add price utils
  • Add useFacet and useQueryFilterState composable

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add useBasket, useWishlist and useEventListener composables


Minor Changes

  • Add redirects module


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Add cache module

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Support client- and server-side RPC calls
  • Add useCurrentShop and useAvailableShops composables
  • Add useSearch composable
  • Add logging module and useLog composable
  • Add useRpc composable
  • Allow passing AsyncDataOptions to useRpc
  • Add useShopConfiguration composable
  • Add useFilters, useProduct, useProductsCount, useProductsByIds and useVariant composables
  • Add useBrand and useBrands composables

Patch Changes

  • Add useProducts composable
  • Add useCategories composable
  • Updated dependencies


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Add exports from storefront-core


Minor Changes

    • Add possibility to define the session config on application and store level.
    • Add possibility to configure the domain attribute of the session cookie


Major Changes

  • Changed NPM package names
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/scayle-sfc-nuxt to @scayle/storefront-nuxt2
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/sfc-nuxt3 to @scayle/storefront-nuxt
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/scayle-sfc-lib to @scayle/storefront-core
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/eslint-config-sfc to @scayle/eslint-config-storefront
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/prettier-config-sfc to @scayle/prettier-config-storefront

    NOTE: Due to the changes of the NPM package scope from @aboutyou to @scayle, it is required to change the consuming projects local .npmrc file as follows:
    • Before:
    • After:
  • Breaking: Minimum node version raised to 18.15.0


Major Changes

  • Changed NPM package names
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/scayle-sfc-nuxt to @scayle/storefront-nuxt2
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/sfc-nuxt3 to @scayle/storefront-nuxt
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/scayle-sfc-lib to `@scayle/storefront-core
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/eslint-config-sfc to @scayle/eslint-config-storefront
    • Breaking: Change package scope and name of @aboutyou/prettier-config-sfc to @scayle/prettier-config-storefront

    Due to the changes of the NPM package scope from @aboutyou to @scayle, it is required to change the consuming projects local .npmrc file as follows:
    • Before: @aboutyou:registry=
    • After: @scayle:registry=
  • Minimum node version is 18.15.0