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  4. Seo



One of the biggest advantages of Nuxt is that it can help your application with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and rank better on search engines. Usually, modern web applications are JavaScript-generated with only one index. The content is populated on runtime in so-called Single Page Applications. SPAs are great for creating snappy UIs, but when it comes to SEO, single-page applications are not ideal because they have no initial content. That makes it difficult for Google and other crawlers to read the content.

Nuxt creates a universal application that preloads the application to the client with server-side rendered content. This approach makes crawling easier.

Nuxt SEO module contains all relevant SEO modules.

SEO tags

Within your Storefront project, we already provide a SEO setup, which generates all relevant tags, like title, meta etc.

All you need to do, is to define meta attributes within your pages:

import { defineComponent } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'
export default defineComponent({
  meta: {
    pageType: 'home',
  name: 'HomePage',


In the background, @nuxtjs/i18n is configured for locale-related aspects of SEO.

Check nuxt/i18n documentation for details.


The sitemap generation can be configured utilizing the Sitemap Add-on.