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  3. Upgrade Guides
  4. Migrate To Nuxt 3
  5. Step-by-step Guide

Step-by-step guide


This guide outlines the required steps to migrate a Storefront Core v7-based project from Nuxt 2-to the new Nuxt 3-based Storefront Boilerplate.

This guide is intended as an overview, as we are not able to accommodate every scenario due to the complexity and variety of scopes and custom implementations per shop and tenant.

Before you start

Nuxt 3 is a complete rewrite of Nuxt 2, and also based on a new set of underlying technologies. This means there will be significant changes when migrating a Nuxt 2 app to Nuxt 3, thus an incremental migration of an existing project might not be feasible approach most of the time.

Some of these significant changes include:

  • Moving from Vue 2 to Vue 3, including defaulting to the Composition API and script setup.
  • Moving from Webpack 4 and Babel to Vite and Rollup.
  • Moving from a runtime Nuxt dependency to a minimal, standalone server compiled with nitropack.

We recommend to check out the official Nuxt 3 Migration Guide before proceeding with this guide, to gain a better understanding of the tools and processes.


  • No direct small “incremental” migration is possible: dependencies get exchanged piece by piece, due to large-scale architecture changes in Nuxt 3
  • Complex migration due to the project complexity
  • No “one-size-fits-all” migration solution
  • How-to guide can only provide an overview and the order in which certain migration steps should be undertaken
  • Every tenant migration should have a coordinated kickoff meeting with a review of the existing codebase and the creation of a dedicated migration concept

Migration Approaches

  1. Incremental migration

  2. "Clean slate" migration

Incremental migration

Migrating an existing Nuxt 2-based project


  • Working in known codebase
  • Avoiding potential downsides of a rewrite, e.g. missing context of historic implementation


  • Difficult to find ideal starting point for migration with existing Nuxt 2 codebase => Might leave developers with a daunting feeling
  • Difficult to test as parts of the application might not be migrated and compatible with Nuxt 3
  • Possibly unable to run shop application until a larger portion of the technical foundation has been migrated
  • Debugging difficult => Not clear if error originate from outdated Nuxt 2 dependencies or functionality, or missing Nuxt 3-specific implementations, leading to increased debugging times and plain frustration

"Clean slate" migration

  • using an empty Nuxt 3 or fresh Storefront Boilerplate project and using Storefront Boilerplate implementation as reference
  • setting up technical foundation first (dependencies, configs, modules)
  • moving custom implementations piece by piece (pages, components, composables)


  • Working version of shop application throughout the development process
  • Rapid testing and validation of migrated elements


  • Feeling of building a whole new application & appears as if it might take more time than an incremental migration
  • Storefront Boilerplate implementation might contain unused code that might need to be thrown out

As a rule of thumb, if your application has not diverged much from the cloned boilerplate it is likely easier to start fresh from the Nuxt 3 boilerplate and re-apply your changes. If your application has a long history and significant changes from the original boilerplate it might be easier to attempt an incremental migration.

Preparing a Nuxt 2-based project

Many of the changes in Nuxt 3 and storefront-nuxt have been backported to Nuxt 2 and storefront-nuxt2. You can minimize the scope of the migration by performing these tasks ahead of the migration.

  • Update to Node.js >= 20.6
  • Update to latest version of @scayle/storefront-nuxt2
  • Review and replace dependencies that are not Nuxt 3 compatible. Removing superfluous dependencies will lower the migration effort.
  • Clean up any deprecated Vue features that do not work in Vue 3 (e.g. filters)
  • Migrate to token-based authentication
  • Migrate from legacy redirects to BAPI redirects
  • Migrate from basic auth for BAPI to token auth
  • Use script setup for components
  • Introduce tailored SCAYLE eslint config -> @scayle/eslint-config-storefront
  • Introduce tailored SCAYLE prettier config -> @scayle/prettier-config-storefront
  • Optional: Rewrite SCSS-based styling to CSS to reduce complexity and make use of modern native CSS features
  • Optional: Remove storybook. The Nuxt 3 boilerplate does not include storybook, so especially if you are using the "clean slate" migration you might want to consider removing storybook and story files.

Overview Module support

The following list provides an overview of all formerly used Nuxt 2 modules of the DemoShop and their Nuxt 3 migration resolution. Should other 3rd-party modules be used in a project, it is required to investigate their Nuxt 3 support before the start of a respective Nuxt 3 project migration.

Package / ModuleUsageNuxt 3 compatibleResolution
@nuxt/typescript-runtimeProvides TypeScript integration for Nuxt 2Module not required for Nuxt 3, native with Nuxt 3
@nuxtjs/composition-apiProvides Composition API support for Vue 2Module not required for Nuxt 3, native with Vue 3
@nuxtjs/google-fontsProvides Google Fonts integrationUpdate to v3 of module
@nuxtjs/gtmProvides Google Tag Manager integrationUse Nuxt 3 alternative @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm
@nuxtjs/i18nProvides internationalization capabilitiesUpdate to v8 of module
@nuxt/imageProvides plug-and-play image optimizationUpdate to v1.0 (RC) of module
@nuxtjs/robotsProvides robots.txt supportUpdate to v3 of module
@nuxtjs/sentryProvides monitoring and tracing integrationCustom plugin implementation required
@nuxtjs/storybookProvides Storybook integrationUpdate to v7 of module
@nuxtjs/tailwindcssProvides TailwindCSS integrationParallel support for Nuxt 2 and Nuxt 3
@nuxtjs/toastProvides toast notificationCustom implementation required (See SFB reference implementation)
@storyblok/nuxt-2Provides Storyblok CMS integrationUse Nuxt 3 module @storyblok/nuxt
nuxt-jsonldProvides JSON-LD for SEO purposesUpdate to v2 of module
nuxt-svg-loaderProvides handling of SVG files as Vue componentsUse Nuxt 3 alternative nuxt-svgo
vueuseProvides helper and utility functions as Vue composablesParallel support for Nuxt 2 and Nuxt 3
vue-fragmentProvides multi-root-node support for Vue componentsModule not required for Nuxt 3, native with Vue 3
vue-lazy-hydrationProvides delayed client-side hydration functionalityUse Nuxt 3 alternative nuxt-lazy-hydrate
vue-observe-visibilityProvides client-side visibility observerUse Intersect.vue from SFB or useIntersectionObserver from vueUse
vue-slick-carouselProvides carousel / slideshow integrationUse Nuxt 3 alternative nuxt-swiper
vue-slider-componentProvides a range slider Vue componentUpdate to v4.0 (Beta)
@vue/test-utilsProvides test utilities for VueUpdate to v2 of package
@vue/vue2-jestProvides Vue component transformer for JestMigrate from jest to vitest
vue-the-maskProvides string masking functionalityMigrate to maska
vuelidateProvide input validation wit Vue v-model supportParallel support for Vue 2 and Vue 3


Based on the mentioned significant architectural differences, we recommend to have a look into the codebase of the new Nuxt 3-based SCAYLE Storefront Boilerplate beforehand. This allows you to get a feeling for the larger changes and structural differences.

Even with the knowledge from all Nuxt 3 Migration guides, the overall migration from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 is a large undertaking. It should be expected that many implementations might break during the migration process and need to be adapted to Vue 3, Nuxt 3 and replacement libraries.

Migration steps


Dependency changes between Nuxt 2 and Nuxt 3

The first step to start the migration process should be to replace all necessary dependencies with suitable Nuxt 3 compatible versions and remove everything that will not be needed anymore. The following sections will shortly outline the differences in dependencies between a Nuxt 2-based DemoShop and a Nuxt 3-based SCAYLE Storefront Boilerplate.


Following a list of Nuxt 2-based DemoShop devDependencies and if they need to be migrated to Nuxt 3:

Package / ModuleRequired for Nuxt 3Note
@babel/coreNot required anymore for Nuxt 3 build setup
@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operatorNot required anymore for Nuxt 3 build setup
@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chainingNot required anymore for Nuxt 3 build setup
@babel/plugin-transform-class-propertiesNot required anymore for Nuxt 3 build setup
@babel/plugin-transform-runtimeNot required anymore for Nuxt 3 build setup
@babel/preset-typescriptNot required anymore for Nuxt 3 build setup
@nuxtjs/eslint-config-typescriptIncluded in @scayle/eslint-config-storefront
@nuxtjs/storybook🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
@types/express-sessionReplaced by @scayle/h3-session including types
@types/tailwindcss🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
@vue/vue2-jestjest should be replaced by vitest
babel-jestNot required anymore for Nuxt 3 test setup with vitest
jestjest should be replaced by vitest
sass🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
sass-loaderNot required, vite has built-in sass support
speed-measure-webpack-pluginvite is now used as Nuxt 3 build tool
storybook-addon-mock🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
ts-jestjest should be replaced by vitest
ts-loaderNuxt 3 provides Out-of-the-box TypeScript support
ts-nodeNuxt 3 provides Out-of-the-box TypeScript support
vue-eslint-parserIncluded in @scayle/eslint-config-storefront

Add those devDependencies as part of the Nuxt 3 migration preparations:

  • @nuxt/devtools
  • @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm
  • autoprefixer
  • nuxt-svgo
  • nuxt-viewport
  • ofetch
  • postcss-custom-properties
  • utility-types


Nuxt 2-based DemoShop dependencies needed for Nuxt 3:

Package / ModuleRequired for Nuxt 3Note
@crowdin/cli🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
@nuxt/typescript-runtimeNuxt 3 provides Out-of-the-box TypeScript support
@nuxtjs/composition-apiVue 3 provides Out-of-the-box Composition API support
@nuxtjs/google-fonts🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
@nuxtjs/gtmUse alternative package @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm
@nuxtjs/sentryCustom plugin implementation required
@scayle/omnichannel-nuxtNot yet supported with Nuxt 3 Storefront Boilerplate
@scayle/storefront-nuxt2➡️Migrate to @scayle/storefront-nuxt
@storyblok/nuxt-2➡️Migrate to @storyblok/nuxt
@types/consola🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
axios🤷We recommend to use ofetch, which is used by Nuxt 3 itself
body-parserExpress plugin that is not necessary with h3
consola🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
envalidNo runtime env validation possible
expressexpress has ben replaced by nitropack and h3 within Nuxt 3, not required
express-session➡️Migrate to @scayle/h3-session
jws🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
mobile-detectReplaced by nuxt-viewport
nuxt-svg-loaderReplaced by nuxt-svgo
portal-vueNative Vue 3 functionality
radash➡️Migrate to radash-nuxt
vue🤷Optional, depending on project requirement
vue-lazy-hydration➡️Replaced by nuxt-lazy-hydrate
vue-slick-carousel➡️Replaced by nuxt-swiper
vue-swipe-actionsNo replacement

Dependencies that should be added as part of the Nuxt 3 migration preparations:

  • nanoid
  • radash-nuxt
  • nuxt-lazy-hydrate
  • nuxt-swiper
  • yn

Basic Configuration, Runtime Config & .env

Refer to Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Configuration for Nuxt 3 specific migration steps.

The starting point for your Nuxt app remains your nuxt.config.ts file.

With the migration to Nuxt 3, one goal of the migration has been to make the application built as self-contained as possible ("build once, deploy anywhere"). This means moving most of the configuration options filled by environment variables to use the Nuxt 3 runtimeConfig.

As the nuxt.config.ts file is now pre-generated and serialized during build time, it is not able to execute dynamic functions, e.g. fetchStores during runtime anymore.

Replace the Dynamic functions within the nuxt.config.ts with the specified key-value objects. If the values have be injected dynamically, this should be done at runtime using the Nuxt 3 runtimeConfig.

For specific changes as part of the Storefront Boilerplate, check the SCAYLE Storefront Boilerplate Migration Guide.

Build Tooling

Refer to Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Build Tooling for Nuxt 3 specific migration steps.

Per default the SCAYLE Storefront Boilerplate is using vite and Rollup, including PostCSS and esbuild as build tools.

Should the Nuxt 2-based rely on custom Webpack 4 configuration, the changes need to be adapted for usage with vite (Nuxt 3 Vite Config).

State Management

Storefront Boilerplate does not include VueX by default. The useStore composable has been introduced which is using the useState under the hood.

Should the requirement call for a more versatile state management solution, we recommend migration to pinia. Check the Pinia Documentation for more detailed information.

Plugins, Modules & Middleware

Refer to Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Plugins and Middleware or Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Modules for Nuxt 3 specific migration steps.

Please note that the format for plugins, modules and router middleware has changed and former Nuxt 2 modules will not be compatible!

Due to the nature of the open-source ecosystem, not every module that has been used as part of the Nuxt 2-based DemoShop, will be available as part of the Nuxt 3-based Storefront Boilerplate or will have a drop-in replacement.

Replaced modules

The following modules or custom implementations have been replaced:

ModuleReplaced byDocumentation
nuxt-svg-loadernuxt-svgoSVG handling
vue-slick-carouselSwiperCarousel Implementation
custom breakpoints implementationnuxt-viewport moduleBreakpoints handling

For specific changes as part of the Storefront Boilerplate, check the SCAYLE Storefront Boilerplate Migration Guide.

Pages, Layouts & Storyblok

Refer to Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Configuration for Nuxt 3 migration steps.

Once the Nuxt-3-based Storefront Boilerplate is up-and-running, you'll need to refactor all pages and related components. We recommend choosing a page-by-page approach, which can be parallelized to reduce time constraints and dependencies.

Based on initial feedback, a potential page migration order might look as follows:

Base UI components

The Storefront Boilerplate introduces some refactoring to improve long-term maintainability, usability and to reduce code redundancy.

One such case of decreased redundancy has been the introduction of shared base UI components within the Storefront Boilerplate reference implementation. This includes most commonly used UI components across the application (Buttons, Links, Inputs, Toast, layout related components, etc.) to be used during implementation of the bigger chunks of the application (pages, layouts etc).

Depending on the project size and complexity, this approach can reduce the overall migration efforts.

Component Options

Refer to Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Component Options for Nuxt 3 specific migration steps.

Data fetching

Nuxt 3 provides new options for fetching data from an API. Nuxt 3 provides new composables for fetching data: useAsyncData and useFetch. They each have 'lazy' variants (useLazyAsyncData and useLazyFetch), which do not block client-side navigation.

To make your existing pages and components compatible with the new data fetching approach, the following steps are required:

  1. Replace the asyncData hook with useAsyncData or useFetch in your page/component.
  2. Replace the fetch hook with useAsyncData or useFetch in your component.


This feature is not yet supported in Nuxt 3. If you want to overwrite the default scroll behavior of vue-router, you can do so in ~/app/router.options.ts (see Router options docs) for more info.

Meta Tags

Refer to Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Meta for Nuxt 3 specific migration steps.

Nuxt 3 provides several different ways to manage your meta tags:

You can customize title, titleTemplate, base, script, noscript, style, meta, link, htmlAttrs and bodyAttrs.

Server & Deployment

Refer to Nuxt 3 Migration Guide / Configuration for Nuxt 3 specific migration steps.

In a built Nuxt 3 application, there is no runtime Nuxt dependency and no support from sourcing environment variables / runtimeConfig overrides from an .env file.

Should there be a need to source environment variables / runtimeConfig overrides from an .env file, we recommend using a Node.js version higher than 20.6, which includes native .env file support.

For more in-depth information regarding Nuxt 3 deployment options check the official Nuxt 3 Deployment Guide.


This section provides an overview of known migration issues and recommended solutions.

Dynamic / async component loading

The DefaultLink component is causing a full page reloadRename all {component}.async.vue to {component}.vue
Button click-event handlers are not firingNuxt 3 Dynamic Imports