  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. SCAYLE Contentful App

SCAYLE Contentful App

The SCAYLE Contentful Add-on comes with another application that you can install on your Contentful space, the SCAYLE Contentful App.
This extension of Contentful allows you to search and select the SCAYLE shop data from the Contentful content editor. Instead of wrestling between the SCAYLE Panel and the Contentful UI to copy Product or Category Ids to content elements you can use the app to

  • add products to content elements from Contentful content editor
  • add categories to content elements from Contentful content editor

Enabling the SCAYLE Contentful App

Contact your SCAYLE Account Manager to set up the eCommerce integration for SCAYLE on your enterprise Contentful account.

Once the app is set up on the Contentful side:

  1. Go to Add-Ons > Contentful Add-On > Settings.
  2. In Field Type Plugin, enable the access to product and category data.
  3. Click SAVE.

Configure the SCAYLE Contentful App

Once you have enabled access to product and categories in the SCAYLE Contentful Add-on, you can jump to configuring your app within your Contentful space.

In the app center of Contentful you can find and configure the SCAYLE Contentful app.

Configuration details

Go to the settings inside any content-model like a Product Slider and create a field with the field type of JSON Object on your Contentful space. Follow the instructions and select in the setup screen the appearance for the SCAYLE Contentful App.

Using products and categories to content elements

After setting up the app correctly, you can enter your content and click the button select categories or select products. A window will open up and enable you to search for a product or category within your SCAYLE shop. Select the products that you want to display within your content element such as Product Sliders, Category Banners or Product Cards.