  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. Masterfeed Add-on
  3. Creating A Feed

Creating a feed

Seps to create a new feed

To start creating a feed go to Add-Ons > Masterfeed Add-On > Feeds and click on New Feed. After you created your feed you will find it in the Feeds Overview and can start configuring it.


Pick the feed data source. Select the Default option to create a new feed from scratch. You are can also choose from our various integrations with major tools and key partners by using ready-to-use, preconfigured data feeds. For an overview on all pre-configured feeds and integrations visit our article on supported Integrations.

Select Feed Integration Type


Enter a Name like "My First Test Feed" and file name for the feed.

File name

Enter the name for the feeds file. Name like "My First Test Feed" and file name for the feed.

It is possible to use dynamic file names with variables like {shopId} or time stamps.

The Masterfeed Add-On supports the following variables:

  • filename_{created_at,U} - Example: filename_1256953732
  • filename_{created_at,c} - Example: filename_2022-08-15T15:52:01+00:00
  • filename_{created_at,Y-m-d} - Example: filename_2022-08-15
  • filename_{shopId} - Example: filename_1003

Data type

Pick the data type you want to see in your feed. Based on the integration configured you may set up product, stock, or category, price.


Upload an image. E.g. the logo of the tool you use this feed for.


Add a description for the feed like: "This is my first test feed".

Feeds Overview

The Feeds page gives you a list of the configured feeds and their states. The list items features the following information:

  • NAME: shows the name of the feed.
  • IMAGE: shows the image.
  • DATA TYPE: shows the data type (product, stock, category, price) of the feed.
  • FILE FORMAT: shows file format (XML or CSV) of the feed.
  • STATE: this data field shows one of these states: draft, active, inactive.
  • ID: shows the identifier of the feed.
  • INTEGRATION TYPE: shows the type of integration to indicate, if a feed is based on the add on default integration or a preconfigured feed for a 3rd party partner solution.

Feed Overview

Feed History

The history table gives you an overview of the latest 50 generated feeds and their states. The table features the following information:

  • NAME: shows the name of the feed.
  • DATA TYPE: shows the data type of the feed.
  • STARTED: shows when the feed has been created in a date and time format.
  • FINISHED: shows when the feed has been finished in a date and time format.
  • STATE: this data field shows one of these states: in progress, created, errored.
  • FILE: this data field provides a ZIP file so that your feed can be downloaded.\

Feed History