  1. Storyblok Add-on
  2. Synchronizations


This section allows to set up synchronization processes between SCAYLE and your CMS to facilitate your daily workflows and automate manual tasks. The Add-on features the following data syncs:

This section allows to set up synchronization processes between SCAYLE and your CMS to facilitate your daily workflows and automate manual tasks. The Add-on features the following data syncs:

  • Categories: create product listing pages in Storyblok for every new SCAYLE category
  • Brands: create brand pages in Storyblok for every new brand in SCAYLE - in development
  • Pages: create content pages in Storyblok whenever a new Page is created in SCAYLE - in development

Setting up a category sync

  • Go to Add-Ons > Storyblok Add-On > Synchonisations.
  • In Category Sync, enable the creation of PLPs in Storyblok for every new category.
  • Select the folder in your CMS, where the PLP entries should be created.
  • Define the Content Type to be used for the creation in Storyblok.
  • Optionally: Force an update of all categories e.g. for initially importing all categories as PLPs in Storyblok.
  • Click SAVE.