  1. Api Reference
  2. Resources
  3. Variants
  4. Batch Update Variant Stock

Batch update Variant stock

To batch update stock, all provided Stores and Variants must be known to the Omnichannel Add-on.

Batch Processing DetailsDescription
Processing OrderRequests are processed sequentially based on submission order (First In – First Out).
System CapacityHandles up to 1.5 million items per hour.
Tip: Submitting ordered variants may improve processing efficiency.
Batch Limit100 (default) - 2,000 variants per request (available upon request).

If you require an extended limit, please contact your SCAYLE Account Manager for configuration.


Error TypeDescription
Max Variants ExceededIf the maximum number of variants is exceeded, the request will fail with a 400 status code and error message: "The number of variants must not exceed the company variant import batch update limit."
Unknown Stores or VariantsIf the batch request contains unknown stores or variants, the batch update request will not be executed, and a 400 error will be returned.