  1. Omnichannel
  2. Resources
  3. Store Inventory Locator
  4. Inventory Locator

Inventory Locator

Variant Locator

Enable your customer to search for the nearest store with a specific variant in stock, by using the /variants/locator endpoint.

By providing a variant identifier (variantId or variant referenceKey), an address and a radius, you can query for the nearest store with that item in stock.

The response is limited to stores, that actually hold the variant in stock.

Request examples can be found in our API Reference docs: Variant Locator

Implementation hints

  • In the response you’ll also find some details to the requested variant, like the connected product (productId), the product name including translations (name) and further attributes (additionData). This information in the payload should be considered a helper. For displaying product information, we still recommend requesting the Storefront API additionally.
  • The quantity property displays the number of items available in the store
  • You can display these results on a map or in a list.
  • Once a store has been selected, you can also re-check the availability of the variant in the selected store by using Integrating the Store Inventory Locator | Store Availability Check

A Variant in a specific store (Store Inventory Locator)

Check the availability of a variant in a specif store by using the /stores/{storeId}/variants/{variantId} endpoint.

This is helpful, when the customer already selected a store before, and you want to make sure, that the item is still available. Or if your store supports a favorite store functionality. In these cases, you can already request the availability of the item in the store when the customers visit the PDP.

For this endpoint, you need to provide the variant identifier, and a store identifier.

Request examples can be found in our API Reference docs: Specific Variant in Store

All Variants in a specific store

Get a list of all available variants in a specific store

Request examples can be found in our API Reference docs: Variants in Store