  1. Omnichannel
  2. Resources
  3. Stores
  4. Store Crud Operations

Store CRUD operations

Store Index

By default, the store index endpoint only returns active stores. Optionally, you can set a boolean parameter filters.includeInactive to true, to also receive a list of inactive stores.

Various filters and pagination parameters are documented in the API reference docs

Create Store

Within the POST request, optionally, you can provide a boolean parameter updateIfExists. If that is set to true, we'll use the referenceKey to search for an existing store and update its data.

Request examples can be found in our API Reference docs: Create Store

Update Store

Updates are sent as a PATCH request.

Request examples can be found in our API Reference docs: Update Store

Delete Store

Stores can be deleted at any time.

Request examples can be found in our API Reference docs: Delete Store