  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. Zendesk Add-On
  3. SCAYLE Zendesk Sidebar App

SCAYLE Zendesk Sidebar App

The SCAYLE Zendesk Add-On comes with another application that you can install on your Zendesk instance. This extension allows your customer agents to see the customer data and order within your Zendesk instance, nstead of wrestling between the SCAYLE Panel and the Zendesk UI to inspect customer information.

Enabling the SCAYLE Zendesk Sidebar App

Contact your SCAYLE Account Manager to set up the eCommerce integration for SCAYLE on your enterprise Zendesk account.

Configure the SCAYLE Zendesk App

In the app center of Zendesk you can find and configure the SCAYLE Zendesk app.

After setting up the SCAYLE Zendesk Sidebar App every agent can pin the app to the sidebar and start using it. A requirement for the usage is a valid SCAYLE Panel account in order to login and see customer data. After logging into the panel the SCAYLE Zendesk Sidebar App will be usable for the customer agent.