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  4. Sell Digital Products & Services Without Stock

Sell digital products & services without stock


The scalable nature of digital products makes them very interesting for companies to sell. For example, creating a program that helps people with their tax returns comes with initial costs, however the product can virtually be sold an infinite amount of times.

Companies might also want to sell a service that fits their products, such as installation, or gift wrapping. Such services also have no stock.

To accommodate the selling of products without stock, such as digital goods, gift cards or services SCAYLE has an out of the box solution.

Before you start

Before diving into this topic, ensure you’re familiar with:

  • Creating products in SCAYLE
  • Creating variants in SCAYLE
  • Adding stock in SCAYLE

Use case

Digital, unlimited products have no stock and can not be sold out. for those products the flag sellableWithouStock should be set to true, so that they can always be purchased in the store.

A concrete example would be digital gift cards. Let’s say a company wants to deliver gift cards to their clients via e-mail and not as physical goods. In this case the stock for those giftcards should be created with "sellableWithoutStock": true, so that these products don’t go offline when their “stock” goes to 0.

Be careful which products you define as sellable without stock! Setting this flag carelessly can lead to overselling!

Admin API

Basic concept and implementation

When creating stock information for a variant, you have the possibility to define whether a product is sellable without stock. This is a boolean expression (true/false) and is sent when creating stock information for a variant. The stock you send for a variant will first be used up, but once it reaches 0 the product will still be available.

The post for creating stock looks like this:


  "quantity": 17,

  "warehouseReferenceKey": "myWarehouse",

  "changedAt": "2020-07-23T11:30:58+00:00",

  "sellableWithoutStock": true
