Define Your Assortment
You’ve created a sellable product in SCAYLE, and now there’s only one easy configuration step left: adding the product to the shop assortment.
The assortment defines what products are available on the shop country level, determining where you’ll sell products. We base assortments on attribute groups, so make sure you have information that differentiates products for each shop country available.
You can configure your assortment configuration manually in the SCAYLE Panel. See details here.
Only products that are part of the assortment will be available for order creation.
Considerations when configuring your assortment
To see if you need different assortments, consider the following questions:
- Do you have products that you’re not allowed to sell in any shop countries for legal reasons?
- Is any brand not sellable in a specific shop country?
- Do you have different target groups per shop country?
If you’d answer “yes” to any of those questions, you should set up specific shop country shop assortments. Check if you can take care of the configuration based on existing attribute groups. But if not, determine a specific attribute group definition to delineate in which countries this product should be available.
So what about our Fashion Store assortment?
For our Fashion Store, there are no specific requirements regarding different assortments in varying shop countries, so we can use a generic assortment configuration and add all products to the assortment. The easiest way to do this is by adding the merchant to the assortment. Then all merchant-related products are part of the shop assortment.
Find the assortment configuration in the SCAYLE Panel:
- Go to
Shops > [Shop Name] > Internationalization > Assortment > Choose a shop country
Assortment configuration
You must perform this step for all three shop countries. This also means that you can have different assortments on the shop country level.
Congratulations, all your products are part of the shop assortment and can be purchased.
Now let’s receive some orders!