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Attribute groups
Create a new attribute group
Delete an attribute group
Get an attribute group
List attribute groups
Get attributes for given attribute group
Update an attribute group
Update frontend name
Create attribute group attribute
Update attribute group attribute
Delete attribute group attribute
Product attributes
Get a product attribute
List product attributes
Update or create a product attribute
Delete a product attribute
Product variant attributes
Update or create a product variant attribute
Get a product variant attribute
List product variant attributes
Delete a product variant attribute
Product master attributes
Update or create a product master attribute
Get product master attributes
Get a product master attribute
Delete a product master attribute
Product image attributes
Update or create a product image attribute
Get a product image attribute
Get product image attributes
Delete a product image attribute
Create a new brand
List Brands
Get a brand
Update a brand
Delete a brand
Create a new campaign
List campaigns
Get a campaign
Update a campaign
Delete a campaign
List variant reductions
Update variant reductions
Update product reductions
Delete campaign reductions
Create a new carrier
List carriers
Update carriers
Get a carrier
Attach carrier to merchant
Detach carrier from a merchant
Create a new company
List companies
Get a company
Update a company
Custom data configuration
Create a custom data config
Get custom data configuration
Update custom data configuration
Delete custom data configuration
List customers
Get a customer
Create a customer
Update a customer
Update customer reference key
Customer address
Create a new customer address
Get customer addresses
Get explicit customer address
Update a customer address
Update a customer address reference key
Customer anonymization
Anonymize a customer
Anonymize a customer's address
Customer groups
Create new customer groups
Delete customer group
Customer membership
Create a new customer membership
Delete a customer membership
Get customer memberships
Update an existing customer membership
Customer states
Get a customer status
Update a customer status
Send reset email
Update password
Set a password hash
Create a new shipment
Cancel shipment
Return items
Master Categories
Create a new master category
List master categories
Get a master category
Update master category
Delete master category
Create a new merchant
List merchants
Get a merchant
Update a merchant
Merchant contacts
Create merchant contact
Get a merchant contact
Get merchant contacts for given filter
Update merchant contact
Delete merchant contact
Return addresses
Create a return address
Get a return address
List filtered return addresses
Update return address
Delete return address
Attach warehouse to merchant
Create an order
Get an order
List orders
Get an order status
Update order reference key
Delete an order
Package groups
List package groups
Link package groups to warehouse
Delete package group
Update package groups
Create a product
List products
Get a product
Update a product
Delete a product
Update product state
Set time for the first live
Update product master categories
Bulk create or update products
Product attributes
Create or update attributes
List attributes values
Get a product attribute
Delete attributes
Products Compositions
Create composite products
Update composite products
Delete product compositions
Bulk create or update product compositions
Product images
Create a product image
List product images
Update product image position
Update or create product image attributes
Get product image attribute
Delete product image
Product master attributes
Create or update master attribute
List master attributes
Get a product master attribute
Delete master attributes
Product sets
Unlink referencing product sets
Product sortings
Create product sortings
Delete product sortings
Product variants
Create a new product variant
List product variants
Update a product variant
Delete product variant
Get a product variant
Product variant attributes
Get product variant attribute
Get product variant attributes
Create or update product variant attributes
Delete product variant attributes
Product variant compositions
Create a new composite product variant
Update composite product variant
Delete composite product variant
Product variant prices
Create or update product variant price
List product variant prices
Delete a product variant's price
Bulk create or update product variant prices
Price rounding
Create price rounding
List price rounding
Delete price rounding
Create a promotion
Update a promotion
List promotions
Get a promotion by ID
Delete promotion by ID
Create audiences
Update audience
List audiences
Get audience by ID
Delete audience
Promotion Codes
Create promotion codes
List promotion codes
Delete promotion codes
Create a redirect
Create or update redirects in bulk
Update a redirect
List redirects
Delete redirects
Delete redirect
Create reservations
Delete reservations
Create a shop
List shops
Update a shop
Shop countries
Attach warehouse
Detach warehouse
Update priority
Update shop country assortment
Create a new shop country
Update a shop country
List shop countries
Get shop country by code
Shop categories
Create shop category
List shop categories
Get a shop category
Delete shop category
Update shop category
Update or create shop category country
Get shop category country
Create configuration
Get configuration
Unlink referencing product sets
Update or create a shop category property
Create a shop category property key
Update shop category property keys
Get shop category property keys
Get shop category property specific key
Delete a shop category property
Delete a shop category property key
Create stock
Set sellable without stock
List stock
List translations
Create or update translations
List vouchers
Delete vouchers
Update a voucher
Create a voucher
Get a voucher
Voucher criteria
Add new criterion to the voucher
Get a voucher criterion
List voucher criteria
Update a voucher criterion
Delete a voucher criterion
Create a new warehouse
Attach warehouse to merchant
Attach warehouse to shop country
List warehouses
List merchant warehouses
Update warehouse priority
Detach a warehouse from merchant
Detach a warehouse from shop country
Delete a warehouse
Custom data
Create or update shop custom data for key
Get shop custom data
Update shop custom data
Delete Shop custom data
Delete Shop custom data by key
Shop custom data by key
Shop countries
Create custom data
Create custom data key
Get custom data
Get custom data key
Delete custom data
Delete custom data key
Shop categories
Create or update custom data
Create or update custom data key
List custom data
List custom data key
Delete custom data
Delete custom data key
Shop country categories
Create or update specific key
Create or update custom data
Delete custom data
Delete specific key
Get custom data
Get custom data key
Product variant
List product variant custom data
Get product variant custom data by key
Create or update custom data
Create or update custom data key
Delete custom data
Delete custom data by key
List product custom data
List custom data key
Update custom data
Update custom data key
Delete custom data
Delete custom data key
Brands Custom Data
Create or update custom data for a brand
Create or update specific key of custom data for a brand
Delete a key of custom data for a brand
Delete custom data for a brand
Get custom data for a brand
Get data of a key in custom data for a brand
Campaign custom data
Create or update custom data
List custom data
Delete custom data
Update custom data key
List custom data key
Delete custom data key
Bulk Requests
List Bulk Requests
Get Bulk Request Status
Cancel Bulk Request
Get Bulk Operation Status
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Create a subscription
Delete a subscription
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Scayle Resource Center
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