  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Add-ons
  4. Customer Service Add-on
  5. Customers


The SCAYLE Panel includes a number of features allowing you to view customer-related information. All features are limited to viewing data. Changes to customer data or orders can only be made if the CUSTOMER CARE product was also purchased.

The advanced customer and order management functions of CUSTOMER CARE are not explained in this user manual.

You can view customer-specific information in the Customer area – Add-ons > Customer Service Add-on > Customers – and search for individual customers on the overview page. Details on how to search for customers are listed in the section Search Customers.

If you click the search button on the overview page without having entered any information, the SCAYLE Panel automatically displays a list of all existing customers in the system.

By default, the last performed searches display below the search input fields.

CS Add-on - Customers page

Search Customers

The customer overview page contains some empty input fields that you can use to refine your search for specific customers. You do not have to fill in all fields. Yet, the more precise the information you enter, the better the search result.

The following input fields are available for search:

  • Customer number (ID)
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Street
  • City
  • ZIP code

Click Search to display all matching results. Click Reset to delete all filters again.

Saved Customer Information

The SCAYLE Panel collects different information for each customer:

  • Basic information (e.g., customer name and email address)
  • Address-related information

Customer email addresses can be encrypted when displayed. If you have the corresponding permissions, you can enable or disable encryption in the Customer Panel settings: Settings > User Management > Roles and then Customer App > General and the specific role.

If there is a need to save additional data, extra input fields can be added as part of the implementation project (for example, to assign customers to specific customer groups).

Within SCAYLE, addresses always consist of several components such as street, postal code, and city. The system can store an unlimited number of addresses for each customer. By default, preferred delivery and billing addresses are defined that can be used for new orders. The customer can edit these settings at any time and adapt them for a new order if necessary.

Customer Details Page

The customer details page opens when you click on a customer on the overview page. This detailed view bundles customer-specific information.

Customer Details page including name, customer ID, email, and date of birth.

Each customer details page contains Header, Main Info, and different tabs for Orders, Addresses, Wishlists, and Baskets.

In the top right of the page there is also a green Start Communication button that allows agents to keep track of customer communication. For more details about this feature, see Start Communication.

In the Header area, you will find basic information such as name, customer ID, email, and date of birth. Small icons also show how many products are currently on the customer's wishlist and in the basket. To get view information click Show Positions.

Below the Header is the Main Info area displaying further relevant information.

Registered withLists shops user is registered for.
Created DateShows when customer account was created.
Login via FacebookIndicates account authorization via Facebook.
IPShows IP address customer used for first login.
ISPShows customer’s internet provider.
RatePayIndicates if customer is eligible for payments by invoice/Ratepay.


The next area on the Customer Details Page provides an overview of all orders the customer has placed. The following filters can be used to filter for orders:

  • Shops
  • Payment methods
  • Shipping status
  • Billing status

Order number, shipping and payment status, and total amount are displayed for each order. To access additional details click Show. A pop-up window will open, showing products that were part of the order and the shop an order was placed in. In addition, product information, such as size and color, is displayed.

To view even more details about a specific order, click Show Order.


Different customer shipping and billing addresses can be added. To view all address information saved in the system for a single customer by click the Addresses tab.

In this tab, all addresses are listed that customers have entered and used for orders at different times. In addition, there is a separate area on the order details page displaying the delivery and billing addresses a customer has selected for a particular order.


You can view, add, and edit customer notes in the Customers area. Click the Notes tab to view all notes attached to a particular customer.

On the customer details page, you can create notes for any given customer. You can create notes from scratch or use a template.

Create Notes

To Create a new note click Add note. You have to enter a headline and a description in the respective fields. You can then select one of the following statuses:

  • Open
  • Waiting for feedback
  • In progress
  • Resolved

You can assign the note to a user role for editing, and add a topic as well as documents. You can also flag urgent notes with a warning which is then marked with a red frame in the overview.

When you move the mouse over a note, a three-point menu will appear that allows you to edit the note in various ways:

  • Leave a comment about an update
  • Assign a note to another user
  • Enable or disable the warning for a note
  • Change the status of a note
  • Delete a note

Create Notes from a Template

If you prefer to use a note template, click the button on the right and select the desired template. When you choose a template, headline and description are filled out automatically. You can then proceed to edit the note.

Filter Notes

On the right side, you will find filter options that allow you to search for notes by the following criteria:

  • Notes: within the current order, all notes, customer notes, or order notes
  • Type: all, manual notes, automatic notes, or warning
  • Status: all, open, waiting for feedback, in progress, or resolved
  • Topic: e.g., communication, account blocked, or return declined


Customers can create a personal wishlist to add items they are currently not buying but would still like to save. Depending on the frontend structure, products can either be placed on the wishlist in the shop, or moved from the basket to the wishlist.

Before customers can use the wishlist function, the backend has to be adjusted. Since the two systems – basket and wishlist – operate independently of SCAYLE, it is necessary to connect them to the system via an interface. The illustration shows the relationship between the two systems and SCAYLE.

The wishlist icon, which is part of the customer details page header, shows you how many items a customer has added to a personal wishlist. You can get a detailed view of these items either by clicking on Show Positions or the tab Wishlists.

The Wishlists tab displays additional information for each product, such as item number, color, price, and the shop selling it. To search the wishlist for specific items, you can filter by shop, position, or price.

Search Wishlist

If the customer added a large number of products to the wishlist, you can filter them by the following criteria:

  • Shops: which stores the products come from
  • Availability: if the product is available or sold out
  • Price: which price ranges need to be filtered


Before the customer can submit an order, the desired items must first be placed in the basket, where they can be viewed, edited, or moved to the customer's wishlist at any time.

Like the wishlist, the basket is an external system that must be connected to SCAYLE via an interface so customers can add individual items to the basket. Different customer actions trigger different calls at the interface to the basket:

  • Customer adds item to (or deletes item from) basket
  • Customer reviews basket at basket page
  • Customer marks item to be transferred to the wishlist
  • Customer proceeds to checkout

The following illustration shows the interdependence between basket and SCAYLE.

To view a customer's basket click Show Positions. Alternatively, click on the basket icon in the page’s header or navigate to the Baskets tab at the bottom of the page.

You can now view all items a customer has placed in the basket. You can see different details like item number, variant, color, shop, and the unit price for each item. Use filters to limit the number of displayed items. Currently available filters are: shops, positions, and prices.

Search in Basket

If the customer added a large number of products to the basket, you can filter them by the following criteria:

  • Shops: which stores the products come from
  • Availability: if the product is available or sold out
  • Price: which price ranges need to be filtered

Wishlist & Basket Key Patterns

Users are able to see wishlists and baskets in the customer module once the appropriate configuration is in place. To enable this functionality, wishlist and basket keys must be configured at the shop level within the Customer Service Add-on. The modules can only access the basket or wishlist if the key is configured and the user added items to it.

A typical pattern for wishlist and basket is {tenant}_customer_{customerId}.

The keys must adhere to the following rules:

  • Must be a string
    • Can only contain _, a to z , A to Z , Numbers 0-9
  • Must contain the {customerId} placeholder
    • No other placeholders are available

Note: To configure the wishlist and basket key please reach out to your SCAYLE Account Manager and tell them the key pattern you like to use.


This feature is currently not available. However, in the future, you will be able to view returns and trigger refunds on the customer details page using a special tag.

In the overview list, you will find individual order IDs, return request names, refunded amounts, as well as dates and the names of the agents initiating returns. By click Generate Statistics to download a return report.

Other Actions

Reset Password

Click Reset Password to reset the password of a customer. Confirm the email address and the customer will receive an email with a link to reset the password.

Edit Communication

Customers can unsubscribe from various communication channels: email, postal mail, and all channels. If the customer confirms selecting all channels, he/she will not be able to subscribe to a newsletter afterwards.

Download Customer Report

To download a DSGVO report as PDF for the customer and send it to them, select Download Customer Report.

Download Migration Data

If a customer wants to transfer personal data to another online shop, you can generate a PDF with all information about the customer order by clicking Download Migration Data.

Anonymize Customer

On request, you can also anonymize customer information. Click on Anonymize and we will delete all customer data. At the same time, other companies to which we have forwarded the customer data, such as carriers, will be informed as well.

Block Customer

If a customer raises negative attention, you can block the account by clicking Block. As soon as a customer is blocked, an automatic note is generated that the customer has been blocked. You can unblock the account at any time using the same procedure.

Information for Authorities

At times, authorities will seek information about one of your customers. By clicking on the tab you can view, edit, download, or delete all customer information public authorities might request from you.

Saved Authority Information

If an official report was previously created for a customer, you would see the following information:

Statusdisplays whether the directory assistance is still open, saved or deactivated
Creation Datedate the authorities report was created
Created Byuser who created the report
Addressaddress of the authority that requested the information
File Numberfile number of the request
Attachmentsall attachments added to the report
Actionother functions such as Download or Deactivate Information for Authorities

New Report for Authorities

If there is a request by a public authority, you can create a report by clicking on the button New.

Titletitle of the report
Descriptionreason for the report
File Numberfile number of the information
Contact Person, Authority, Street, House Number, Postal Code, City, Countrydata of contact person
Attachmentsattachments to be added


You can also download a report as a PDF file.