  1. Scayle Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Add-ons
  4. Customer Service Add-on
  5. Other Features

Other Features

Gift Cards

On the Gift Card page, you can search issued gift cards by:

  • Customer ID
  • Order ID
  • Gift Card Code

Create Gift Card

To create a new gift card select Create in the upper-right corner. The following information is required to create a gift card:

  • Shop where the gift card applies
  • Gift Card Value (currency pre-determined by shop)
  • Recipient Name
  • Recipient Email

Optionally, you can add a custom message to be sent to the recipient.


The Products page gives you easy access to common product information. You can search products using any combination of:

  • Product ID
  • Shop ID
  • Search term (name, brand, etc.)
  • Reference Key
  • Shop

To display the search results click Search. To clear the search fields and start over, click Reset.

For each product, the search results include the following:

  • Image
  • Product ID
  • Variant ID
  • Shop ID
  • Name
  • Brand
  • Merchant
  • Active (yes/no)

Click the product image to view an enlarged photo. You can view variant information (sizes, colors, Attribute Groups) by clicking the variant ID.

Bulk Notes

The Orders page allows you to create notes for a unique order. Bulk Notes allows you to create notes for multiple orders at once.

Create a Bulk Note

To create a note:

  1. Enter a Title and Description.
  2. Enter Order IDs by either typing each ID and hitting Enter or paste a comma-separated list.
  3. Select Status (Resolved, Open, Waiting for Feedback, or In Progress).
  4. Selected a Topic (Note, Communication, Manual Refund, Failed Payment, Failed Refund, Channel unsubscribed, Account updated, Order withdrawn).
  5. Assign to the appropriate department.

Once the information is entered, click Validate to complete the note.

Bulk Invoices

On the Invoice Export page, you can create a new bulk invoice and download existing bulk invoice files.

Create Bulk Invoice

To create a bulk invoice:

  1. Select Invoice type (Corrective invoice, Partial invoice, Invoice).
  2. Enter Order IDs either by typing them and hitting enter or pasting a comma-separated list.

Click Generate File.

Export Bulk Invoice Files

To export a generated file, you can click the Download icon. You can also select the box adjacent to Generation date and click Export.

Note Templates

The Note Template page allows you to search existing note templates and create new ones. You can search note templates by any combination of:

  • Template name
  • Topic
  • Languages
  • Groups (assigned to)

Create a Note Template

To create a new template click New Templates. You will arrive on the New Note Template page. To create a template:

  1. Select a Topic and which groups/departments the note is Accessible for.
  2. Complete the Content including the Title and Description in the appropriate languages.

To save the new template click Create.

The created template will appear in the Templates dropdown on the Customers and Orders pages.

Campaign Calendar

Campaigns appear on the Campaign Calendar. You can also switch to a List view for the selected month.

[note] The Campaign Calendar is a powerful feature designed to enhance the efficiency and organization of call center operations by providing a centralized platform for managing and tracking campaigns. This feature enables call center agents and supervisors to easily view the active campaigns within their organization. All campaigns must be created by a supervisor. [/note]

Create Campaign

To create a new campaign click Create Campaign. Enter the following fields:

  • Name
  • Campaign Type (Sales, Voucher, Other)
  • Start date and End date
  • Voucher ID (optional)
  • Description
  • Shops
  • Roles

To save the new campaign click Create Campaign. You can also Discard to exit without saving or Save as Draft.

Edit or Remove Campaign

You can edit a campaign by selecting it either on the calendar or list view. Select Edit from the details view and then Save changes. To delete a campaign click Remove.


The Merchants page is a convenient way to access merchant information. You can search by name and order them alphabetically.

Select a merchant from the list to view Contact and Return Address details.

Payment Methods

On the Payment Methods page, the view of the payment methods can be configured. The information is used to display the right logos, carrier name, etc. on the customer/orders section based on the carrier code. The payment code is received from checkout and is matched to this configuration to display it in a more user-friendly manner.

Added payment methods are listed on the Payment Methods page.

Add New Payment Method

To add a payment method, click New Payment Method. Complete the fields including:

  • Logo
  • Payment Method Name
  • Payment code
  • Payment provider URL
  • Select whether it is a cash delivery method (no/yes)

Once the details are complete, click Add Payment Method.

Edit or Remove Payment Method

Access Payment Method Details by selecting the method from the list on the main page. Once changes are made, click Save Payment Method. To remove the method click Delete.