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  2. User Guide
  3. Add-ons
  4. Customer Service Add-on
  5. Telephone Orders

Telephone Orders

This feature is part of CUSTOMER CARE, a separate SCAYLE product for customer service staff that must be purchased additionally.

In addition to online orders, you can also place phone orders in the Customer Panel. If you have the necessary rights, you can place orders for existing customers as well as new customers. Only orders for "guest customers" cannot be processed.

The Customer Panel and Checkout continuously synchronize to ensure that always have access to the most recent data available when placing a phone order.

Phone orders as part of the Customer Care package.


Before configuring and enabling the Telephone Orders feature in the SCAYLE Panel, ensure the following preconditions are met:

Customer Service Add-on
Ensure you have access to the Customer Service Add-On in the SCAYLE Panel.
Configuration of Carriers
  • Carriers must be correctly configured in the Checkout system.
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    Allowed Payment Types
  • For telephone orders only the payment types invoice and cash on delivery can be used. To set up these payment types reach out to your SCAYLE Account Manager.
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    Basket and Wishlist Key Format
    The basket & wishlist key needs to follow the pattern {{tenant}}_{{customerid}} to work on phone orders. (i.e. acme_1234)
    Access to Checkout and API Credentials
  • Ensure you have the necessary credentials to access and configure APIs in Checkout.
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    SCAYLE Panel Permissions
    Confirm you have the required permissions to make changes in the Settings > Configurations section of the SCAYLE Panel.
    Feature Availability
    Navigate to Settings > Configurations in the SCAYLE Panel and look for phone_orders sub key
    In case the feature is Not Active please reach out to your SCAYLE Account Manager to activate it.

    These preconditions are essential to ensure the smooth configuration and functionality of Telephone Orders.

    If you take orders by phone, you can choose between existing customers and new customers.

    Existing Customer

    Customer Panel’s customer overview page also lists the last five customers you had contact with. If the search results display the correct customer, you can start a new phone order by clicking on the customer.

    New Customer

    If you are placing an order for a new customer, you first have to create a customer account. If the customer does not already exist in the system, you can add the customer’s data.

    Enter the customer’s name, phone number, email, and date of birth. Customers must be at least 18 years old to place an order. Once you enter all mandatory data, you can continue the order process by clicking Next.

    Placing Phone Orders

    A phone order is divided into different steps:

    • Customer information
    • Basket
    • Gift cards and vouchers
    • Shipping services
    • Addresses
    • Payment methods

    Customer Information

    The customer information displays the following data:

    • Name
    • Customer ID
    • Email address
    • Date of birth
    • Date of registration
    • Current shipping and billing address

    When you enter the data of new customers, their information is automatically added.


    If you want to add products to an order, click Add and confirm. The products will be added to the basket. You have three different options to add products to your order:

    1. Product Search: find available products searching the online shop (e.g., for product name, product ID or EAN).
    2. Basket: view all products a customer has already added to the online shop basket.
    3. Wishlist: view all products a customer has already added to the wishlist.

    You can use all three options to add products to phone orders by clicking Add to Order. If a product has already been added to the phone order, this will be indicated by a corresponding status. Once the desired products have been added to the basket, you can change size and quantity. Discounted products will also display sale prices.

    Voucher and Gift Card

    Add a voucher or a gift card to an order

    If a gift card or voucher is no longer valid or cannot be used by a customer, you will receive an error message with further details. If a voucher or gift card is valid, this is indicated by a check mark.

    Delete the voucher

    Click on the X, and you can delete the voucher or gift card. If the voucher or gift card is successfully added to the order, it will be displayed again in the next step with the respective price reduction.

    Check the Vouchers page for more information.

    Shipping Service

    If it is possible to select a shipping service, this can be done in the next step. Shipping options may be product-specific. Therefore, there is a chance that you might not be able to select any shipping service at all. Available shipping services are nevertheless still displayed.


    During the ordering process, you are always shown the most recent customer addresses. Click on an address to add it to the order. When creating customer accounts, you must first enter a new address. This address will be set automatically as the shipping and billing address. However, you can change it at any time.

    Alternatively, you can also select a collection point such as a Hermes Paketshop or a DHL Packstation as the delivery address.

    Payment Methods

    The available payment methods are displayed. Select a payment method by clicking on it. After choosing a payment method (e.g., invoice) the system will check if the customer meets the payment method’s requirements and proceed with the ordering process.

    Custom Data

    If needed, you can also add customer-specific information to the order, such as special discounts applied to the order.


    The last step is to check all order details on the overview page. Products are already bundled in packages, and you will also be shown delivery dates. Billing or shipment costs are listed separately. Redeemed vouchers or gift cards are also listed.

    Finish the order by clicking Complete. The system might now check requirements for a payment by invoice again. If your order is successful, you will be redirected to the order overview page.

    Order overview page.