  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  3. Settings
  4. Checkout
  5. Checkout Config
  6. Shipping Options

Shipping Options

Add existing shipping options to a country. You can also add details like base/express costs and whether a given shipping option is default.

Before you start

Make sure to add carriers in the Checkout settings. Default carriers are listed below.

Add Shipping Option

  1. Go to Settings > Shipping And Delivery > Shipping Options.
  2. Select Add Shipping Option.
  3. Enter:
    1. Carrier Group
    2. Name Base
    3. Shipping Service Cost
    4. Additional Express Shipping Service Cost
    5. Is Default (True/False)
    6. Shipping Policy Key
  4. Select Save Shipping Option.

Existing shipping options

Existing options are listed under Settings > Shipping and Delivery > Shipping Options > Overview.

Edit shipping options

  1. Go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery > Shipping Options.
  2. Edit an existing shipping option using the respective icons to the right of the option.

Delete shipping options

  1. Go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery > Shipping Options.
  2. Delete an existing shipping option using the respective icons to the right of the option.

Add Shipping Option

Sort on Device

With the Sorting on Device tab, you can adjust the order in which shipping options appear for a given device.

Select the icon to the left of an option name to drag the option into the desired order. Alternatively, adjust the numbers to the right of the option name.

Default carriers

NameCodeGroup NameTracking Url
DHL_STD_NATIONALDHLdhl\{{ language }}/{}