  1. SCAYLE Resource Center
  2. User Guide
  4. Checkout
  5. Checkout Config
  6. Webhook Management

Webhook Management

SCAYLE allows you to get notified when a certain event happens in the system. This feature is handled by webhooks.

(Admin-) Webhooks V2

Please use (Admin-) Webhooks for new implementations, which will fully replace Checkout Webhooks in the future.

Add a webhook

  1. Go to Shops > Shop > Storefront > Checkout Settings > Admin Webhooks.
  2. Click Add Webhook.
  3. Enter Authentication field.
  4. Enter the Type of webhook event you would like to subscribe to.
  5. Click SAVE.

A complete list of webhook events is provided in the Developer Guide.

Webhook Status Monitoring

Click on a created webhook to monitor the status of your webhooks in real-time, with detailed insights into status codes.

HTTP Response Codes overview

This dashboard helps you identify potential issues, track success/failure rates, and ensure optimal webhook performance.

0The request never reached the server, e.g. due to network issues, timeouts, or client-side failures.
200 (OK)The request was successful, and the server returned the expected response.
400 (Bad Request)The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax or missing parameters.
500 (Internal Server Error)The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Checkout Webhooks

Checkout Webhooks are deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please avoid using them in new implementations. Please use Admin Webhooks for new implementations.

Add a webhook

  1. Go to Shops > Shop > Storefront > Checkout Settings > Checkout Webhooks.
  2. Click Add Webhook.
  3. Enter Authentication field.
  4. Enter the Type of webhook event you would like to subscribe to.
  5. Click SAVE.

A complete list of webhook events is provided in the Developer Guide.

New webhook

Further education - SCAYLE Academy